WI Teacher Charged With Sending Death Threats to GOP Lawmakers
Her name is Katherine Windels and she is aWisconsin (union thug) teacher.Dumba$$
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WI Teacher Charged With Sending Death Threats to GOP Lawmakers
Her name is Katherine Windels and she is aWisconsin (union thug) teacher.Dumba$$
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Thanks, but i think they are synonymous with each other. Does this mean we are on speaking terms again? 😉Fixed your post...
I was just tweaking folks with the "Republican Operative" thing, then I realized I could be right and not only was it plausible it might be true. The sadder truth is the Democrats aren't any better and one could argue that they are worse when it comes to this kind of crap.
Omg, this where you drive me nuts. So its perfectly ok to assume a republican conspiracy from the get go, (absent of any facts) but when the union liberal thug admits her guilt to the authorities, you will wait for her to be convicted in a court of law? Really? Isn't that considered a blatant double standard?
You are better then that, or are you just yanking my chain?
Sometimes "the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one".
Has she been convicted in a court of law? If the answer is no then personally I wait until such happens. Assuming for the sake of discussion she is guilty, this is the type of thing that just ruins it for Unions. I have openly supported the right of any US citizen to band together with others of like mind to seek redress of their grievances regardless of the type they may be. Work, Government or whatever, in my mind this is a fundamental right conferred upon every living human being by no less than God Himself or our Creator if you prefer. So in that respect I openly support unions. However when we get into initiation of force and e-mail death threats, the folks in WI lose my support in totality. IMO what Walker has done is wrong. Advocating violence is to me "More Wrong" and frankly I hope they drop the legal hammer on this woman. Her actions also beg the question is anyone that stupid qualified to be a teacher?
Thanks for the reminder. You're right I don't trust the Republicans or the Democrats. IMO they are two roving gangs of common criminals. Hell the Hell's Angels and Pagan's have a higher code of honor. In fact given the choice I'd rather be in a room full of Bikers then Politicians. Difference being a Biker will look you in the eye and stab you to death, then smile. OTOH politicians will smile to your face and stab you in the back as you walk away. I'm funny that way. If I'm going to die I'd like to see who kills me.
Yeah, they were called the Keystone Kops 😛There were police before unions and there will be police after unions.
3's - 8's and 73'rds.......
There seem to be a bumper crop of qualified stupid teachers these days as the headlines testify to that. You'd think professionals like teachers and police and such would be a cut above, most are but its those few wacko's that label the others.
I don't see any Sing Sing like sentence either.....F3 or M1 probably....fine and probation I bet.
I love it when a sanctimonious politician steps into it.
Walker claims that public employees are over paid. OK, fine. Lets run with that.
Brian Deschane is 27 yr old with no college degree (attended college for 2 yrs) and dropped out after 2 yrs. He also has 2 DUI's. This young man was hired in January to the Department of Regulation and Licensing at $64k a year. Not bad for a college drop out with two DUI's. But it gets better. Walkers chief of staff promotes Mr Deschane to head up a division within the Commerce Department that oversees environmental and regulatory matters and dozens of employees even though he has no college degree and little management experience.
So far so good right. I'm sure he is qualified right. No college degree and two DUI's. Excellent judgement skills and shows fine determination to follow things through. I wonder if his dad's $29,000 contribution to Walkers campaign had any thing to do with this promotion. After all the stink he is getting demoted back to his paltry $64k a yr job which he was hired for in January. How does a college drop out with two DUI's deserve a $64k a yr job yet a teacher with more than likely 1 degree not deserve their salary?
Walker can add his name to the douche list of slimy politicians.
My mouse is jacked up and it's too much of a PIA to add the links so you'll have to do your own searching.
I love it when a sanctimonious politician steps into it.
Walker claims that public employees are over paid. OK, fine. Lets run with that.
Brian Deschane is 27 yr old with no college degree (attended college for 2 yrs) and dropped out after 2 yrs. He also has 2 DUI's. This young man was hired in January to the Department of Regulation and Licensing at $64k a year. Not bad for a college drop out with two DUI's. But it gets better. Walkers chief of staff promotes Mr Deschane to head up a division within the Commerce Department that oversees environmental and regulatory matters and dozens of employees even though he has no college degree and little management experience.
So far so good right. I'm sure he is qualified right. No college degree and two DUI's. Excellent judgement skills and shows fine determination to follow things through. I wonder if his dad's $29,000 contribution to Walkers campaign had any thing to do with this promotion. After all the stink he is getting demoted back to his paltry $64k a yr job which he was hired for in January. How does a college drop out with two DUI's deserve a $64k a yr job yet a teacher with more than likely 1 degree not deserve their salary?
Walker can add his name to the douche list of slimy politicians.
My mouse is jacked up and it's too much of a PIA to add the links so you'll have to do your own searching.