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Walker and his ilk are doing enough to rip this state apart as it is.

I suspect the protests in the coming days will be as peaceful as they've been all along, if for no other reason than to give the far right fits.

Focus on recalls should heat up as well...

You mean more Special Olympic Honor ceremonies to disrupt? Yeah that worked well for you and your "ilk"! 🙄
Walker and his ilk are doing enough to rip this state apart as it is.

I suspect the protests in the coming days will be as peaceful as they've been all along, if for no other reason than to give the far right fits.

Focus on recalls should heat up as well...

At what point in an already Dem dominated state that now, like most other Dem dominated states, is reeling with monetary issues caused by union pensions and other such issues that are too costly to pay for, going to fix their problems?
WI is not a "dem dominated state" currently.

By Walker's own admission before congress, gutting collective bargaining laws will have zero fiscal effect/benefit.
Are you talking about elected officials, or the populace itself?

If it's the former, the answer should be obvious. If it's the latter, WI is not nearly as blue as people might think.
Nice dress Kev, it looks very becoming on you.


What happens when you walk into a crowd of liberal protesters and announce that you work for a conservative organization?

It ain’t pretty — as demonstrated by one brave intern from Wisconsin’s MacIver Institute who ventured to the state capitol today to document the protests which continue against Gov. Scott Walker and the state Supreme Court-approved law cracking down on unions’ collective bargaining privileges.

Here’s the raw, unedited footage of the encounter (Warning: graphic language):

Education Action Group Sues Open Government Hypocrite Dane Co. (WI) DA Ismael Ozanne

Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne sued the Wisconsin legislature over the passage of Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair bill, citing government transparency issues. He argued that a legislative committee did not post proper notice of its meeting before voting on the legislation.

“Transparency in government is of the utmost importance. It's the foundation that builds communities trust in representatives and government,” Ozanne was quoted as saying at the time.

But Ozanne does not operate his own office by those same standards.

Several weeks ago, Education Action Group submitted two Open Records requests – to Ozanne and former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk – seeking copies of their email communications that pertained to their efforts to block the budget repair bill.

Falk’s successor, Joseph Parisi, filled the request in a timely and legal manner and provided the public records. Ozanne didn’t even bother to acknowledge our request.

After sending another letter reminding Ozanneof the request, EAG took the dramatic step of beginning the process of filing suit. We not only want access to the records that we requested, but reimbursement for legal costs that were spent trying to get Mr. Ozanne to comply with state open records laws.

This is not something we wanted to do. We do not want to spend our hard-earned resources this way. But to have a DA who postures as a crusader for open government display an utter disregard for our simple legal request could not go unanswered.

Ozanne needs to operate his own office by the standard he set for the state legislature. Our lawsuit intends to ensure that he, in fact, does that.

Apparently sauce for the goose is about to become sauce for the gander. Hypocrisy thy name is Progressive.

Hope and change for real has come for WI thanks to Gov Walker

District swings from deficit to surplus with newly enacted employee contributions

Cost savings from worker contributions to health care and retirement, taking effect today as part of the new collective bargaining laws, will swing the Kaukauna School District from a $400,000 budget deficit to an estimated $1.5 million surplus, the Post-Crescent in Appleton reports. The district tells the Post-Crescent that it plans to hire teachers and reduce class size.

Sometimes a bulldozer is more effective then a thousand feather dusters.

Liberals owe a Gov Walker an great big apology for saving the state from themselves. Whats that sound you hear? Thats the air being let out of that bogus recall effort.
Sooo the silent majority defeated the leftist union thug recall attempt.

How many millions of union dues were wasted in this futile attempt?
Union dues cannot be used for political purposes, only get out to vote campaigns and voter education. The same cant be said about companies.

Dont let the facts get in your way.
Sooo the silent majority defeated the leftist union thug recall attempt.

How many millions of union dues were wasted in this futile attempt?
nO dues money can be spent for political purposes. Unions, like any other Corporation, for Profit on non Profit has the right to form PACS just as individuals do and support causes that they believe in.

When people Union Bash, Bush, Bash, Obama Bash, etc it would be nice if they knew some basic facts prior to posting.
... And groups like AFP spared no expense...

In the end, it wasn't the full overturn many people had hoped for, but the GOP lost 2 seats, and Dems lost none. That's a start. On top of that, there are now allegations of campaign fraud against Alberta Darling [R], and of course, as sure as the sun rises, questions about Kathy Nikolaus and her handling of votes in Waukesha county. How will either of those turn out? Time'll tell. To me, this shows that some districts that were red, still are. No surprise there. Either way, Walker's next.
Awe poor liberals having a bad over the union dues funded attempt to have a "Total Recall" in WI. Only to wake up to a sea of sad panda's. Sucks to be you, but it's hilarious from this side of the balcony. Sheer comedy as some try to spin this onto a win for the fleabaggers and the party of welfare checks and newly named party of downgrade. Bask in it. You deserve it. All of it.
nO dues money can be spent for political purposes. Unions, like any other Corporation, for Profit on non Profit has the right to form PACS just as individuals do and support causes that they believe in.

When people Union Bash, Bush, Bash, Obama Bash, etc it would be nice if they knew some basic facts prior to posting.

That's right, and no one cheats on their taxes and everyone drives the speed limit. Because that's the law! A bit early to be hitting the sauce ain't it?
Oh and I forgot, everywhere else on the planet, winning 2 out of 6 is called LOSING.

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