No jimmy Nelson it is 96% protected from furlough. This is the first agreement that has absolute location protection for tier one and two stations. If your going to state something quit twisting jimmy
Yours is the first agreement that I know of in the industry that has detonation dates where only 7 stations will remain. What is even more troubling is that there are no protections preventing the airline from beefing up flight activity at non union stations. At US AIRWAYS, our scope sucks but we have protections against beefing up non union stations. We insourced ATL last year, and it appears IAH will be insourced this April since it has maintained 14 flights a day.
Since your TA offers no protections against that, management can and WILL BE encouraged to increase flight activity at any station of their choosing and have a union free environment.
And let's talk about the "Then there were 7" stations:
1. Every single merger within our membership, when completed, has done away with two hubs. PSA/USair: SAN, LAX; Piedmont/USair: Day/BWI. America West/US AIRW: LAS LAX. Even outside our membership in DL142: Delta/NW: Mem/CVG. So the question is, which two hubs will go when United finally realizes the synergies?
What we know is that of the 9 hub facilities, GUM and CLE will stay since they have union detonation dates in them and can be operated union free. So, out of the remaining 7, which two will be downsized? Your guess of which two will be just as valid as mine at this point.
OK, Let's talk about your 'no furlough' protections where you claim 96% are on lock down protections.
1. You claim lock down protections for ALL members on the payroll since 1999. Please share how those lock down protections are better than the "Lock down 1994" no furlough protections of the current PCE agreement that happened to go from 22,000 members down to 8,000 in a decade? Where the hell did 15,000 members go that had this guaranteed no furlough clause? Hell, we have the 1999 at US AIRWAYS but we lost 60 stations, and our numbers went from 8,500 down to 3,900 until the westie merger brought us back up to 5,900.
2. Let's talk about your guaranteed "no furlough due to outsourcing" language.
Don't you know what happened in EWR cargo? I thought you were the AGC there Mike? The IBT agreement had merger protections against contracting out, and you and your Boss Delaney claimed in your goofy update "You can't harmonize out of a agreement". So, management contracted out cargo but didn't lay anyone off so they can skirt by that clause. They just brought everyone over to the ramp. Maybe T5Towbar can explain better.
Several months later, management claimed it was overstaffed and laid off workers. I wrote a grievance with Mitch Buckley but management claimed the layoff had nothing to do with cargo. The union leaders had their fingers up their arse and were powerless to enforce.
TA2 is laid with more detonations than a Vietnam mine field. By application, out of 30,000 members, without any help from management I can't see any way there will be more than 15,000 out of 30,000 left after the detonation dates. To say otherwise would necessarily have to suggest that management truly loves their employees and defused the detonation dates.
However, if management shifts work from two hubs, historically speaking, how could you even be left with more than 10,000 members? And with unlimited part time, how many full time jobs will be left, a few thousand? Oh yeah, you promised that since part time is unlimited that all current full timers can not be reduced to part time for the sake of part time. Management sure is going to carve that one up in a few years as well.
Get ready for an explosion!