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What the f**k is wrong with you? Of course I read it. So have hundreds of thousands of other people.

Lemme know when you aim to be more than a wind up artist, and we'll talk then.

Okayyyyy then, someone needs a vacay. Ease up Kev. It was a joke.

Read up; she's all over the interwebs...

Here's a start: “It seems to me the public policy behind effective enforcement of the open meeting law is so strong that it does outweigh the interest, at least at this time, which may exist in favor of sustaining the validity of the (law),” Sumi said, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Im well aware of what her position is. However according to statutes on the books its patently wrong.
Okayyyyy then, someone needs a vacay. Ease up Kev. It was a joke.

Im well aware of what her position is. However according to statutes on the books its patently wrong.

My Take away on this is that the judge wanted to force an appeal and have the decision off her plate and speed up the review by higher courts. Can't say I wouldn't do the same.
Okayyyyy then, someone needs a vacay. Ease up Kev. It was a joke.

Wow.. more hit-hard-then-play-nice passive aggressiveness from you. Shocking.

You know what is a joke? The fact that even in the face of hundreds of posts to the contrary, I'm still occasionally naive enough to think that one day we'll have a substantive exchange of ideas. Silly me.

Go to hell.
Wow that quite a stretch there Kev. Let me guess...Alternet?

Guess it could have gone the other way, keep the (union) status quo, raise property taxes and up the salaries for gov workers. Since it worked out so well in Miami Dade county.

I know you feel perfectly comfortable withe tax payers forking over their hard earned money just so gov union workers live a better lifestyle then they do. Better then most federal workers.

Let's talk about taxes shall we. In Arizona they are bringing in less taxes from residential property owners here so the Republicans who have the house and state senate in their control here decided to cut corporate tax rates and raise our tax rates because they believed the revenues fell too much with the housing slump. On top of that, they are decreasing assessed property values for the rich and business owners more than the average homeowner. For example a million dollar property received an assessed value of $200,000 and my property went down 5%. And to top it all off, they passed legislation that won't allow illegals to buy a home here. I don't know if you have ever been to Arizona but this is screwing the average person in favor of the rich and the business owner. You can drive into thousands of neighborhoods in the Phoenix metro and see home after home vacant. The tax burden is being put on the little guy with the premise that the rich guy will create jobs. I've heard that one before. I know that I am lucky to be employed at an airline with a Union which has allowed me to stay afloat. It also allows me to not be affected by the right to eff your employee laws. These right wing Republicans are taking care of their own and cramming it down the rest of our throats.
Wow.. more hit-hard-then-play-nice passive aggressiveness from you. Shocking.

You know what is a joke? The fact that even in the face of hundreds of posts to the contrary, I'm still occasionally naive enough to think that one day we'll have a substantive exchange of ideas. Silly me.

Go to hell.

Wow Kev. I'm truly sorry that you feel that way. if I have offended you then I am sorry and I apologize.

We have had plenty of ideas being exchanged. However by your own admission you are about as far left as it gets, and I'm as far right a conservative as it gets. So the chance of of us ever meeting in the middle would be surprising at best. You will never budge from your fundamental principals and I was well.

Again if I rubbed you the wrong way then I am sorry.
Let's talk about taxes shall we. In Arizona they are bringing in less taxes from residential property owners here so the Republicans who have the house and state senate in their control here decided to cut corporate tax rates and raise our tax rates because they believed the revenues fell too much with the housing slump. On top of that, they are decreasing assessed property values for the rich and business owners more than the average homeowner. For example a million dollar property received an assessed value of $200,000 and my property went down 5%. And to top it all off, they passed legislation that won't allow illegals to buy a home here. I don't know if you have ever been to Arizona but this is screwing the average person in favor of the rich and the business owner. You can drive into thousands of neighborhoods in the Phoenix metro and see home after home vacant. The tax burden is being put on the little guy with the premise that the rich guy will create jobs. I've heard that one before. I know that I am lucky to be employed at an airline with a Union which has allowed me to stay afloat. It also allows me to not be affected by the right to eff your employee laws. These right wing Republicans are taking care of their own and cramming it down the rest of our throats.

