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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Sounds like you should have left American 16 years ago, and got on with SWA, UPS, or Fed Ex, heck with all your experience you would be a shoe in.But now you are just bitter.Fighting, fighting what, Airlines care about F/A and pilots, they don't care about ramp or maintenance. Tell me what was the last mechanics strike at American? If AMFA did what they did at Northwest, and everyone was replaced then what would say Hackboy, man they faught the fight! A decent union tries to work with the company, if they think they can win they fight, when they know they can't they settle.Our guys are drunk on their overtime, SWA knows this. All is we need is the F/A 's get their second contract why we sit here. Man imagine that, the TWU smarter than AMFA, that would be sweet. I leave you to your bitter self.

Yes a decent union tries to work with the company this is true. But then again they are not supposed to be in bed with them either which is exactly what the TWU is. I read your posts I can see you are a former reamster cheerleader who is bitter after they were dethroned with AMFA at SWA I get it. Had plenty of die hard IAM cheerleaders when we threw them out at NWA and they are now retired with a much higher pension thanks to AMFA then they would have had under the IAM. Fortunately for them they retired before we went out on strike and lost everything. Now am I an AMFA cheerleader? Not exactly AMFA made mistakes no doubt but I lay the blame squarely where it belongs with NW management. They stacked the deck against us with the help of the Bush Administration. The stuff the company got away with during that strike would never happen now. The railway labor act allows companies to get away with dragging out contracts for years until they beat down the membership so then they will settle for less or concessionary even. Not to mention how the NMB has the certificated A@P lumped in with mechanics and "related" instead of a separate skill class like any other certificated airman has. So in this respect I say for a licensed A@P until this changes being in an airline union is not advantageous. That is why non-union AMT's are making more in salary and benefits then union members are.
And AMFA is currently in the works of getting the AMT's listed with the NMB as skilled labor. No other union out there has or is trying to do the same, now why is that? Hmmmm.
A union busting legal firm, Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen, is working to undercut workers through divisive tactics and raiding the membership of United Association of Flight Attendants members.
Union busting is nothing new. For over a hundred years employers have fought against unionizing efforts and worked to break unions after they win an election.

They use fear and intimidation to push people against forming a union. After a union is elected they hold up negotiations, even sending out false information to workers, in an effort to splinter union support.

Like I said, this is nothing new. We have seen these tactics in action for decades. Now we are seeing a new type of union busting, where the employer encourages workers to form a new union to replace the current union. Yes, you read that right, the employer works with a “union” to raid the membership of an existing union to gain enough support to have the existing union de-certified, thereby loosing all of the gains made from previous contracts.

This tactic is very sneaky and very hard to pull off, but it has worked in the past for one specific law firm, Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen (SSM&P). The conditions have to be just right to make this work. There must be a certain level of discontent within the exiting union and this usually happens as contract negotiations fail. The “company union” then organizes the discontent workers into forming a new union to replace the exiting union.

A Long History of Pro-Company Union Organizing
Over the last forty years members of the law firm of SSM&P have been forming these new unions, mostly during times of chaos like massive mergers or labor strife.

In 1983, Martin Seham, working for El Al Airlines, attempted to break the International Association of Machinists union that was in long and bitter contract negotiation that ultimately resulted in a 28-month strike.

“During the strike, some of the clerical workers decertified IAM in favor of an independent union. Management imposed severely concessionary terms and recruited scabs as replacement workers,” wrote Captain DD, who has done extensive research on SSM&P when his union, the Airline Pilots Association, came under attack from a new SSM&P union. “Labor law firms advising management typically play very significant roles in developing these anti-union strategies. It is an undeniable fact that it occurred on SSM&P's watch, and it occurred after that firm played a leading role in helping management to divide the rank-and-file and then crush its workers and the lAM at EI AI.”

In the early 1990s, Seham worked for Varig Airlines, a Brazilian air carrier, to once again undercut the Machinists union.

