I guess you didn't do such a great job with grievance procedures as a steward, along with the Reamsters as a whole, they got bounced out by AMFA at SWA for poor representation. Along with this, your Reamsters blatantly lied about their contractual abilities to the AMTs at UAL stating they would: "The Teamsters can and will reopen the contract" to woo the UAL membership with false promises most knew were lies. Never happened did it? I guess that Reamster "Contract Knowledge" was a paper tiger. Continuing Reamster lies: "Much has been said over the past few weeks regarding the Teamster's ability to reopen the very narrowly ratified Maintenance contract. Here are the facts. The Teamsters, after ejecting AMFA from the property at UAL, notified UAL that we intended to reopen the AMFA MX contract.
Those Reamster lies exposed again for all to see, you and your TWu ramper buddy Dippy Dave to question a legitimate fight by AMFA to defend the contract concerning ETOPS is truly laughable. If AMFA didn't fight this, then you and your pet ramper would be here complaining that they are not defending the contract and AMFA isn't doing the job they are paid for. Therefore your sniveling and whining are easily dismissed as disingenuous. You just want your pay raise, as nearly every post is pathetically crying about money.
Finally, the AMFA scope language should cover ETOPS checks, but I have not read your contract. "The servicing, maintaining, modifying, and overhauling of airplanes" is what our TWu scope says. I would say ETOPS would fall under this. I'm sure AMFA language is similar if not better.
I'm glad to see AMFA fighting for it's SWA membership instead of using the old TWu mantra over the past 30+ years: "They can do that brother". Buck up little Reamster sniveler, put down your crying towel, and wait to see the outcome.