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Nope just proves,Hackboy they are not the miracle that you think AMFA is, like I said I hope you guys get them at American, and then you will realize they are just saleing you a product. When they don't have an answer to get a company to move they stall file lawsuits, and take surveys, and still move you no closer to a contract.If our management team will not move with the mighty AMFA, tell me what would they accomplish at American. And if they got in there, gave your language away to get you a contract, then you would hate them too.
Nobody I know said anything about a "miracle" in AMFA, your words not mine. I realize you don't have the will to fight for your craft, your used to being lead around with your Reamster nose ring, told what to do, and when cornered, you cave. It's a long industrial union trait, "don't fight the company, they might get mad". I have seen it for far too long. That is why the Reamsters are not at SWA. Company Unionism 101.

As have said to you many times, if your whiny azz was at AA you couldn't take it. 15 years (except for the DUI Doug pay raise in 14) we have had 5 holidays, 5 sick days (2 at half pay, only AMTs) and lost 2 weeks of VC along with a 17.5% pay cut. Lost upward of $500,000, probably a lot more. I could go on, but you get the picture. You have been here on the BB for what 3 months and in 734 posts about your money, AMFA can't get me my money, and Seham makes too much, its been 5 years "I want a T/A to look at". Where were you when the fight was going on in the last 10 years? Hiding in the corner with your binky and GI Joe doll?

You have had it good at SWA for many years, now that's its getting rough you want to quit, get on your knees, and beg Kelly for your money.

Good thing your not leading the fight, you would have caved in a long time ago. Pathetic really.
Nobody I know said anything about a "miracle" in AMFA, your words not mine. I realize you don't have the will to fight for your craft, your used to being lead around with your Reamster nose ring, told what to do, and when cornered, you cave. It's a long industrial union trait, "don't fight the company, they might get mad". I have seen it for far too long. That is why the Reamsters are not at SWA. Company Unionism 101.

As have said to you many times, if your whiny azz was at AA you couldn't take it. 15 years (except for the DUI Doug pay raise in 14) we have had 5 holidays, 5 sick days (2 at half pay, only AMTs) and lost 2 weeks of VC along with a 17.5% pay cut. Lost upward of $500,000, probably a lot more. I could go on, but you get the picture. You have been here on the BB for what 3 months and in 734 posts about your money, AMFA can't get me my money, and Seham makes too much, its been 5 years "I want a T/A to look at". Where were you when the fight was going on in the last 10 years? Hiding in the corner with your binky and GI Joe doll?

You have had it good at SWA for many years, now that's its getting rough you want to quit, get on your knees, and beg Kelly for your money.

Good thing your not leading the fight, you would have caved in a long time ago. Pathetic really.
Dude they say they are fighting, every other group has moved on, if we keep screwing around, the other groups will be done, and less of pie for us. If you hate Parker so much and cry and whine, how much money you have lost, with all your so called aircraft wide body line mechanic knowledge, you should be at Fed Ex or UPS making real money, instead of whining about how broke you are staying at American for so long, you're the one who is pathetic.

Dude they say they are fighting, every other group has moved on, if we keep screwing around, the other groups will be done, and less of pie for us. If you hate Parker so much and cry and whine, how much money you have lost, with all your so called aircraft wide body line mechanic knowledge, you should be at Fed Ex or UPS making real money, instead of whining about how broke you are staying at American for so long, you're the one who is pathetic.
I don't think anyone is "screwing around" at AMFA Nut Driver, looks like it's dead serious on the AMFA side. "Less pie for us", there it is....money. Why would there be "less pie" when the company is raking in billions? Yet to understand that one. You already have enjoyed a "industry leading" contract at SWA for many, many years. All that is needed is increases in wages, curtailing the outsourcing, and maybe a few small things. Full retro is also a must, the pilots got it, only fair AMTs get it.

Well I got a lot of skin in the game at AA with 30 years coming, why should I quit now when the fight is on with the vaunted Association of two of the "best" industrial unions? I mean we have all this industrial "union power" now, the AFl-CIo got us in this shotgun wedding to save the IAm and it's failing pension. Why would I give up now when the end of the 15 year BK tunnel is coming up? The Association better get us the promised "7% Above the Deltoids" that DUI Doug bloviated to us two years ago or guess what? They will have another AMFA drive again, and this time should be a shoe in with the line in the majority. Perform or replace right? Isn't that what you keep saying with AMFA at SWA? The difference is we at AA have never led the industry, not once. Should be about time right?

I don't give up easy like you do Nut Driver. I don't live on my knees and cry like you do for your money.
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I don't think anyone is "screwing around" at AMFA Nut Driver, looks like it's dead serious on the AMFA side. "Less pie for us", there it is....money. Why would there be "less pie" when the company is raking in billions? Yet to understand that one. You already have enjoyed a "industry leading" contract at SWA for many, many years. All that is needed is increases in wages, curtailing the outsourcing, and maybe a few small things. Full retro is also a must, the pilots got it, only fair AMTs get it.

Well I got a lot of skin in the game at AA with 30 years coming, why should I quit now when the fight is on with the vaunted Association of two of the "best" industrial unions? I mean we have all this industrial "union power" now, the AFl-CIo got us in this shotgun wedding to save the IAm and it's failing pension. Why would I give up now when the end of the 15 year BK tunnel is coming up? The Association better get us the promised "7% Above the Deltoids" that DUI Doug bloviated to us two years ago or guess what? They will have another AMFA drive again, and this time should be a shoe in with the line in the majority. Perform or replace right? Isn't that what you keep saying with AMFA at SWA? The difference is we at AA have never led the industry, not once. Should be about time right?

