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That's right, and no one cheats on their taxes and everyone drives the speed limit. Because that's the law! A bit early to be hitting the sauce ain't it?

Unions, get a pretty aggressive anal probe from the IRS, Dept of Labor types. If they co-mingle funds the leadership is going to jail, ask Jimmy Hoffa and a few of the Teamsters. Why do you think we have the PBGC? Partly/Mostly due to dishonest people in charge of Pension Funds, many of whom were union heads.

I'm sorry but most people don't know squat about how a union works & there isn't a union alive that is going to risk having their leaders put in jail over 6 little piss ant state assembly seats in a state full of cheese.

Where they an important gauge of the sentiment in this country? I really don't think so. So much outside money came in to WI that IMO it's impossible to analyze with certainty who gained what. On the surface the Republicans won, but did they?
Unions, get a pretty aggressive anal probe from the IRS, Dept of Labor types. If they co-mingle funds the leadership is going to jail, ask Jimmy Hoffa and a few of the Teamsters. Why do you think we have the PBGC? Partly/Mostly due to dishonest people in charge of Pension Funds, many of whom were union heads.

I'm sorry but most people don't know squat about how a union works & there isn't a union alive that is going to risk having their leaders put in jail over 6 little piss ant state assembly seats in a state full of cheese.

And yet they still do. Sigh, you are right, most people don't know squat about how union works....to funnel money for political purposes. Legally and illegally.

Where they an important gauge of the sentiment in this country? I really don't think so. So much outside money came in to WI that IMO it's impossible to analyze with certainty who gained what. On the surface the Republicans won, but did they?

Lets see....Democrats - 2 and Republicans - 4. The answer is obvious.
And yet they still do. Sigh, you are right, most people don't know squat about how union works....to funnel money for political purposes. Legally and illegally.

I'm telling you it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to misappropriate union funds for political purposes. Now you want to talk about how some Unions intimidate members into PAC donations then we have a different story. SEIU is well known for those types of activities along with some rather aggressive organizing activities that have gotten them sued under RICO a least twice that I recall.

I want the Federal Government OUT of Management/Jabor Relations. If we are truly a free market Capitalist nation then no one should have to write rules/laws regarding a dispute in private enterprise. Trade Unionism is the perfect counter balance to unbridled greed driven Capitalism. The reasons the Democrats passed all those laws that created rules to the economic knife fight was to ensure a voting base well into the future, not out of any concern for those who were on the picket line. Plus the needed campaign money too. Republicans pushed back as they wished to maintain the days of Gun thugs which was unrealistic. If you lived in the East as I did, you know somebody's Grandfather who was shot at by company gun thugs, so it wasn't a real hard sell.

Lets see....Democrats - 2 and Republicans - 4. The answer is obvious.

Ever hear the expression "Won the battle, but lost the war"? everybody had best hope there were no provable shenanigans with the ballots.
I'm telling you it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to misappropriate union funds for political purposes.

And its virtually impossible to cheat on your taxes, thats why no one does it. :lol:

Ever hear the expression "Won the battle, but lost the war"? everybody had best hope there were no provable shenanigans with the ballots.

Hmm lets see,
Nov 2010..........battle won. (Historic Dem Losses)
April 2011..........battle won. (Prosser)
August 2011.....battle won. (WI Recall)

Seems like the war is going pretty dam well so far. :lol:
And its virtually impossible to cheat on your taxes, thats why no one does it. :lol:

Hmm lets see,
Nov 2010..........battle won. (Historic Dem Losses)
April 2011..........battle won. (Prosser)
August 2011.....battle won. (WI Recall)

Seems like the war is going pretty dam well so far. :lol:

Don't be a dumb ass! The IRS has to sort through 100 million returns give or take. How many unions are there? A few thousand tops. Trust me after PATCO and a few court cases like CWA v Beck make it much tougher on unions. Plus you have Duty of Fair Representation issues as well for unions.

As to the "war" things change. Ask Germany and Japan how their seemingly unstoppable armies of the 1930's and very early '40's ended up in 1945?
Don't be a dumb ass! The IRS has to sort through 100 million returns give or take. How many unions are there? A few thousand tops. Trust me after PATCO and a few court cases like CWA v Beck make it much tougher on unions. Plus you have Duty of Fair Representation issues as well for unions.

