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Wildcat Anyone?

Actually,Nightwatch you need to thank Jimmy Carter. Carter was the one who allowed the deregulation of the airline industry. He was also the mastermind of the plan to replace the Air Traffic Controllers,if they struck. Reagan only implemented Jimmy's plan,when he doublecrossed PATCO.

If you want to hear their (PATCO's)side of the story read:The AIr Controllers Controversy by Shostak ISBN 0-89885-319-2.

Its one thing to have "a plan", its another to carry it out. Reagan was no friend of Labor.

While I agree that Labor needs to act and not rely totally on the political system I dissagree that neither the problem nor the solution lies in politics. Its not that simple, if labor is to succeed they have to be involved politically, corporations do it, however political action is not confined to giving politicians money, strikes and demonstrations are alternate political acts also, sometimes they are more effective than Lobbying or in other words begging.
Nightwatch said:
thank you Reagan!


Why were any aircrafts allowed to fly after the Reagan firings? You would think the union support from the airlines would of stopped that crap, instead the planes kept on flying. Kinda like like EAL strike and the lack of support by all the unions.
Bob Owens said:
While I agree that Labor needs to act and not rely totally on the political system I dissagree that neither the problem nor the solution lies in politics. Its not that simple, if labor is to succeed they have to be involved politically, corporations do it, however political action is not confined to giving politicians money, strikes and demonstrations are alternate political acts also, sometimes they are more effective than Lobbying or in other words begging.

I have been hearing this same story for twenty years about how labor needs to be involved politically.

For the first 12 years, I believed, particiapted, donated time and money, and advocated.

Then the truth struck.

There has not been one advancement made by all of the "political involvement", that cannot be classified as simple chicken feed for the working man. The entire labor movement has suffered irrepairable harm by a reliance on politics. The Political System is so ate up with single issue political activist that divide and conquer with gridlock is the system we witness. The only "political" involvement these days is to grow government to creat union jobs, because that is basically all that is left of the labor movement. Many members don't want to fund bigger government to create jobs.

Maybe we could return to a realiance on political lobbying sometime in the future, but if labor doesn't make a move to show it's importance soon, then unrecoverable weakness will overcome the movement.

The gridlock needs to be broken! One party or the other needs to be given enough control to prove their philosophies and then allow the support or rejection of those ideas to be handed down in the next election. Labor is still strong enough to effect that outcome, but we apparently even have gridlock amongst the members on which party should get the chance to prove its worth.

Therefore, finding the one issue that unites the members in a common cause is the key to taking unprecedented action and being successful. If not now, over where we are today, then when, and what issue?

Money has been declared "free speech" in our Politial System by the Supreme Court. Therefore we are playing a game of who has the most money wins. Labor will NEVER have more moeny than the rich, so it is time to change the rule.

I will agree that we could return to a time when politcal involvement is sufficient, but I am tired of the ass kicking and believe a new (or uh old) idea should be attempted.
Decision 2004 said:
I see you are still blaming others and/or Politicians, instead of your Industrial Union leaders.

Listen carefully, neither the problem nor the solution lies within the Political System. Only ball-less cowards believe that. The solution is in our willingness to challenge the rich by witholding our labor, instead of volunteer work for peanuts.

Take away your desire to find fault in my every post and leave your spite to your mirror.

My point is simple, yet without a viable answer.
Nightwatch said:
Take away your desire to find fault in my every post and leave your spite to your mirror.

My point is simple, yet without a viable answer.

Well, you really dont have a track record of leading a work group at a successful airline.

In fact, your philosophies have been proven to fail at more than one airline, and now have infected AA.

So, my desire to find fault in your post is not without merit.

Our idea has yet to be tested, because you and others are so ate up with fear that you are controlled by Airline Management and as predictable as the sunrise.

So, until ALL MECHANICS rally into one union and that has proven to fail, you are stuck with the track record of the industrial union mind. Which I believe has fault in every post.
Actually,Nightwatch you need to thank Jimmy Carter. Carter was the one who allowed the deregulation of the airline industry. He was also the mastermind of the plan to replace the Air Traffic Controllers,if they struck. Reagan only implemented Jimmy's plan,when he doublecrossed PATCO.

And the AFL-CIO backed the Controllers?
Decision 2004 said:
I have been hearing this same story for twenty years about how labor needs to be involved politically.

For the first 12 years, I believed, particiapted, donated time and money, and advocated.

Then the truth struck.

There has not been one advancement made by all of the "political involvement", that cannot be classified as simple chicken feed for the working man. The entire labor movement has suffered irrepairable harm by a reliance on politics. The Political System is so ate up with single issue political activist that divide and conquer with gridlock is the system we witness. The only "political" involvement these days is to grow government to creat union jobs, because that is basically all that is left of the labor movement. Many members don't want to fund bigger government to create jobs.

Maybe we could return to a realiance on political lobbying sometime in the future, but if labor doesn't make a move to show it's importance soon, then unrecoverable weakness will overcome the movement.