“This negotiation resulted in another strike. During these negotiations, management-with Seham as its advisor- insisted on removing all restrictions on its right to subcontract work and to remove the union security clause,” explained Captain DD. “The IAM understood that the notice was specifically designed to intimidate and coerce union members to resign their membership with the organization.”

In the decades that followed, SSM&P has been connected with new start up unions at Northwest Airlines, United Airlines, US Air, Delta, and other carriers that were already represented by unions.

SSM&P say they are fighting for workers and trying to form a new union. What they are really doing is pitting worker against worker to completely break the existing union, leaving all of the workers without any protections and without a voice.

The Northwest Suicide Strike
Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen are most well known for forming the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Organization (AMFA), who some have called the worst union in the country, specifically for their raids on other unions and complete lack of leadership.

While AMFA was attempting to organize mechanics at Northwest Airlines, who were already represented by the International Association of Machinists, “Northwest assisted AMFA by allowing [AMFA] access to company property and equipment and that AMFA supporters were allowed to campaign while on company time.”

Northwest most likely assisted AMFA because they knew that a new union would be easier to negotiate with than the IAM and would eliminate all of the previously negotiated agreements.

The AMFA did ultimately win the right to represent the 10,000 mechanics at Northwest Airlines and in turn de-certified the IAM.

In AMFA’s negotiations with Northwest, AMFA gave Northwest the ability to sub-contract work outside of the union. This resulted in nearly 8,000 good jobs being lost to outside contractors over the years that followed.

After 9/11, Northwest’s losses were piling up and they went to AMFA demanding concessions. AMFA refused to accept the concessions without holding a vote from the membership on Northwest’s “last best offer”. Then AMFA’s leadership took members out on strike, without holding a strike authorization vote, in what became known as the “suicide strike”.

Thousand of workers walked out in the strike. AMFA worked out a deal with Northwest for a "No Retribution, Retaliation or Harassment Due to Participation or Non-Participation in the Strike or Permanent Replacement Status." In laymen’s terms, this let the scabs that crossed the strike line, keep their jobs and the rest of the unionized workers were laid off.

What union would ever agree to let scab workers keep their jobs while union members are being tossed aside? Any real, pro-worker union, not a company front group, would never have accepted these terms to allow scab workers to keep union member jobs.

Thanks to AMFA’s leadership the 10,000 mechanics at Northwest, were replaced by 500 scab workers.

After Northwest and Delta merged, “AMFA extinguished their certification with no fight at all.” This appears that they were never really in it for the workers.

Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen Strike Again With Another “New Union”
SSM&P are the legal team behind the United Flight Attendants Association, a new union trying to win representation rights from the Association of Flight Attendants (CWA-AFA), who currently represent United Airlines Flight Attendants.

AFA is currently deep in negotiations with United as their current contract is expiring and possible strikes are on the horizon. This situation is nearly identical to all of the other “new unions” formed by SSM&P to fracture the membership.

The newly formed UFAA is trying to get current AFA members to give up their membership and join with UFAA. If they gain enough support AFA would be ousted leaving SSM&P to negotiate on behalf of the workers. What could go wrong with that?

Sito Pantoja, General Vice President of the International Association of Machinists addressed this attempt to raid AFA’s membership without calling out UFAA by name. In an email to AFA members Pantoja clearly stated that IAM stands with CWA-AFA against this fake union.

“That is why I was extremely dismayed to hear that a few misguided individuals are trying to fracture your union. If they succeed, it will dismantle our successful partnership and all Flight Attendants will lose.”

“Your solidarity and bargaining strength is being undermined by an attempt to lure you away from AFA with promises from a union that does not even exist. This upstart has no finances, no structure, no resources and no experience. A website and a constitution written by a union-busting lawyer does not make a union.”

“The IAM has faced similar challenges from the same people directing this group, and each time airline workers lost...”