I don't give up easy like you do Nut Driver. I don't live on my knees and cry like you do for your money.
Sorry you stayed so long, sounds like our old guys waiting to leave, you must admit when all the other groups are done or almost done at SWA and we aren't, maybe the industrial unions are the winners and AMFA is not.
You know it's funny Hack. I have both the wezz and the nut driver as well as his twin on ignore. But I can still follow the premis on your posts alone. I just got tired of the same shite over, and over again, it really does just get old, know what I mean?
You know it's funny Hack. I have both the wezz and the nut driver as well as his twin on ignore. But I can still follow the premis on your posts alone. I just got tired of the same shite over, and over again, it really does just get old, know what I mean?

That’s ok. You’re not very interesting or intelligent anyway.
Sorry you stayed so long, sounds like our old guys waiting to leave, you must admit when all the other groups are done or almost done at SWA and we aren't, maybe the industrial unions are the winners and AMFA is not.
It's all good Nut Driver I'm not sorry, I won't be leaving AA for some time, as I started with AA fairly young. I can't recall off hand, but didn't the F/As with TWu Local 556 take 5 years to get a contract? I remember them protesting SWA. Is that "winning"? How about the Reamster AMTs at UPS? They seem to be having a lot of trouble. Not "winning" there either I would say, but hopefully they will without a strike. AMTs are having some trouble at SWA, good thing your not stuck in a BK contract like AA is, or like I said. we would have to park you in a rubber room with your binky. Buck up little sniveler, your tears about your pay raise won't get the job done.
You know it's funny Hack. I have both the wezz and the nut driver as well as his twin on ignore. But I can still follow the premis on your posts alone. I just got tired of the same shite over, and over again, it really does just get old, know what I mean?
I haven't put anyone on ignore, I guess I like to argue with idiots? These clowns here are nothing, I've had hoards of angry industrial unionists in my face over the years during the AMFA drives. Most of them were uneducated about our AMT issues and had paid union positions, were unskilled rampers or stock clerks who are scared AMTs would dump the TWu and they would be on their own, or truck drivers sent to our homes by the Reamsters that can't answer simple questions about our craft. Sent packing.

You see how Dippy Dave the mad ramper acts, telling people to F off he disagrees with, getting threads shut down, and posting propaganda about AMFA, of which he will not be included in or represented by there of. I really feel bad for these nutty people, angry about issues that are really none of their business and living on a BB as their past time.

Anyway, you guys keep up the fight at SWA.
I haven't put anyone on ignore, I guess I like to argue with idiots? These clowns here are nothing, I've had hoards of angry industrial unionists in my face over the years during the AMFA drives. Most of them were uneducated about our AMT issues and had paid union positions, were unskilled rampers or stock clerks who are scared AMTs would dump the TWu and they would be on their own, or truck drivers sent to our homes by the Reamsters that can't answer simple questions about our craft. Sent packing.

You see how Dippy Dave the mad ramper acts, telling people to F off he disagrees with, getting threads shut down, and posting propaganda about AMFA, of which he will not be included in or represented by there of. I really feel bad for these nutty people, angry about issues that are really none of their business and living on a BB as their past time.

Anyway, you guys keep up the fight at SWA.
Who has the double standard AMFA every airline that they have been at that has gone through the Bankruptcy process they have been kicked out of, look it up , If they were at American the results would have been still the same. So you can hate your industrial union , for lack of progress, and if I don't like mine I am wrong and you are right. Sad .
It's all good Nut Driver I'm not sorry, I won't be leaving AA for some time, as I started with AA fairly young. I can't recall off hand, but didn't the F/As with TWu Local 556 take 5 years to get a contract? I remember them protesting SWA. Is that "winning"? How about the Reamster AMTs at UPS? They seem to be having a lot of trouble. Not "winning" there either I would say, but hopefully they will without a strike. AMTs are having some trouble at SWA, good thing your not stuck in a BK contract like AA is, or like I said. we would have to park you in a rubber room with your binky. Buck up little sniveler, your tears about your pay raise won't get the job done.
Their stuff is not about money, it's health care, and what the retirees are going to pay. They will trade something for what they want. Companies can give you great health care, but you are going to pay for it.As far as us getting full retro, SWA is not going to give us for retro when our union won't let us vote. That's not the company's fault.
You know it's funny Hack. I have both the wezz and the nut driver as well as his twin on ignore. But I can still follow the premis on your posts alone. I just got tired of the same shite over, and over again, it really does just get old, know what I mean?
Just like you I blindly follow my union, and can't think for myself, and realize how much you have lost, and will never get back.
It's all good Nut Driver I'm not sorry, I won't be leaving AA for some time, as I started with AA fairly young. I can't recall off hand, but didn't the F/As with TWu Local 556 take 5 years to get a contract? I remember them protesting SWA. Is that "winning"? How about the Reamster AMTs at UPS? They seem to be having a lot of trouble. Not "winning" there either I would say, but hopefully they will without a strike. AMTs are having some trouble at SWA, good thing your not stuck in a BK contract like AA is, or like I said. we would have to park you in a rubber room with your binky. Buck up little sniveler, your tears about your pay raise won't get the job done.
Sounds like you should have left American 16 years ago, and got on with SWA, UPS, or Fed Ex, heck with all your experience you would be a shoe in.But now you are just bitter.Fighting, fighting what, Airlines care about F/A and pilots, they don't care about ramp or maintenance. Tell me what was the last mechanics strike at American? If AMFA did what they did at Northwest, and everyone was replaced then what would say Hackboy, man they faught the fight! A decent union tries to work with the company, if they think they can win they fight, when they know they can't they settle.Our guys are drunk on their overtime, SWA knows this. All is we need is the F/A 's get their second contract why we sit here. Man imagine that, the TWU smarter than AMFA, that would be sweet. I leave you to your bitter self.

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