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Fixed your post...

One can and I would submit that if a person who is a member of organized labor makes death threats, they are:

By definition, a thug, no better than the Baldwins who killed coal miners in the 20's and 30's in the name of getting rid of Communists

Self Defense is one thing, initiating force through death threats to impose your views is one of the reason unions came into existence in the first place. If the WI National Guard began pushing the demonstrators and used their nightsticks then I'd be four square on the other side of the issue. Not the case here.

Any so called teacher who is STUPID enough to use her home computer and ISP to issue death threats is not bright enough to earn the title of teacher. Frankly I think "Dumbass" is a valid and accurate descriptor in this case.
I was just tweaking folks with the "Republican Operative" thing, then I realized I could be right and not only was it plausible it might be true. The sadder truth is the Democrats aren't any better and one could argue that they are worse when it comes to this kind of crap.

Omg, this where you drive me nuts. So its perfectly ok to assume a republican conspiracy from the get go, (absent of any facts) but when the union liberal thug admits her guilt to the authorities, you will wait for her to be convicted in a court of law? Really? Isn't that considered a blatant double standard?

You are better then that, or are you just yanking my chain?

Sometimes "the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one".
Omg, this where you drive me nuts. So its perfectly ok to assume a republican conspiracy from the get go, (absent of any facts) but when the union liberal thug admits her guilt to the authorities, you will wait for her to be convicted in a court of law? Really? Isn't that considered a blatant double standard?

You are better then that, or are you just yanking my chain?

Sometimes "the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one".

You get bogged down with labels, I don't. I've said it 10,000 rimes and now 10,001 that to me Republicans/Democrats. Left/Right are merely two wings on the same bird of prey. Both are as useless as tits on a bull if you draw a paycheck from someone else.

IMO the real goal of both parties is to instill fear in their respective bases of support. Once they have us afraid, be it teachers unions, gas prices, you name it then they have us under control. This fear mongering continues unabated thanks in part to the MSM who desperately need ratings as there are to view viewers and to many outlets.

This is also why the Tea Party folks have the Republicans & Democrats crapping in their pants. I imagine being a Tea Party Congress Critter must feel like being the only black guy at the Country Club who isn't a Caddy, Bus Boy or yardman.

For me my litmus test is simple, do you believe in the Federal Income Tax? If YES, you're an enemy of those who work for a living. If NO then I'm listening and right now Ron Paul speaks loud and clear to me.


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Has she been convicted in a court of law? If the answer is no then personally I wait until such happens. Assuming for the sake of discussion she is guilty, this is the type of thing that just ruins it for Unions. I have openly supported the right of any US citizen to band together with others of like mind to seek redress of their grievances regardless of the type they may be. Work, Government or whatever, in my mind this is a fundamental right conferred upon every living human being by no less than God Himself or our Creator if you prefer. So in that respect I openly support unions. However when we get into initiation of force and e-mail death threats, the folks in WI lose my support in totality. IMO what Walker has done is wrong. Advocating violence is to me "More Wrong" and frankly I hope they drop the legal hammer on this woman. Her actions also beg the question is anyone that stupid qualified to be a teacher?

Thanks for the reminder. You're right I don't trust the Republicans or the Democrats. IMO they are two roving gangs of common criminals. Hell the Hell's Angels and Pagan's have a higher code of honor. In fact given the choice I'd rather be in a room full of Bikers then Politicians. Difference being a Biker will look you in the eye and stab you to death, then smile. OTOH politicians will smile to your face and stab you in the back as you walk away. I'm funny that way. If I'm going to die I'd like to see who kills me.

There seem to be a bumper crop of qualified stupid teachers these days as the headlines testify to that. You'd think professionals like teachers and police and such would be a cut above, most are but its those few wacko's that label the others.
I don't see any Sing Sing like sentence either.....F3 or M1 probably....fine and probation I bet.
There seem to be a bumper crop of qualified stupid teachers these days as the headlines testify to that. You'd think professionals like teachers and police and such would be a cut above, most are but its those few wacko's that label the others.
I don't see any Sing Sing like sentence either.....F3 or M1 probably....fine and probation I bet.

You got that right dude! A slap on the wrist and maybe a kick in the pants.

The real danger is when we become so disillusioned with our institutions that lose respect for them and ultimately develop contempt for them and what they stand for.

In the case of "Miss Death Threat Dumbass" the appropriate penalty IMO would one similar to disbarment of an attorney. Teaching Credentials yanked permanently.

As to stupid teachers, I was appalled at the school in NJ that sent home a letter to parents with so many typos, spelling & Grammatical errors I corrected it and sent it to the superintendent of schools and asked him to please call me advise me when I could expect Teachers & Administrators with the minimum competency to draft a letter free of mistakes would be hired. LOL Four Years and still waiting.

Then we had this "thing" with the oldest ones Learners Permit. They are issued through the Drivers Ed department and he took all the tests and passed and was promised his permit before he left for summer break. Six weeks later no permit. Now stepdad has to go break balls. Got the Superintendent on the phone and informed him that I expected him to hold my stepson non more no less accountable than he held his teachers and that the boy would be turning in all of his homework assignments 6 weeks late since to date we haven't seen the Learners permit promised six weeks ago. This a-hole tried to back peddle and say how busy everyone was right up until I said "Well if you want to use that excuse then the boy will do the same with his homework assignments. What lesson are you teaching? That there is one standard for kids and another for teachers?" That was around 10AM, I had the kids permit IN HAND by 1PM!

