Actually his original post made it read as if we went to arbitration with our contract nego's NOT the 4th line. I was rejecting the fact the made it sound as it was the contract. Yes the 4th line did have to go to arbitration and we won that one.
As far as providing documentations; I have seen them and yes even have some of the very first passes from the company to the union with those "must haves" listed with the offer of and extension. The company kept wanting to call it an extension and the union always called it an extension with changes only the company wanted, and that wasn't going to happen. AMFA was on board with doing a true extension, keep all language the same and we'll except the typical 3% each year of the contract, simple as that, but company refused to do so, they were demanding language changes, work rule changes, with only a mere lower than COLA raise to go with them. no way. As far as the documents, no one can post them, they have been instructed not too as a request by the nego cmte. However, with that said, and before anybody gets on a "transparency" wagon, we were shown all these "must haves" and offers being slid across the table numerous times at our monthly meetings as well as updates given during contract meeting updates after the offers were produced. BTW weez, the original 5 "must haves" after 4-5 years of nego, suddenly turned into 7 "must haves" way late in the ball game. Now you see what the nego's are dealing with. The company is nego likes it's all for the company and they won't move. Then so be it, guess we will be another 5 years. I will not jump on what the company is trying so desperately to sell us, and all of a sudden they want a contract so quickly now trying to rush this out to the membership to gage what they need to do to get a contract done. Our nego team has already told them what it will take and they won't move, so here we sit...