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Why This F/a Supports The Iam

PineyBob said:
To Much Time To Quit,
Not trying to inflame here. But given the well know tactics of the Jerry Glass's of the world, doesn't it make sense to rally behind the IAM at least until the S-Check issue is resolved?

It just seems that if all of your time and resources are spent debating the merits of competing bargaining agents, that you would lose focus on the greater more immediate issue at hand. And if that's what happens who benefits most? Probably not the workers.

I am no fan of IAM, I don't see a Teddy Xidas or PITbull out there dodging bullets for the IAM. I see a bunch of out of touch fat cat union bosses out to preserve their little slice of heaven at your expense. I don't know if my perception is correct I am not in your shoes. Just the view from the outside.

So knowing only what I see and read, I hold my nose stick with IAM until the current open issues are resolved and then out the door they go unless they prove to do anything worthwhile.
I and many others like me will be with the iam 100% in fighting to preserve OUR airbus work. At this point and time we have no other choice. But I will not sit back and ignore MISINFORMATION and LIES that the lavman is spreading. And if wearing a BUTTON is the idea the iam has come up with to show the company we are solid and united most of the membership finds that approach LAUGHABLE. Maybe we can drag out our old bandannas and wrist bands to go along with the buttons and really scare the company and Jery Glass. 🙁


  • usatoday_osv_chart_30jun2003.webp
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As of right now there is still no amfa local in NYC area and what about the HNL members having to go to SFO, there is no deciete it is fact. And amfa has been at NWA for 5 years or so now, so for that time period and still to this day the EWR, JFK, IAD, PHL, DCA and LGA members still have to travel to BOS for a union meeting.
tmtq, if you believe everything amfa tells you, then I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn for you, deed and all. They told you what you wanted to hear to vote for them. Fact when amfa was certified at NW they had 9,500 AMTs, now they have 4,500, explain that? They did not want to answer that question! Also what about Seham's admission that his firm represented Airlines against unions?

You must have drank the koolaide.
Where is the new york local?

Local number
Office location
Internet link

2 Boston, MA Local 2
3 Los Angeles, CA Local 3
4 Chicago, IL Local 4
5 Detroit, MI Local 5
9 San Francisco, CA Local 9
11 Dallas, TX Local 11
14 Seattle, WA Local 14
17 Portland, OR Local 17
18 Houston, TX Local 18
32 Phoenix, AZ Local 32
33 Bloomington, MN Local 33
35 Duluth, MN Local 35
34 Anchorage, AK Local 34
37 Oakland, CA Local 37
38 Memphis, TN link not available
National Laconia, NH National

And what he failed to tell you is that they will shut down the BOS local and move it to New York, so now the BOS, IAD, PHL and DCA members will have to go to NY to attend a meeting.
LavMan said:
tmtq, if you believe everything amfa tells you, then I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn for you, deed and all. They told you what you wanted to hear to vote for them. Fact when amfa was certified at NW they had 9,500 AMTs, now they have 4,500, explain that? They did not want to answer that question! Also what about Seham's admission that his firm represented Airlines against unions?

You must have drank the koolaide.
I find it difficult ( flabbergasted really ) to believe that anyone who attended that particular meeting would have that view. All questions were answered very thoroughly and with civility, even the ones clearly hostile in tone. Numerous "Question answered?" from the panel did not evoke any further prodding.

The post-hoc fallacy of the lay-offs is curious though: Few carriers DIDN"T shed large amounts of their workforce post-9/11. I don't see the AMFA=Furlough connection in view of the fact we've lost 44% of our own group, and other carriers doing the same regardless of the bargaing agents. They pointed out the obvious...and in any case, we all knew it anyway.

As someone on another related thread observed, the "tough" questions were like softballs to those guys.