“…These divisive efforts surface only during contract negotiations, which cripples the Union bargaining committee and only benefits the company. When unionized workers sign an election authorization card to change unions they play right into the company’s divide and conquer strategy, making it much harder for your negotiators to attain the contract you have earned.”

“The Machinists Union strongly supports the AFA and looks forward to continuing and strengthening our partnership. I urge you to do the same and soundly reject any request to sign a card for this splinter group. Each card that is signed weakens your solidarity and position at the bargaining table.”

Do not be fooled by these union busting lawyers who are looking to steal your voice. They want you to sign a union authorization card, a legally binding document, to de-certify the AFA.

I do not have any proof that SSM&P are working for, or in collusion with, United Airlines but the parallels of their previous union busting actions are uncanny.

United flight attendants should beware that these union busting lawyers are behind this coup and their goal is to destroy the strength you have gained through years of negotiations, contracts and solidarity.

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NH LABOR NEWS Apr 07 · 08:43:53 PM

Shady bastards.

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AWaz Apr 07 · 08:46:22 PM

Sleazy lawyers are not uncommon. Anytime a problem arises and someone says I have an idea.... Beware

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PapaJohn Apr 07 · 08:53:12 PM

Hopefully the persuader rule will take care of this

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kernals Apr 07 · 09:32:48 PM

One disturbing similarity between unions and democracy — too many members/citizens want all the best things to happen with no participation on their part — too many get disillusioned with less than perfect results, so seek another "someone" to make it all better — too many see “the union" or “the government” as an entity separate from themselves, forgetting that the union is the membership, the government is the citizens. They become easy to persuade...

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AJayne Apr 07 · 10:39:00 PM

Or when that union leadership chooses to ignore the will of the rank and file.

Just like any political structure.

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RUNDOWN Apr 07 · 11:40:14 PM

Same as in politics — when leadership stops listening, get involved, elect new leadership, become a leader — many other options than tossing the union for what may be empty promises...

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AJayne Apr 07 · 11:47:15 PM
And AMFA is currently in the works of getting the AMT's listed with the NMB as skilled labor. No other union out there has or is trying to do the same, now why is that? Hmmmm.
That's nice they are trying, but let's face it, AMFA has no friends in Washington, so it is nothing more than window dressing.
A union busting legal firm, Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen, is working to undercut workers through divisive tactics and raiding the membership of United Association of Flight Attendants members.
Union busting is nothing new. For over a hundred years employers have fought against unionizing efforts and worked to break unions after they win an election.

They use fear and intimidation to push people against forming a union. After a union is elected they hold up negotiations, even sending out false information to workers, in an effort to splinter union support.

Like I said, this is nothing new. We have seen these tactics in action for decades. Now we are seeing a new type of union busting, where the employer encourages workers to form a new union to replace the current union. Yes, you read that right, the employer works with a “union” to raid the membership of an existing union to gain enough support to have the existing union de-certified, thereby loosing all of the gains made from previous contracts.

This tactic is very sneaky and very hard to pull off, but it has worked in the past for one specific law firm, Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen (SSM&P). The conditions have to be just right to make this work. There must be a certain level of discontent within the exiting union and this usually happens as contract negotiations fail. The “company union” then organizes the discontent workers into forming a new union to replace the exiting union.

A Long History of Pro-Company Union Organizing
Over the last forty years members of the law firm of SSM&P have been forming these new unions, mostly during times of chaos like massive mergers or labor strife.

In 1983, Martin Seham, working for El Al Airlines, attempted to break the International Association of Machinists union that was in long and bitter contract negotiation that ultimately resulted in a 28-month strike.

“During the strike, some of the clerical workers decertified IAM in favor of an independent union. Management imposed severely concessionary terms and recruited scabs as replacement workers,” wrote Captain DD, who has done extensive research on SSM&P when his union, the Airline Pilots Association, came under attack from a new SSM&P union. “Labor law firms advising management typically play very significant roles in developing these anti-union strategies. It is an undeniable fact that it occurred on SSM&P's watch, and it occurred after that firm played a leading role in helping management to divide the rank-and-file and then crush its workers and the lAM at EI AI.”

