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WN Mechanics seek mediation

swamt said:
And more unions join in on the "No-confidence" vote for the leaders of SWA. Pretty bad when about 40K employees out of not quite 50K vote No-confidence in the 2 leaders. And take note, unions that are not in negotiations are also voting no-confidence of the CEO and the COO.  So not so much just the unions trying to gain some sort of "leverage" at the nego table...
Press Release: Southwest Airlines’ Four Largest Unions Join Together in Demand for New Leadership
August 3, 2016 -- (DALLAS) – Boards of directors from the four largest unions at Southwest Airlines, representing nearly 38,000 of SWA’s approximately 50,000 employees, all completed votes of “no confidence” in the CEO and COO of the airline. The representative organizations include the flight attendants (TWU 556), mechanics (AMFA), pilots (SWAPA), and Ground Operations (TWU 555) employees. 
And now it's the F/A's are doing their Informational picketing with support from the pilots and mechanics as well as other groups not even in contract negotiations at this time.  You know it is sad to watch this airline diminish in the way it has for the last several years and still getting worst.  We must keep these IP's going strong and keeping it alive.  Houston is having one this month and I hope many from Dallas can support and attend as they did for us up here in Dallas.  Hoping the pilots and F/A's join in on this one too...

Southwest Employees To Form Picket Line Monday At Love Field
Birdman said:
I find it unreasonable in times of extraordinary growth and profits to be asking for financial concessions from mechanics considering the double didget growth in our CEO's pay, which includes generous stock options, since 2012. The terms "unsustainable" and "safety issue" used as justification for certain "must haves" is ludicrous and insulting. I'm certainly open to common sense operational changes that would decrease flight cancellations and delays but at this time I'll be taking a hands off approach to language that removes thousands of dollars from my paycheck. Our contract is certainly unique in this industry and has drawn many talented mechanics away from Southwest's competitors with many years of valuable experience. Our sacrifice for leaving a high seniority position at the legacy carriers to start "at the bottom" is being met the outright hostility and disrespect. Mr. Kelly, I don't begrudge you your pay as you've been instrumental in building an awesome airline so please, don't begrudge mine.
Well said sir. Agree 100%...
Here's the latest update from this weeks negotiations.  Movements from both sides, BUT, need more information on the details to be able to filter thru, and get better idea of what the full asks are involving here. I will leave it at that for now, but at an early thought, it still looks like the company is still falling short especially for what they are asking for:

AMFA - SWA Technician Negotiations Update #44
August 11, 2016 -- We heard from you, the members, at the outset of these negotiations that you were not interested in a concessionary agreement. Your Committee has maintained that position and protected your directive throughout this process. The proposal presented by the Company this week was nothing short of just that – a concessionary agreement whereby you would fund your own raises by selling your language. The Company wants us to sell our work, our ability to earn overtime and quality of life work rules wholesale in order to fund the economic package you will see in this update. 
IBT and UAL reach agreement in principle. No numbers yet still needs to finalize, so not sure if its going to be any good or if its a forced deal like the previous one. 
Good to hear, I hope. Pls give us an update when you know all the details.  You know it's kind of weird, all of a sudden after AA brings the raises to their mechanics all of a sudden you guys get an agreement in principle and we are getting better offers (as far as economics) and it seems the co. is now wanting to come to terms, is it just me, or what?  Good luck buddy, hope it is something you all want.
Perhaps the company's abrupt departure from negotiations was due to the United newsflash. Ok Mr. Kelly, it should be quickly confirmed that the industry has caught up. You have the power to close bitter protracted negotiations with your mechanics by simply compromising on unreasonable language demands, some of which are economically concessionary and others who's long term effects have yet to be determined.
Birdman said:
Perhaps the company's abrupt departure from negotiations was due to the United newsflash. Ok Mr. Kelly, it should be quickly confirmed that the industry has caught up. You have the power to close bitter protracted negotiations with your mechanics by simply compromising on unreasonable language demands, some of which are economically concessionary and others who's long term effects have yet to be determined.
Agree.  The co. keeps stating that they need to have "all" the language asks or there would be no economics package.  Then so be it. We'll just keep our current contract as is.  They are very unreasonable asks, and the co. knows this.  AMFA has been making the most moves here, it's time for the co. to move and back off the unrealistic language asks.  I mean hell, look at the profits with the current language, there is no economic reasons for their asks and they know this.  
The co. simply thought that AMFA would just lay down and take the offer. The co. was hoping that the NC would only see the $$$.  But there is no way in hell AMFA will just take the co. word, not any more, this IS NOT the same co. it once WAS.  The co. can never be trusted again, it must all be put in writing for now on.  The co. is trying to get away with huge language concessions for merely pennies on the dollar and the membership is not going to allow that.  The co. could offer us 100 buck and hour and I still will not vote yes, they are asking for very unreasonable language that they (co.) cannot show any good reasons why they need it. Plain and simple, they don't need it they just want it.
I would like to see a explanation by the union detailing the consequences of the language changes the co. is seeking. Put it out and let the co. rebut in writing what they really meant. Some of their "must haves" are no brainers but a lot of talk and speculation as to what their scope adjustments mean, loss of structures in Dallas, loss of only C-check and H-Ron?  I know it's not being put out for a vote but we need clarity. 
Again I agree. We need clarification lomg before we get another offer from the co. Even though we are not voting it would help a great deal to have "in writing" just exactly what the outcome would be.  The co. is too wishy washy lately. They agreed to the 4th line, they delayed bringing it in, then started to fight against bringing it in, and lost that fight in arbitration, and now want to get rid of it again. Not gonna happen, and this is why we need everything in the future in writing as this co. always makes promises then when the time comes wants to back out of it, if this 4th line was not in writing we would not have it or the added headcount that came with it. The membership has spoken and if the co. doesn't pull some laguage back we will just stay right where we are currently. I also think this is how the co. is nego in order to postpone coming to a contract and have to give out raises as they still want to please the investors over the employees, so sad what this company has been turned into since I was hired.
Now here's a CEO that knows how to get contracts done (at least at this point, no details yet).  Looks like SWA just moved to the bottom of the list for taking care of the employees. Several black eyes for SWA lately, and we will see just how they will try to repair in the up coming nego's for 8-23 thru 8-25.

You'll Never Guess Which Airline Has Achieved Labor Peace!
So I have heard that the co. is fishing out members what it would take to get a contract. Is this true?  Isn't this tactic against NMB regulations or rules? If so,  why are they getting away with this? Another possible black eye on the co. if this is happening. I have heard that the inspection department was approached by their senior director about this.  Simply put, we will not be bought with $$$ to sell out our scope, get a clue SWA...
More nego's set to resume this week on Tues.  Guess we will se if the co. is really wanting to come to terms. If they do not budge from the language yet again, then I don't see us with a new contract until well into 2017 or even later.  I don't expect much movement if any from the co. but it may be a very good indication on where they want to be soon or if they just want to postpone another year on a contract.  We shall see...
I just read that our Pilots are doing another info picket at Love Field this Wed. 24th. My question is, are we invited this time? Or are they wanting to do this one on their own?  I would like to attend but only if invited. Anyone have any info?

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