Knowing you and your obvious liberal bias, I highly doubt anything you say. Nor do i care.
Let's talk about taxes shall we. In Arizona they are bringing in less taxes from residential property owners here so the Republicans who have the house and state senate in their control here decided to cut corporate tax rates and raise our tax rates because they believed the revenues fell too much with the housing slump. On top of that, they are decreasing assessed property values for the rich and business owners more than the average homeowner. For example a million dollar property received an assessed value of $200,000 and my property went down 5%. And to top it all off, they passed legislation that won't allow illegals to buy a home here. I don't know if you have ever been to Arizona but this is screwing the average person in favor of the rich and the business owner. You can drive into thousands of neighborhoods in the Phoenix metro and see home after home vacant. The tax burden is being put on the little guy with the premise that the rich guy will create jobs. I've heard that one before. I know that I am lucky to be employed at an airline with a Union which has allowed me to stay afloat. It also allows me to not be affected by the right to eff your employee laws. These right wing Republicans are taking care of their own and cramming it down the rest of our throats.

Ever stop to ponder that those vacant houses might just be because middle class folks just walked away due the obscenely high tax rates? Why does everyone have a mental block when it comes to the definition of the word "illegal" meaning NOT Legal as in against the law? If a citizen who is a convicted felon can't buy a gun and in some cases can't vote why on God's green earth would we allow an illegal immigrant own a home?

As to Wisconsin which is the alleged topic at hand, I think the judges TEMPORARY Restraining Order is appropriate as it allows the Dane County DA time to determine if any laws were broken in the conducting of the vote and if criminal charges are appropriate against anyone or any one group. Since both parties have tried to subvert the rule of law, upon further review the TRO is a prudent measure on the part of the WI judiciary as it sets the stage to have the case go to the WI Supreme Court where IMO it needs to go and sooner rather than later.
Ever stop to ponder that those vacant houses might just be because middle class folks just walked away due the obscenely high tax rates? Why does everyone have a mental block when it comes to the definition of the word "illegal" meaning NOT Legal as in against the law? If a citizen who is a convicted felon can't buy a gun and in some cases can't vote why on God's green earth would we allow an illegal immigrant own a home?

As to Wisconsin which is the alleged topic at hand, I think the judges TEMPORARY Restraining Order is appropriate as it allows the Dane County DA time to determine if any laws were broken in the conducting of the vote and if criminal charges are appropriate against anyone or any one group. Since both parties have tried to subvert the rule of law, upon further review the TRO is a prudent measure on the part of the WI judiciary as it sets the stage to have the case go to the WI Supreme Court where IMO it needs to go and sooner rather than later.

Are the 14 mia demo-rats gonna show up for the debates or are they scurrying back to their holes already ?
Are the 14 mia demo-rats gonna show up for the debates or are they scurrying back to their holes already ?

Based on what has happened to date I think Scott Walker has overplayed his hand. I live a few states away so we get more news thne what goes national.

Now this is sheer speculation or analysis on my part bit I think Walker won a battle on the way to losing the war. Currently there are signatures being gathered for the 9(?) Republican Senators subject to recall. It looks like all 9 petitions could be successful. If they the local polls show as many as 6 would lose their seats if an election were held.

WI has a long history of being a relatively Liberal leaning state and knowing people from there I can tell you this whole debacle isn't sitting to well with a lot of residents. Whether that unrest turns into political action is yet to be seen. Maybe Walker does have "The Silent Majority"? He'd better because if you listen to the media drumbeat, Hitler has a better chance of getting elected.

What is also interesting to note is to date I don't recall any of the national Republican Leadership coming to his aid. Palin didn't show up, Haven't heard much from the Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck camp that made it's way to my ears at least. Walker IMO is on a hostile Island surrounded. You'll note we haven't heard squat from him in quite a while.

I'm no giant fan of organized labor in its current form, however I do believe that the rights of the individual supersede the rights of the state. Individuals should be able to form their own self interest groups to lobby for whatever they wish and that in my mind includes a union. You want to debate the relative merits of the NEA then we are likely on the same side.

Your funny. Faux news blasts to all 17 people watching them that Unions are bad and the story spreads like wildfire. Faux news reports are for entertainment purposes only. Glen Beck and the like are cuckoo for cocoa puffs if you know what I mean.
Your funny. Faux news blasts to all 17 people watching them that Unions are bad and the story spreads like wildfire. Faux news reports are for entertainment purposes only. Glen Beck and the like are cuckoo for cocoa puffs if you know what I mean.

And you Sir are dead wrong regarding Fox News as it has the highest ratings of any cable channel, beating IIRC CNN and MSNBC combined.

Their viewers number in the millions unlike others mentioned. Say what you will about them but people watch them and you can't tell me that Fox hasn't helped move along the swing to the right.
Fox preaches to the choir.

I'm all in favor of the right wing spending all night, every night, watching Fox News.

It keeps them from wandering the streets mumbling, stumbling, and yelling about the end of the world.