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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Teamsters at UPS, over 90% approve a strike authorization. Twice have requested release from mediation. Why are they so much bolder than the others?
Because they know they have the power to back it up, AMFA will not allow another Northwest, they would be finished. The company knows this, so it plays to their advantage.
It was very democratic indeed, you should have been there when they polled the entire membership twice for this contract. You OBVIOUSLY do not know what I am saying. The NC already has what the membership wants, what part of that do you NOT understand. Stop trying twist the verbiage.
Just like Brett refused to release the results of our last survey earlier this year, because the company could use it to their advantage, must be some real happy people, he said that from his video.
Because they know they have the power to back it up, AMFA will not allow another Northwest, they would be finished. The company knows this, so it plays to their advantage.

Grand slam Home Run comment. Yes.
Just like Brett refused to release the results of our last survey earlier this year, because the company could use it to their advantage, must be some real happy people, he said that from his video.

If they refused to release it then it wasn’t the direction they wanted to be given by the Members.

The Company would know this. They’re not idiots.
Because they know they have the power to back it up, AMFA will not allow another Northwest, they would be finished. The company knows this, so it plays to their advantage.
Right! I also tend to agree if there is a deal on the table that it should be put out for vote. Not that I will vote for it. Also, what's the process to recall SSM&P?
How long ago was this swamt? Was the polling 5 years ago? When the polling took place did people realize they would be here 5 years later?

Over FIVE YEARS now swamt.

We’re coming up on two years here at AA if it makes it to December swamt. After awhile I’d be telling my guys enough is enough already too. Let “US” the paying Membership make the next move. I’m not going to say when I’d call BS to my guys cause they’re not there yet. But it absolutely will be long before 5 freakin years man.
Oh my God , 2 years, and Hackboy attacks me, what a joke, if it was over 5 years for something to vote on, he would having another AMFA card drive ready to burn the place down. LMAO! 🙂
Oh my God , 2 years, and Hackboy attacks me, what a joke, if it was over 5 years for something to vote on, he would having another AMFA card drive ready to burn the place down. LMAO! 🙂

He’s going to come back with 2003. They always come back with 2003. They think the World was all sunshine, rainbows and happy Unicorns after the attacks of 2001. AA TWU members were the only ones in the entire World who went through the ringer.

Watch he’ll be along with the crap any minute.
Right! I also tend to agree if there is a deal on the table that it should be put out for vote. Not that I will vote for it. Also, what's the process to recall SSM&P?
AMFA changed their by laws about 2 years ago. All new business must be brought up at the first meeting of the day of the local union meeting. So you must be prepared bring it up , someone has to second it, before someone says discussion, because if they get to discussion and it doesn't get seconded it will die in discussion phase, if the union doesn't want it. But according to Swamt I am uniformed.
AMFA changed their by laws about 2 years ago. All new business must be brought up at the first meeting of the day of the local union meeting. So you must be prepared bring it up , someone has to second it, before someone says discussion, because if they get to discussion and it doesn't get seconded it will die in discussion phase, if the union doesn't want it. But according to Swamt I am uniformed.
Get that. But SSM&P do not belong to just one local. I would imagine all locals would have to agree and the National officers would decide. Just guessing.
Get that. But SSM&P do not belong to just one local. I would imagine all locals would have to agree and the National officers would decide. Just guessing.
You would have to get each local to pass it. Have to get to the national level, which I imagine would involve Alaska Airlines as well. For SWAPA is was easy to get rid of them, because it just involved SWAPA, no one else. They did an audit found questionable billing practices, because their fees kept increasing every year, and replaced them.
How long ago was this swamt? Was the polling 5 years ago? When the polling took place did people realize they would be here 5 years later?

Over FIVE YEARS now swamt.

We’re coming up on two years here at AA if it makes it to December swamt. After awhile I’d be telling my guys enough is enough already too. Let “US” the paying Membership make the next move. I’m not going to say when I’d call BS to my guys cause they’re not there yet. But it absolutely will be long before 5 freakin years man.
Yes. The first one was 5 years ago as AMFA polls the membership every time we are up for new contract. The second one came mid talks at approx. 4 year maker. Finally at 5 years the company started to nego a little hence our first contract offer from company at 5 year marker Aug 16th 2017.