In the early 1990s, Seham worked for Varig Airlines, a Brazilian air carrier, to once again undercut the Machinists union.

“This negotiation resulted in another strike. During these negotiations, management-with Seham as its advisor- insisted on removing all restrictions on its right to subcontract work and to remove the union security clause,” explained Captain DD. “The IAM understood that the notice was specifically designed to intimidate and coerce union members to resign their membership with the organization.”

In the decades that followed, SSM&P has been connected with new start up unions at Northwest Airlines, United Airlines, US Air, Delta, and other carriers that were already represented by unions.

SSM&P say they are fighting for workers and trying to form a new union. What they are really doing is pitting worker against worker to completely break the existing union, leaving all of the workers without any protections and without a voice.

The Northwest Suicide Strike
Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen are most well known for forming the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Organization (AMFA), who some have called the worst union in the country, specifically for their raids on other unions and complete lack of leadership.

While AMFA was attempting to organize mechanics at Northwest Airlines, who were already represented by the International Association of Machinists, “Northwest assisted AMFA by allowing [AMFA] access to company property and equipment and that AMFA supporters were allowed to campaign while on company time.”

Northwest most likely assisted AMFA because they knew that a new union would be easier to negotiate with than the IAM and would eliminate all of the previously negotiated agreements.

The AMFA did ultimately win the right to represent the 10,000 mechanics at Northwest Airlines and in turn de-certified the IAM.

In AMFA’s negotiations with Northwest, AMFA gave Northwest the ability to sub-contract work outside of the union. This resulted in nearly 8,000 good jobs being lost to outside contractors over the years that followed.

After 9/11, Northwest’s losses were piling up and they went to AMFA demanding concessions. AMFA refused to accept the concessions without holding a vote from the membership on Northwest’s “last best offer”. Then AMFA’s leadership took members out on strike, without holding a strike authorization vote, in what became known as the “suicide strike”.

Thousand of workers walked out in the strike. AMFA worked out a deal with Northwest for a "No Retribution, Retaliation or Harassment Due to Participation or Non-Participation in the Strike or Permanent Replacement Status." In laymen’s terms, this let the scabs that crossed the strike line, keep their jobs and the rest of the unionized workers were laid off.

What union would ever agree to let scab workers keep their jobs while union members are being tossed aside? Any real, pro-worker union, not a company front group, would never have accepted these terms to allow scab workers to keep union member jobs.

Thanks to AMFA’s leadership the 10,000 mechanics at Northwest, were replaced by 500 scab workers.

After Northwest and Delta merged, “AMFA extinguished their certification with no fight at all.” This appears that they were never really in it for the workers.

Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen Strike Again With Another “New Union”
SSM&P are the legal team behind the United Flight Attendants Association, a new union trying to win representation rights from the Association of Flight Attendants (CWA-AFA), who currently represent United Airlines Flight Attendants.

AFA is currently deep in negotiations with United as their current contract is expiring and possible strikes are on the horizon. This situation is nearly identical to all of the other “new unions” formed by SSM&P to fracture the membership.

The newly formed UFAA is trying to get current AFA members to give up their membership and join with UFAA. If they gain enough support AFA would be ousted leaving SSM&P to negotiate on behalf of the workers. What could go wrong with that?

Sito Pantoja, General Vice President of the International Association of Machinists addressed this attempt to raid AFA’s membership without calling out UFAA by name. In an email to AFA members Pantoja clearly stated that IAM stands with CWA-AFA against this fake union.

“That is why I was extremely dismayed to hear that a few misguided individuals are trying to fracture your union. If they succeed, it will dismantle our successful partnership and all Flight Attendants will lose.”