The point of that long story is that we get what we allow people to give us. As parents we're often to busy (So we think) to go and lace up the gloves and go toe to toe with those whose salaries we provide. Government does not like being held accountable and the more the average citizen demands it, the better things will get. In the end we the people control the purse strings and if our civil servants need to be reminded of that fact then that's what needs to happen. There is a sure fire remedy for WI and it involves common people to rise in righteous indignation over the state of the schools and DEMAND action. Scott Walker, the NEA cannot ignore the desires of the people for very long as neither he nor the President of the NEA have access to the money without the consent of the people.
I love it when a sanctimonious politician steps into it.

Walker claims that public employees are over paid. OK, fine. Lets run with that.

Brian Deschane is 27 yr old with no college degree (attended college for 2 yrs) and dropped out after 2 yrs. He also has 2 DUI's. This young man was hired in January to the Department of Regulation and Licensing at $64k a year. Not bad for a college drop out with two DUI's. But it gets better. Walkers chief of staff promotes Mr Deschane to head up a division within the Commerce Department that oversees environmental and regulatory matters and dozens of employees even though he has no college degree and little management experience.

So far so good right. I'm sure he is qualified right. No college degree and two DUI's. Excellent judgement skills and shows fine determination to follow things through. I wonder if his dad's $29,000 contribution to Walkers campaign had any thing to do with this promotion. After all the stink he is getting demoted back to his paltry $64k a yr job which he was hired for in January. How does a college drop out with two DUI's deserve a $64k a yr job yet a teacher with more than likely 1 degree not deserve their salary?

Walker can add his name to the douche list of slimy politicians.

My mouse is jacked up and it's too much of a PIA to add the links so you'll have to do your own searching.
I love it when a sanctimonious politician steps into it.

Walker claims that public employees are over paid. OK, fine. Lets run with that.

Brian Deschane is 27 yr old with no college degree (attended college for 2 yrs) and dropped out after 2 yrs. He also has 2 DUI's. This young man was hired in January to the Department of Regulation and Licensing at $64k a year. Not bad for a college drop out with two DUI's. But it gets better. Walkers chief of staff promotes Mr Deschane to head up a division within the Commerce Department that oversees environmental and regulatory matters and dozens of employees even though he has no college degree and little management experience.

So far so good right. I'm sure he is qualified right. No college degree and two DUI's. Excellent judgement skills and shows fine determination to follow things through. I wonder if his dad's $29,000 contribution to Walkers campaign had any thing to do with this promotion. After all the stink he is getting demoted back to his paltry $64k a yr job which he was hired for in January. How does a college drop out with two DUI's deserve a $64k a yr job yet a teacher with more than likely 1 degree not deserve their salary?

Walker can add his name to the douche list of slimy politicians.

My mouse is jacked up and it's too much of a PIA to add the links so you'll have to do your own searching.

I love it when a sanctimonious politician steps into it.

Walker claims that public employees are over paid. OK, fine. Lets run with that.

Brian Deschane is 27 yr old with no college degree (attended college for 2 yrs) and dropped out after 2 yrs. He also has 2 DUI's. This young man was hired in January to the Department of Regulation and Licensing at $64k a year. Not bad for a college drop out with two DUI's. But it gets better. Walkers chief of staff promotes Mr Deschane to head up a division within the Commerce Department that oversees environmental and regulatory matters and dozens of employees even though he has no college degree and little management experience.

So far so good right. I'm sure he is qualified right. No college degree and two DUI's. Excellent judgement skills and shows fine determination to follow things through. I wonder if his dad's $29,000 contribution to Walkers campaign had any thing to do with this promotion. After all the stink he is getting demoted back to his paltry $64k a yr job which he was hired for in January. How does a college drop out with two DUI's deserve a $64k a yr job yet a teacher with more than likely 1 degree not deserve their salary?

Walker can add his name to the douche list of slimy politicians.

My mouse is jacked up and it's too much of a PIA to add the links so you'll have to do your own searching.

Dear XpertSite.com,

I have been forwarded an email that gives a few statistics on the United States Congress Members.

For example, it states the following:

29 have been accused of spousal abuse,
7 have been arrested for fraud,
19 have been accused of writing bad checks,
117 have bankrupted at least two businesses,
3 have been arrested for assault, etc.

This list is longer than the above. I would like to know if this information is true. If it is true, I would like to know what are the sources for these statistics.

Interesting to say the least...
This is what fascism looks like.

Vandals Break In WI Office – Steal Fleebagger Recall Petitions Hours After It Was Announced Enough Signatures Were Collected

On Thursday Wisconsin conservatives announced that they had collected enough signatures 15,000 to recall fleebagger Senator Dave Hansen of Green Bay.

Then this happened…Vandals broke into a Wisconsin political office late Thursday or Friday morning and ripped off the fleebagger recall petitions. (WTAQ)

How convenient.

Vandals broke in and stole computers and recall petitions from a Wisconsin political office late last week.
