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Wildcat Anyone?

James T. Kirk said:
garrrrrrrry you are such a bad man.
Do you know a lying twu sellout that has to start his truck by blowing into a tube connected to a machine that keeps them from getting another DUI? "Captain Smirnoff" does.

"Booze me up Scotty"
Drippy Quill said:
No, but hum a few bars and i might recognize it!...HAHAHA!!!
The twu Sellout Rap...

MMMeee,Meeee,Meeee......Hmmm,Hmmm ........(Rap Beat begins) AAAhhh PUNNNNKS!!!! DRUNNNKS!!!! and COWWWARDS!!!!....thats all the twu has left!!!! They couldn't get...a contract yet, the concessions will be met!!! Make me a bet!!!!! Booooooy!!!!

Noooow listen up!!!!......... If they fought the company......they wouldn't need to concede......at the slightest hint of AA greed!!!! Boot-lickin' for the man...they can... and have for 22 sellout years!!!! Da tears... da sneers, of da membership nears, when AA b*tch slaps these little queers...... tats whaaaat I be saying. (Waakka, Whaaka, Whaaka....)

East coast...West coast...North and South, all dey can do...is run their mouth!!!! When the time is to fight, they take flight.....ain't got no afl-cio might!!!! Boozin'.... and dopin'......there is no hopin' Strike?..... take a twu hike...... and get off the mike. (Boommm, Boommmm, Boooommmmmm)

From 1983...to what looks like eternity.......the twu gotta go.....from dis airline show!!! Stop bein' an AA hoe..... sheeeeet.

You think I'm jokin'???? What you smokin'??? You want another pokin'???

12000 jobs saved? Your livin' in a cave, just axe Dave....
Drippy Quill said:
I do recognize that tune..one sung by common cowards..
Who is the one hiding behind multiple alias? 😛h34r:
Drippy Quill said:
I do recognize that tune..one sung by common cowards..

So since you do recognize that tune, are you a common coward?
Nothing common about me I assure you...and hiding? Is that what I do? I need not hide from cowards and homosexuals as you amfaites in TULE and AFW...for I am a large heterosexual, not your type....HAHAHA!!!
Drippy Quill said:
Nothing common about me I assure you...and hiding? Is that what I do? I need not hide from cowards and homosexuals as you amfaites in TULE and AFW...for I am a large heterosexual, not your type....HAHAHA!!!
drippy its not healty to be in constant denial, quit repressing your true feelings about the same sex and come outta the closet. your always wanting to give buck a hug, sounds like infatuation to me. 😀
Drippy Quill said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: just curious droopy, do you like bieng the bit...h in your role playing? you know the one on the recieving end, or do you prefer being the male? :huh:

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