“Your solidarity and bargaining strength is being undermined by an attempt to lure you away from AFA with promises from a union that does not even exist. This upstart has no finances, no structure, no resources and no experience. A website and a constitution written by a union-busting lawyer does not make a union.”

“The IAM has faced similar challenges from the same people directing this group, and each time airline workers lost...”

“…These divisive efforts surface only during contract negotiations, which cripples the Union bargaining committee and only benefits the company. When unionized workers sign an election authorization card to change unions they play right into the company’s divide and conquer strategy, making it much harder for your negotiators to attain the contract you have earned.”

“The Machinists Union strongly supports the AFA and looks forward to continuing and strengthening our partnership. I urge you to do the same and soundly reject any request to sign a card for this splinter group. Each card that is signed weakens your solidarity and position at the bargaining table.”

Do not be fooled by these union busting lawyers who are looking to steal your voice. They want you to sign a union authorization card, a legally binding document, to de-certify the AFA.

I do not have any proof that SSM&P are working for, or in collusion with, United Airlines but the parallels of their previous union busting actions are uncanny.

United flight attendants should beware that these union busting lawyers are behind this coup and their goal is to destroy the strength you have gained through years of negotiations, contracts and solidarity.

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NH LABOR NEWS Apr 07 · 08:43:53 PM

Shady bastards.

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AWaz Apr 07 · 08:46:22 PM

Sleazy lawyers are not uncommon. Anytime a problem arises and someone says I have an idea.... Beware

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PapaJohn Apr 07 · 08:53:12 PM

Hopefully the persuader rule will take care of this

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kernals Apr 07 · 09:32:48 PM

One disturbing similarity between unions and democracy — too many members/citizens want all the best things to happen with no participation on their part — too many get disillusioned with less than perfect results, so seek another "someone" to make it all better — too many see “the union" or “the government” as an entity separate from themselves, forgetting that the union is the membership, the government is the citizens. They become easy to persuade...

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AJayne Apr 07 · 10:39:00 PM

Or when that union leadership chooses to ignore the will of the rank and file.

Just like any political structure.

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RUNDOWN Apr 07 · 11:40:14 PM

Same as in politics — when leadership stops listening, get involved, elect new leadership, become a leader — many other options than tossing the union for what may be empty promises...

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AJayne Apr 07 · 11:47:15 PM
I just wonder how much longer , we are going to sit filing lawsuits nothing to vote on, anyone care to guess need to start a new thread, how long to a t/A. You got that stupid countdown on how many days without a contract.
Yes a decent union tries to work with the company this is true. But then again they are not supposed to be in bed with them either which is exactly what the TWU is. I read your posts I can see you are a former reamster cheerleader who is bitter after they were dethroned with AMFA at SWA I get it. Had plenty of die hard IAM cheerleaders when we threw them out at NWA and they are now retired with a much higher pension thanks to AMFA then they would have had under the IAM. Fortunately for them they retired before we went out on strike and lost everything. Now am I an AMFA cheerleader? Not exactly AMFA made mistakes no doubt but I lay the blame squarely where it belongs with NW management. They stacked the deck against us with the help of the Bush Administration. The stuff the company got away with during that strike would never happen now. The railway labor act allows companies to get away with dragging out contracts for years until they beat down the membership so then they will settle for less or concessionary even. Not to mention how the NMB has the certificated A@P lumped in with mechanics and "related" instead of a separate skill class like any other certificated airman has. So in this respect I say for a licensed A@P until this changes being in an airline union is not advantageous. That is why non-union AMT's are making more in salary and benefits then union members are.
So tell me what power have you personally witnessed from AMFA or an independent union, that is at an Airline that went Bankrupt. It's easy to bring a contract, when the airline makes money. Because every airline that has gone bankrupt, and AMFA was the representation, AMFA was kicked out.
A union busting legal firm, Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen, is working to undercut workers through divisive tactics and raiding the membership of United Association of Flight Attendants members.
Union busting is nothing new. For over a hundred years employers have fought against unionizing efforts and worked to break unions after they win an election.

