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Will The Mechanics Go Out On Strike ?

Yep, background checks, drug test and a month of training before you are allowed to touch an airplane.

You can fly on one them planes fixed but a scab who is not as knowledgable as our fine current mechanics.

But I won't.

And you all are jumping the gun, the IAM has not even negotiated and the company has not approached the unions yet.

So you all can unwad your panties.
SpinDoc said:
Will The Mechanics Go Out On Strike ?, If there contact is abrogated....

SpinDoc replies:

I sure hope they do because the company will be ready
with replacements who are willing to work at current
sustainable market wages. Oh, and don't worry about
any solidarity or sympathy from the pilots, flight attendants,
or CWA. There are literally thousands of out of work
airline employees who would gladly take their jobs. Most
are trained and ready to go.

Bring it on boys. Then again, as I said before, I doubt
many of the IAM "brothers" have the stones to give up
100% of their pay and benefits when the judge will only
ask for 25 - 30%. There will be no strike.

You are full of & you just proved it
You have no clue of what you speak.

Not bitter, actually quite relieved that I do not have to worry about this for my livelihood right now, but sad for my close friends that do. Don't think for a minute you know me or what goes on in my head and heart, because you don't.

If I had a chance to return, my decision would be made for the love of what I did, not for any other reason.

As for the contract not being worth the paper it is written on, I bet the judge will see it as the only way out. Some union will give in something, probably ALPA. Then the company goes to the judge and says no one else wants to play ball. The very fact that the IAM still seems hesitant to open the contract again, will be all the company needs to say we tried, and can't reach an agreement.

The company lawyers and Lakefield are a whole lot brighter than anything I have seen the IAM produce when it comes to this sort of thing. When it comes to business matters, I trust the track record that Lakefield at Merrill-Lynch and Bronner at RSA have done. It may not all be pretty, but they win a lot more than they lose. The IAM has to battle two fronts, the reality of the company's financial position and their own in-fighting to keep AMFA at bay. I guarantee if this company had all in house unions, or one big in house employee union, the company would not be where it is today.
Like I said earlier you can bet your bottom dollar the most senior mechanics will thrown all they have to throw under the bus so they won't lose what they've got in the company thus far. Stores and the cleaners are going to be history in short fashion.
N628AU said:
Why don't you stick to things you know?

The clause in your contract won't be worth the paper it is printed on if it gets that far. that is becase your contract will be legally shredded and you will be at-will.
I have been saying this for MONTHS!!!!! Contract, or no contract, the Company is going to do whatever they want!!!!!

It's my understanding there is an internal CCY debate on when to file the S.1113(e) and S.1113 motions. Nobody wants to go this route and the comapny would like consensual agreements with all of its unions.

According to the AP, the airline will continue to seek those labor concessions while in bankruptcy. US Airways chief executive Bruce Lakefield said outside the courtroom Monday that the company is re-evaluating its financial targets, opening the possibility that the airline will seek even greater concessions from workers.

"We're looking at everything now," he said.

Lakefield said he still believes employees will voluntarily negotiate new labor agreements. If not, the airline can ask the court to cancel the existing labor contracts. Lakefield would not speculate on how long the company would continue to seek consensual agreements.

Complete Story


700UW said:
Yep, background checks, drug test and a month of training before you are allowed to touch an airplane.


How about walking long enough to make an impact, but short enough to not allow the company to hire/train replacements? Didn't the FA's at AA do this awhile back?
Just a thought...
"We're looking at everything now," he said.

I wonder what he was looking at before?
like the song BIG E sang I did it my way,boys the end is near and its clear that if U gets it way IAM will be gone, AFA will take it in the rear, the pilots will loose to and it will be more than what they thought it will be. I will tell you that lives will change once again ,divorce rates will go up,mental problems,sickness and the sad one is some will throw in everything and just give up and end it for themself.
We at U have been there and have seen it before and what ever the out come is we as labor will loose.
But there is one wild card and that is what is W going to let happen? PA is a big one for him.
with respect to the mechanics...could Usairways if the mechanic strike just simply send out the work to a faa approved maintenance "shop" for repair......and as for the ramp rats I am sure they can hire all those ramp workers who were furloughed from other airlines in the pass 3 years to work on the ramp ...

But I doubt a lot of people would strike ......
Should ANY group go out, even for 3-5 days, would it spell the end? Even if the employees were replaced it would take some time to do so. How any days could the company exist with say only 10-15% of the flights operating for those few days? How long would it take to get the flights operating, with replacement workers, close to the number they are now? (might be a good way to get the number of flights down to what they really want)
Who will the company go after 1st? Pilots (I hardly doubt it). I think they will start at the bottom of the pecking order (either F/S or C/S). If it's F/S... the real question is....what kind of support will agents get from mechanics?
In my humbled opinion, they need to go ahead and implement pay cuts. As mad as it will make me and others, its obvious it has to h appen . Lets do this thing the way it shouldve been done the first time and move on quickly. Everyone knows the outcome, just do it!
usfliboi said:
In my humbled opinion, they need to go ahead and implement pay cuts. As mad as it will make me and others, its obvious it has to h appen . Lets do this thing the way it shouldve been done the first time and move on quickly. Everyone knows the outcome, just do it!

agreement here .....everyone must contribute..everyone!....let's get going....
Hey, anyone who wants to volunteer their money, just write them a personal check. Put "employee donation to help save the company" on the check somewhere.
For me....no thanks. Course I'm at the bottom of the pecking order....an agent, and I've given as much as I want to give. They gonna have to take it from me. :unsure:

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