What the hell is this man. English please ok? Try using English kapeesh?
You just made my point to a "T", Nuff said...
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I a

We already did at our last local meeting basically were told by our ALR we are to stupid to vote, because they recommend a no vote on the 2009 contract and it passed. The med arb the reason they did not pursue that, is because they felt like it was a free swing for the company, and they would compare our contract to bankrupt contracts from airlines, but if SWA has never been bankrupt, and the other labor groups got a decent deal, there is no reason why we couldn't gotten one. Obviously they don't think AMFA legal team that we paid $316,000 to in 2016, can bring their A game, so you tell me. So now we have to wait for our Road show in Chicago where we are dead last to ask the whole group and not just our ALR. So tell me Swamt if we go to more years, by AMFA choice how do you expect to be made economically whole, when SWA management will tell the negotiating committee, that was our choice. Our Road show isn't till November 6 th and 7th. So like I said you want to cheer, not much to cheer about is there. Case closed.
I will not say too stupid and neither did he or they. Instead of all this back and forth go to the RS for Nov 6&7 and report back how it goes. I am tired of the repeat, repeat, repeat of questions and answers. We are going nowhere here. Wait until there is change and report back.

Just like Brett refused to release the results of our last survey earlier this year, because the company could use it to their advantage, must be some real happy people, he said that from his video.
At your RS ask the entire NC including the attorney that will be there why haven't they released the results. Then you will know.
Teamsters at UPS, over 90% approve a strike authorization. Twice have requested release from mediation. Why are they so much bolder than the others?
And what did that do for the UPSers and their contract nego's? Absolutely NOTHING! Still at a stand still as well.
Because they know they have the power to back it up, AMFA will not allow another Northwest, they would be finished. The company knows this, so it plays to their advantage.

Just like Brett refused to release the results of our last survey earlier this year, because the company could use it to their advantage, must be some real happy people, he said that from his video.

Right! I also tend to agree if there is a deal on the table that it should be put out for vote. Not that I will vote for it. Also, what's the process to recall SSM&P?

Oh my God , 2 years, and Hackboy attacks me, what a joke, if it was over 5 years for something to vote on, he would having another AMFA card drive ready to burn the place down. LMAO! 🙂

He’s going to come back with 2003. They always come back with 2003. They think the World was all sunshine, rainbows and happy Unicorns after the attacks of 2001. AA TWU members were the only ones in the entire World who went through the ringer.

Watch he’ll be along with the crap any minute.

AMFA changed their by laws about 2 years ago. All new business must be brought up at the first meeting of the day of the local union meeting. So you must be prepared bring it up , someone has to second it, before someone says discussion, because if they get to discussion and it doesn't get seconded it will die in discussion phase, if the union doesn't want it. But according to Swamt I am uniformed.

Get that. But SSM&P do not belong to just one local. I would imagine all locals would have to agree and the National officers would decide. Just guessing.

Every single one of the above post are just repeats that have already been answered and discussed. You guys just continue to ramble and ramble. And you always wonder why some put you on ignore, NOT because their afraid to discuss with you guys, but because you guys keep going over the same issues over, and over, and over again, it really does get old. Let's give it all a rest until you have something new after the RS on Nov 6 and 7th. Goodbye...
Every single one of the above post are just repeats that have already been answered and discussed. You guys just continue to ramble and ramble. And you always wonder why some put you on ignore, NOT because their afraid to discuss with you guys, but because you guys keep going over the same issues over, and over, and over again, it really does get old. Let's give it all a rest until you have something new after the RS on Nov 6 and 7th. Goodbye...
The point is they have nothing new, so it's continue on the path of 0 results, no real answers, no power to get any movement from the company, and maybe we will finally get a T/A , You Swamt for all the energy you post to defend AMFA, have no answers to get results, and you know it. If you are on the negotiating committee, you really have no answers, and you have no answers to make us whole economically.We are beyond the point of ridiculous. I am one person, and it will take the collective anger of this group to make the changes needed. So there is no point to discuss this position at this time. I have better stuff to do.Talk to you later about it.

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