They use fear and intimidation to push people against forming a union. After a union is elected they hold up negotiations, even sending out false information to workers, in an effort to splinter union support.

Like I said, this is nothing new. We have seen these tactics in action for decades. Now we are seeing a new type of union busting, where the employer encourages workers to form a new union to replace the current union. Yes, you read that right, the employer works with a “union” to raid the membership of an existing union to gain enough support to have the existing union de-certified, thereby loosing all of the gains made from previous contracts.

This tactic is very sneaky and very hard to pull off, but it has worked in the past for one specific law firm, Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen (SSM&P). The conditions have to be just right to make this work. There must be a certain level of discontent within the exiting union and this usually happens as contract negotiations fail. The “company union” then organizes the discontent workers into forming a new union to replace the exiting union.

A Long History of Pro-Company Union Organizing
Over the last forty years members of the law firm of SSM&P have been forming these new unions, mostly during times of chaos like massive mergers or labor strife.

In 1983, Martin Seham, working for El Al Airlines, attempted to break the International Association of Machinists union that was in long and bitter contract negotiation that ultimately resulted in a 28-month strike.

“During the strike, some of the clerical workers decertified IAM in favor of an independent union. Management imposed severely concessionary terms and recruited scabs as replacement workers,” wrote Captain DD, who has done extensive research on SSM&P when his union, the Airline Pilots Association, came under attack from a new SSM&P union. “Labor law firms advising management typically play very significant roles in developing these anti-union strategies. It is an undeniable fact that it occurred on SSM&P's watch, and it occurred after that firm played a leading role in helping management to divide the rank-and-file and then crush its workers and the lAM at EI AI.”

In the early 1990s, Seham worked for Varig Airlines, a Brazilian air carrier, to once again undercut the Machinists union.

“This negotiation resulted in another strike. During these negotiations, management-with Seham as its advisor- insisted on removing all restrictions on its right to subcontract work and to remove the union security clause,” explained Captain DD. “The IAM understood that the notice was specifically designed to intimidate and coerce union members to resign their membership with the organization.”

In the decades that followed, SSM&P has been connected with new start up unions at Northwest Airlines, United Airlines, US Air, Delta, and other carriers that were already represented by unions.

SSM&P say they are fighting for workers and trying to form a new union. What they are really doing is pitting worker against worker to completely break the existing union, leaving all of the workers without any protections and without a voice.

The Northwest Suicide Strike
Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen are most well known for forming the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Organization (AMFA), who some have called the worst union in the country, specifically for their raids on other unions and complete lack of leadership.

While AMFA was attempting to organize mechanics at Northwest Airlines, who were already represented by the International Association of Machinists, “Northwest assisted AMFA by allowing [AMFA] access to company property and equipment and that AMFA supporters were allowed to campaign while on company time.”

Northwest most likely assisted AMFA because they knew that a new union would be easier to negotiate with than the IAM and would eliminate all of the previously negotiated agreements.

The AMFA did ultimately win the right to represent the 10,000 mechanics at Northwest Airlines and in turn de-certified the IAM.

In AMFA’s negotiations with Northwest, AMFA gave Northwest the ability to sub-contract work outside of the union. This resulted in nearly 8,000 good jobs being lost to outside contractors over the years that followed.

After 9/11, Northwest’s losses were piling up and they went to AMFA demanding concessions. AMFA refused to accept the concessions without holding a vote from the membership on Northwest’s “last best offer”. Then AMFA’s leadership took members out on strike, without holding a strike authorization vote, in what became known as the “suicide strike”.

Thousand of workers walked out in the strike. AMFA worked out a deal with Northwest for a "No Retribution, Retaliation or Harassment Due to Participation or Non-Participation in the Strike or Permanent Replacement Status." In laymen’s terms, this let the scabs that crossed the strike line, keep their jobs and the rest of the unionized workers were laid off.

