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Will The Mechanics Go Out On Strike ?

700UW said:
Why don't you stick to things you know?

Both the IAM ramp and Mechanics have clauses in our contracts that legally the company cannot take action or discipline for honoring a picket line.


Well, you may be correct. However, the company always has the option of replacing workers permanently who do not show up for work even if it is to honor a picket line. Hiring permanent replacements is not considered an illegal action.
700UW said:
Why don't you stick to things you know?

Both the IAM ramp and Mechanics have clauses in our contracts that legally the company cannot take action or discipline for honoring a picket line.

And you don't speak for the IAM, self-help is an option available. Funny I spoke with IAM HDQ and no decisions on anything have been made nor the unions approached yet.


Why don't you stick to things you know?

The clause in your contract won't be worth the paper it is printed on if it gets that far. that is becase your contract will be legally shredded and you will be at-will.

N628AU said: "The clause in your contract won't be worth the paper it is printed on if it gets that far. that is becase your contract will be legally shredded and you will be at-will."

USA320Pilot comments: That's what ALPA's bankruptcy attorney's told the MEC in "open session".


nycbusdriver said:
Well, you may be correct. However, the company always has the option of replacing workers permanently who do not show up for work even if it is to honor a picket line. Hiring permanent replacements is not considered an illegal action.

lol, the company has trouble hiring FSAs in PHL now, let alone having to hire about 1000 of them at once. As a matter of fact, the company can't even fill the openings it has in PHL for MDA. Regardless of what ALPA and a few scab mechanics may do the company would never survive if FSA 'works to rule', never.
700UW said:
If you are working by the company's policy and procedures you cannot be disciplined.

Spacing the bags like the Ramp Service Manual states, driving within the traffic lanes and following speed limits.

Red tagging equipment, not being able to figure out why the bag chute went down for the 5th time today, oh the list goes on and on....all just by following the policies the company has put forth.
USA320Pilot said:

N628AU said: "The clause in your contract won't be worth the paper it is printed on if it gets that far. that is becase your contract will be legally shredded and you will be at-will."

USA320Pilot comments: That's what ALPA's bankruptcy attorney's told the MEC in "open session".



what would an alpa dude know about the iam contract? the alpa attorney should not worry about anything but the pilots and their contract period. also how could usair hire fsa when roughly 85% percent of them fail the stupid stress test? if the stress test was used for stress, then obvisouly it should have been used for only one reason: mgmt begging for givebacks! not lifting bags!
700, actually USA320pilot has a valid point. It may certainly be a strategy that your management employs, i.e., if a judge makes it legally possible for a strike or lockout to occur, your company may be willing to prepare for a lockout as opposed to a strike. Right now neither is permissible but it sure holds future plausibility.

D M G said:
Red tagging equipment, not being able to figure out why the bag chute went down for the 5th time today, oh the list goes on and on....all just by following the policies the company has put forth.

Ask the guys on the PHL Ramp about the Lead who got terminated for
red tagging equipment. He is still not back.
I guess it was bound to happen...Second BK in a few years.

I'm looking on the bright side, aleast I didn't get a RETROACTIVE PAYCUT THIS TIME...!!!

N628AU said:
Why don't you stick to things you know?

The clause in your contract won't be worth the paper it is printed on if it gets that far. that is becase your contract will be legally shredded and you will be at-will.

Are you looking to be the next MS Cleo?

1113 was enacted to prevent that from occuring, and only to occur as a last resort.

And I know a hell of a lot more then you do on the issue.

Don't be bitter cause you are on the outside looking in all ready.
Ramp Rat said:
Ask the guys on the PHL Ramp about the Lead who got terminated for
red tagging equipment. He is still not back.

If it's who I'm thinking about he went way overboard and went 'hunting' for equipment (dollies) to tag. He didn't cover his *ss and got mouthy when questioned about it. He got what he deserved.
Go ahead and strike. Then UAir can pull a Frank Lorenzo on you and hire all new EE's for their LCC operation.
Will The Mechanics Go Out On Strike ?, If there contact is abrogated....

SpinDoc replies:

I sure hope they do because the company will be ready
with replacements who are willing to work at current
sustainable market wages. Oh, and don't worry about
any solidarity or sympathy from the pilots, flight attendants,
or CWA. There are literally thousands of out of work
airline employees who would gladly take their jobs. Most
are trained and ready to go.

Bring it on boys. Then again, as I said before, I doubt
many of the IAM "brothers" have the stones to give up
100% of their pay and benefits when the judge will only
ask for 25 - 30%. There will be no strike.
CWA ...I believe has a strike fund of $$$$$$$$$$. I wonder what might happen if ......

Oh well....They're not that important...Who needs customers on the airplanes.....
USA320Pilot said:

N628AU said: "The clause in your contract won't be worth the paper it is printed on if it gets that far. that is becase your contract will be legally shredded and you will be at-will."

USA320Pilot comments: That's what ALPA's bankruptcy attorney's told the MEC in "open session".



FYI for you......

THE COMPANY DID NOT MOTION FOR 1113 FILING OR 1110. They did set a hearing for retirment medical which is under a 1114 filing. A hearing for not making payments to our pensions will be Oct. 7

These are open hearings to the public.

Don't start spreading crap. Again, you are over speculating.

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