Lee Seham must've handled the question great, as murmers around the room attest. What's the point? This was no surprise to me, as I've known this for years due that argument being tossed about often. Seeham & Seeham are good at what they do. I wouldn't want to have to sit accross the table from them...but I damn sure want them arguing a case for me if I can hire them. Are you suggesting that because they can be and are hired by companies that they will argue our cases with any less vigor?
Lav, why do Mecanhics and Cleaners have to be in the same Union or Class? At some of the other airlines, cleaners are grouped in with the ramp, why not here. Maybe becuase most of you don't have enough senority and would be replaced by laidoff ramp guys. It is no different, we load bags, you clean airplanes. Both require training but not much else. Now who is riding whos coat tails.....
LavMan said:
That is the same chart you posted several weeks ago claiming that the 2 highest farm out percentages were from amfa controlled airlines. United and northwest. But at the time united was iam. you tried to hide that point. We know you have plenty of resources at your finger tips to fool everyone. 🙁
LavMan said:
As of right now there is still no amfa local in NYC area and what about the HNL members having to go to SFO, there is no deciete it is fact. And amfa has been at NWA for 5 years or so now, so for that time period and still to this day the EWR, JFK, IAD, PHL, DCA and LGA members still have to travel to BOS for a union meeting.
I never stated that they had a local in JFK right now! They will open one shortly. I heard no information about the BOS local closing and that question was not asked. They also mentioned that their airline rep was from the EWR region. As far as the members traveling to SFO, its probably true. I don't have the time or resources to research every tid bit of info. But what about all the iam members in small stations who work for Usairways. Sure they have an iam local in their city, but they have NO POWER to change or do anything. ATL for example used to be run by northwest mechanics, not sure who controls that local now. How about usair members in Chicago? BOS? MIA? ORD? DCA? BDL?TPA?These are all examples of usair stations that have members and local lodges. But what good does it do them? They don't have the numbers to change anything! There is alot more stations I could add to the list but I think most readers will get the point. The usair guys are outnumbered and have NO VOTING POWER! Don't bother trying to pick apart the listed cities as I randomly threw them out there. 🙂
LavMan said:
tmtq, if you believe everything amfa tells you, then I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn for you, deed and all. They told you what you wanted to hear to vote for them. Fact when amfa was certified at NW they had 9,500 AMTs, now they have 4,500, explain that? They did not want to answer that question! Also what about Seham's admission that his firm represented Airlines against unions?

You must have drank the koolaide.
The question concerning their mechanic total from iam to amfa was not asked! After every question was answered they asked if the asker got their question answered. I heard no one state they didn't. But now the story changes from the home or union computer. Also the attorney told everyone in the room that his father 20 years ago represented a company who sued its union on the proprty. They also said that some of the 77 law firms that the iam uses also worked for companys against unions. But your leaving out a key point about their law firm they hire. They also represent pilots at Continental, Airtran, American, Northwest flight attendants and many other unions that I did not write down. And I believe its the iam who has the exclusive patent on the KOOLADE. And alot of you guys have been taking it intervenously!! 😀 😀
Seems that LavMan was at a different Noon meeting than the one attended by TMTQ and myself. I’ll same LavMan the trouble; this was a post I made on a different thread…

I too had the pleasure of attending an AMFA informational meetings held at CLT this past week. I was impressed by the professionalism of the speakers. For once I felt a small amount of pride about my chosen profession.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank some of the IAM representatives who also spent part of their day at the meeting. Your questions were very insightful. One word of advice though…If you are going to try and make someone else look foolish when asking a question of them try this tact instead. Know the answer to the question you are asking them. This way the answer they give won’t hurt your case and make you look so foolish. If I were on the dais representing AMFA I could not have asked for better “softball†questions than the one’s you guys asked. My only frustration was that you left so soon. Thanks for your help while you were there.

Why do some IAM supporters rely so heavily on misinformation? LavMan, there were other people in the room when you asked your questions. The answers to most of them were followed by a round of applause or audible murmurs of agreement. How can you then run to your computer and talk of locals closing and inaccurate figures? What are you afraid of, that change could happen? Are you a crusader for the mechanics and related and see the IAM as the one true pious group that can save us from ourselves. Has the IAM done such a great job of representing our group in the past that you feel without them we are headed for disaster? Is your zeal driven by this or a more personal desire to rise in the ranks of the union till that one day when you too are submitting annual expense reports that eclipse the wages of even the most topped out technician. I would love to know your motivation LavMan. I understand your reluctance to answer if this is too personal of a question.

TMTQ-Signed my first card in 1993 or so. I’ve been away a few years for personal reasons but I’m glad to be back. I forgot how interesting this could be.

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