What union would ever agree to let scab workers keep their jobs while union members are being tossed aside? Any real, pro-worker union, not a company front group, would never have accepted these terms to allow scab workers to keep union member jobs.

Thanks to AMFA’s leadership the 10,000 mechanics at Northwest, were replaced by 500 scab workers.

After Northwest and Delta merged, “AMFA extinguished their certification with no fight at all.” This appears that they were never really in it for the workers.

Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen Strike Again With Another “New Union”
SSM&P are the legal team behind the United Flight Attendants Association, a new union trying to win representation rights from the Association of Flight Attendants (CWA-AFA), who currently represent United Airlines Flight Attendants.

AFA is currently deep in negotiations with United as their current contract is expiring and possible strikes are on the horizon. This situation is nearly identical to all of the other “new unions” formed by SSM&P to fracture the membership.

The newly formed UFAA is trying to get current AFA members to give up their membership and join with UFAA. If they gain enough support AFA would be ousted leaving SSM&P to negotiate on behalf of the workers. What could go wrong with that?

Sito Pantoja, General Vice President of the International Association of Machinists addressed this attempt to raid AFA’s membership without calling out UFAA by name. In an email to AFA members Pantoja clearly stated that IAM stands with CWA-AFA against this fake union.

“That is why I was extremely dismayed to hear that a few misguided individuals are trying to fracture your union. If they succeed, it will dismantle our successful partnership and all Flight Attendants will lose.”

“Your solidarity and bargaining strength is being undermined by an attempt to lure you away from AFA with promises from a union that does not even exist. This upstart has no finances, no structure, no resources and no experience. A website and a constitution written by a union-busting lawyer does not make a union.”

“The IAM has faced similar challenges from the same people directing this group, and each time airline workers lost...”

“…These divisive efforts surface only during contract negotiations, which cripples the Union bargaining committee and only benefits the company. When unionized workers sign an election authorization card to change unions they play right into the company’s divide and conquer strategy, making it much harder for your negotiators to attain the contract you have earned.”

“The Machinists Union strongly supports the AFA and looks forward to continuing and strengthening our partnership. I urge you to do the same and soundly reject any request to sign a card for this splinter group. Each card that is signed weakens your solidarity and position at the bargaining table.”

Do not be fooled by these union busting lawyers who are looking to steal your voice. They want you to sign a union authorization card, a legally binding document, to de-certify the AFA.

I do not have any proof that SSM&P are working for, or in collusion with, United Airlines but the parallels of their previous union busting actions are uncanny.

United flight attendants should beware that these union busting lawyers are behind this coup and their goal is to destroy the strength you have gained through years of negotiations, contracts and solidarity.

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NH LABOR NEWS Apr 07 · 08:43:53 PM

Shady bastards.

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AWaz Apr 07 · 08:46:22 PM

Sleazy lawyers are not uncommon. Anytime a problem arises and someone says I have an idea.... Beware

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PapaJohn Apr 07 · 08:53:12 PM

Hopefully the persuader rule will take care of this

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kernals Apr 07 · 09:32:48 PM

One disturbing similarity between unions and democracy — too many members/citizens want all the best things to happen with no participation on their part — too many get disillusioned with less than perfect results, so seek another "someone" to make it all better — too many see “the union" or “the government” as an entity separate from themselves, forgetting that the union is the membership, the government is the citizens. They become easy to persuade...

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AJayne Apr 07 · 10:39:00 PM

Or when that union leadership chooses to ignore the will of the rank and file.

Just like any political structure.

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RUNDOWN Apr 07 · 11:40:14 PM

Same as in politics — when leadership stops listening, get involved, elect new leadership, become a leader — many other options than tossing the union for what may be empty promises...