As to the "war" things change. Ask Germany and Japan how their seemingly unstoppable armies of the 1930's and very early '40's ended up in 1945?

So you are relating the WI recall failure to WWII.... or something?

You must be drunk. Get back to me when you are sober.
So you are relating the WI recall failure to WWII.... or something?

You must be drunk. Get back to me when you are sober.

Just pointing out with the WWII reference that over time things change. Obama could get re-elected you know
Just pointing out with the WWII reference that over time things change. Obama could get re-elected you know

And that could be said about anything at anytime for anyone. But had little relevance to the topic at hand. But since you brought it up. What was that infamous line "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with terrible resolve."

The sleeping giant, aka silent majority dealt WI libtards (and the party of downgrade) a death blow. More to come in 2012!
And that could be said about anything at anytime for anyone. But had little relevance to the topic at hand. But since you brought it up. What was that infamous line "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with terrible resolve."

The sleeping giant, aka silent majority dealt WI libtards (and the party of downgrade) a death blow. More to come in 2012!

Well ignoring the "libtard" Comment, which we can do without, I think it safe to say the Japanese Naval Commander who said the above quote may also be correct some 70 years later. IMO there is a rising tide of resentment towards Washington DC in general. Somebody is going to pay a very high price politically. Even James Carvile says,

For sheer unpredictability, the 2012 campaign may top them all, says James Carville.

“This is going to be the most tumultuous thing you can imagine,’’ Carville said in an interview Tuesday with the Los Angeles Times. “I wouldn’t be surprised if anything happens.’’

The presidential race is ripe for a third-party entrant, Carville said. “Damn right.’’ And he is anticipating major turnover in Congress.

“Look at the volatility out there!’’

Now no one ever accused Carvile of being a Libertarian or a Republican I think his words speak volumes. I think we are going to see something take hold and that's called the GRIP movement which stands for "Get Rid of Incumbent Politicians". The theory goes that for one election cycle we the people vote against ANY & ALL incumbents regardless of yours or their political views. Just vote them out period as a way to show who really owns the country. This may be the election cycle where this occurs with at least the older entrenched folks. If I were a 20-30 year veteran politician I'd be very worried.
Unions, get a pretty aggressive anal probe from the IRS, Dept of Labor types.

Careful Sparrow, you're in danger of debunking much of the right's messaging, there...

I'm sorry but most people don't know squat about how a union works...

True, but it doesn't stop 'em from acting like they do...

Where they an important gauge of the sentiment in this country? I really don't think so. So much outside money came in to WI that IMO it's impossible to analyze with certainty who gained what. On the surface the Republicans won, but did they?

WI Republicans didn't "win" anything they didn't already have, near as I can see. They LOST 2 seats.

As for outside $$$, AFP, Club for Growth, ALEC, and so on all have their hands in the pie...
Careful Sparrow, you're in danger of debunking much of the right's messaging, there...

True, but it doesn't stop 'em from acting like they do...

WI Republicans didn't "win" anything they didn't already have, near as I can see. They LOST 2 seats.

As for outside $$$, AFP, Club for Growth, ALEC, and so on all have their hands in the pie...

Looking pretty cute with your tail between your legs. How does it feel to know that over $30 million was flushed down the crapper trying to hijack the state gov in WI?

How does it feel knowing that WI is in a much better place due to Gov Walker then it was before. You think maybe that had something to do with that epic smack down yesterday?
Our local in CLT had some dues objectors and they didnt agree with the fees, we had DOL, IAM and Independent Auditors, rip us apart once a year to check the figures and we were cleared.

No company gets scrutiny like unions do.
BS, you have no idea of what you are talking about.

Guess you never read and LM2 or the other forms that are publicly available which account for every single penny a union spends, down to who they even paid expenses out too.

Companies are not held to the same standard.

That is the facts and laws.

Dont let the facts get in your way.

And a company can give their money to a political party and candidate, a union cannot.

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