The gridlock needs to be broken! One party or the other needs to be given enough control to prove their philosophies and then allow the support or rejection of those ideas to be handed down in the next election. Labor is still strong enough to effect that outcome, but we apparently even have gridlock amongst the members on which party should get the chance to prove its worth.

Therefore, finding the one issue that unites the members in a common cause is the key to taking unprecedented action and being successful. If not now, over where we are today, then when, and what issue?

Money has been declared "free speech" in our Politial System by the Supreme Court. Therefore we are playing a game of who has the most money wins. Labor will NEVER have more moeny than the rich, so it is time to change the rule.

I will agree that we could return to a time when politcal involvement is sufficient, but I am tired of the ass kicking and believe a new (or uh old) idea should be attempted.

Ever hear of the Wagner Act?

Unions were once seen as illegal conspiracies, it was through political action that they were made legal. Political actions can include things like a General Strike. If Lobbying is ineffective then you resort to other means of political action, thats pretty much where labor is now. The laws that were put in place by Acts such as the Wagner Act have long since been watered down by subsequent laws and bench rulings that they are no longer effective. THe leaders of todays unions, many of whoom enjoy exhorbitant salaries are not going to rock the boat,despite their pathetic rhetoric the status quo is just fine. Thats why they blame the membership. It gets them off the hook for doing nothing but making themselves rich at their members expense.

So while we may be saying the same thing, the difference is that I feel we must stay engaged in the political process but not limit that as our only, or even, primary means. Apparently AMFA realizes this since they have hired a political liasion.
Hey Stewart, just what do you have as a track record? If you are to afraid to wildcat simply say so, you go about it all wrong. Your weaknesses are obvious and I can't see what or why anyone would make you a VP of anything, even if it is a non-recognized local. Even as a balding old man with diabetes I have more backbone than you'll ever acquire.

If you truly want the AMFA to get in at AA you need to fall on your sword and resign as an organizer, you even embarrass the opposition.
Nightwatch said:
Hey Stewart, just what do you have as a track record? If you are to afraid to wildcat simply say so, you go about it all wrong. Your weaknesses are obvious and I can't see what or why anyone would make you a VP of anything, even if it is a non-recognized local. Even as a balding old man with diabetes I have more backbone than you'll ever acquire.

If you truly want the AMFA to get in at AA you need to fall on your sword and resign as an organizer, you even embarrass the opposition.

So, if I resign as an AMFA Organizer tommorow, will you take my place and get AMFA on the property at AA with your superior leadership skills?

If yes, consider it done.
Decision 2004 said:
So, if I resign as an AMFA Organizer tommorow, will you take my place and get AMFA on the property at AA with your superior leadership skills?

If yes, consider it done.

So resign.
So now that the concessions are going to affect you NIGHT WATCH you want to put up a fight. When you turn around and you stand alone thank the twu. They promise you the world and give you nothing. Enjoy the layoff. Maybe the twu strike fund will help, or the twu training for another job better yet maybe you can bump the junior guy in NYC and live on the substandard wage that AA offers you.

Now repeat after me Thank you twu !!!

Forget about the strike it is against the law and no one would back you up. Just look and the last contract witout a fight and witout further ratification.

Bob Owens hits the nail on the head go on check off untill your union earns its money. :lol:
The concessions did not affect the cost of fuel dummie...forget the strike is simply your way of stating you have no backbone...we knew that already.
Drippy Quill said:
The concessions did not affect the cost of fuel dummie...forget the strike is simply your way of stating you have no backbone...we knew that already.

Yeah, the only backbone is those wearing snake t-shirts, slogans about shared sacrifice and injustice to one is injustice to all? Give me a break Drippy. The TWU and the TWU supporters are by far the most docile union workers on the planet.

You haven't been around the TWU long enough to know, but there is always something or somebody to blame for ALL of their pitfalls and weaknesses. I have heard the excuses for over twenty years now, and it makes me sick. They are just like the extreme liberals in our political system, all they know is FEAR, SMEAR, and EXCUSES.

Face it, the TWU is worthless and you know it.

Had AA reduced capacity and employees in the first place, we would all have been better off. It was the TWU who decided how to save a multi-billion dollar corporation because AA Management didn't have the balls to make the tough decisions. And so now we ALL still suffer from the TWU blunder.

Why do we have to pay for high dollar corporate C.E.O.s and Presidents, if they are going to let the Union Leadership run the company? Why didn't we just buy AA and get rid of those that cannot make the tough decisions to begin with? Because AA and the TWU are bed wetting partners, that's why! Oh that's right, Little got rid of Carty shortly after he was caught hiding management perks from union leaders. What about the other 45 who were involved in the scheme? Give me a break, that was nothing more than smoke screen to cover the "without further ratfication" letter signing party. Is the TWU Leadership on the list to receive the SERP bonuses now? Afterall, they are now running the airline and sitting side by side with Arpey.

This is a really perfect set-up you know. If you complain the the TWU, then it's lack of management shared sacrfice, if you complain to management, then the union decided your concession package. And presto, nobody has to be held accountable because someone or something else is always to blame for everything.

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