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AJayne Apr 07 · 11:47:15 PM

Did you like those comments?
That's nice they are trying, but let's face it, AMFA has no friends in Washington, so it is nothing more than window dressing.

Precisely what I was thinking. How many years has that “been in the works” now?

53 years!!!!!!!
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I like the article and agree with a few of the comments. I just don't want any more Mechanics being fooled by AMFA. They sell it as a completely democratic and transparent union when it really is a dictatorship. A handful of union stewards telling the majority of the rank and file what they can and cant vote on and what they can and cannot see or know about. It's a huge joke. Then when they led everyone off the cliff they dropped us faster than you could blink an eye.
I like the article and agree with a few of the comments. I just don't want any more Mechanics being fooled by AMFA. They sell it as a completely democratic and transparent union when it really is a dictatorship. A handful of union stewards telling the majority of the rank and file what they can and cant vote on and what they can and cannot see or know about. It's a huge joke. Then when they led everyone off the cliff they dropped us faster than you could blink an eye.

I think the Union “Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association” is absolutely fine. Going back to that article above it’s the Law Firm that I would have a serious problem with. That’s the Puppetmaster. And I’d be willing to bet that there are legal documents behind the scenes that basically give ownership to the Seeham group.

You guys at SWA are just one of their last two cash cows.
I think the Union “Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association” is absolutely fine. Going back to that article above it’s the Law Firm that I would have a serious problem with. That’s the Puppetmaster. And I’d be willing to bet that there are legal documents behind the scenes that basically give ownership to the Seeham group.

You guys at SWA are just one of their last two cash cows.
Maybe if you file enough lawsuits tie stuff up in court, change rules making hard to get rid of people. Keep giving false hope of a contract.You make the Union bullet proof to get rid of it. Weezz you gotta love Swamt on how bad your Association is, when our situation is totally screwed up, with no end in sight.
Maybe if you file enough lawsuits tie stuff up in court, change rules making hard to get rid of people. Keep giving false hope of a contract.You make the Union bullet proof to get rid of it. Weezz you gotta love Swamt on how bad your Association is, when our situation is totally screwed up, with no end in sight.

To be honest driver it should be incredibly easy to get rid of “the Law firm” when you all decide that you’ve had enough. Seriously how hard could it really be to get 50% of a group as small as yours to sign cards? You guys would just seriously need to figure out who you think would work best for you.

Truthfully I’d give it no more than 6 months from the second AA guys get a TA to go completely full bore, all out on dropping SSM&P like a bad smelly turd. (Never had a problem with AMFA. It’s the Law Firm that’s toxic)

And now the tough guys start tying to throw more punches, LMFAO.
To be honest driver it should be incredibly easy to get rid of “the Law firm” when you all decide that you’ve had enough. Seriously how hard could it really be to get 50% of a group as small as yours to sign cards? You guys would just seriously need to figure out who you think would work best for you.

Truthfully I’d give it no more than 6 months from the second AA guys get a TA to go completely full bore, all out on dropping SSM&P like a bad smelly turd. (Never had a problem with AMFA. It’s the Law Firm that’s toxic)

And now the tough guys start tying to throw more punches, LMFAO.
It wouldn't be that hard, you need to decide who you want to go with.What it will really take is a large block like Dallas or Chicago, or Houston, or Phoenix to finally get fed up, and make the change. Then the rest of the Dominoes would fall. I no clue when that would occur.
It wouldn't be that hard, you need to decide who you want to go with.What it will really take is a large block like Dallas or Chicago, or Houston, or Phoenix to finally get fed up, and make the change. Then the rest of the Dominoes would fall. I no clue when that would occur.

The AA guys still not having a closed JCBA with the Company could be the only thing now left saving them? That and the BS that you have to have your Class and Craft name up in lights or on the front door seems to have people lose some focus.

Hell right now I’m wearing a “Contract Now” shirt made by the UFCW. And the IBT represents our Local secretary. Who gives a RA about the damn title.

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