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Pitbull's Insight


Aug 28, 2002
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I just wonder how many posters on here realize what I have a while back. That Pitbull was correct way back when, when I was defending Dave and his team. I now see many like myself have seen the light and know Dave is not our answer, and he never was. I post this after reading markmyword's latest post. He like myself and others were eager to let our new leader work his miracles, we gave him a chance while Pitbull and only a few others knew right off he was not our solution. Dave carries with him a known union buster, Mr. Glass. They have put more effort into breaking the unions than they have into running this airline. I have been Pmed by all of management wanting me to join their team. I have also been PMed by other union groups asking for my help in getting the BOD to remove Dave. Removing Dave is where I will be placing my focus because I believe he is the first big hurdle we must overcome before we can even think of a future of being employed at the the once great U. I hope enough grassroots effort is placed into this to see it happen and ASAP! I know where Pitbull stands in this effort, and I hope legions more will as well! Remove Dave Remove Dave!!
Dave is the right person for the job. I disagree with your remarks that Jerry Glass is a union buster. He has stated numerous times that we all must work together. Trying to remove Dave at this point will be suicide for the company. Since you are starting a grass roots effort, whom do you suggest to be a CEO? You talk a big game. but that is all that you can do. I support Dave 100%. The employees must allow Dave to fundamentally restructure the company to combat the LCC's.
Sorry DIFD, but the sad truth be you're part of the problem.

As far as who would replace him? At this point it do you really believe it would even matter? We have a leader that no one respects, and therefore no one will follow his lead or give it their best. Everything he says from this point forward carries no weight in the employees minds, and he alone brought this upon himself. His hammer is worn out and the beatings are only making the resolve of the employee groups steadfast and sure. The BOD will soon realize that labor is not working with the current management team, that the time for threats, intimation, and strict discipline tactics are failing miserably. This team has had its chance, they know they are losing their grip and responding in desperation which can be seen by all, including the BOD which will act accordingly.

Jerry Glass has a website that provides services for anit-labor drives and is affiliated with Ford and Harrison whose motto is "when they roar, we pounce".

What do you think that means? Or do you think labor is as ignorant as you? Recently, he has removed much of that info from his webpage. Hmmm, wonder why?

Too late....caught ya way back!

You continue to follow the Great Oz's yellow brick road....you will be standing alone.
Do it for Dave, you can't be serious?

Jerry Glass' own website shows he is a union buster.

From Ford and Harrison Web page:


For Union-Free Employers we:
develop effective, lawful strategies to prevent unions from organizing, including advice on handling pre-union activities.
advise on proper handling of concerted activities, and NLRB and the National Mediation Board (NMB) representation proceedings.
handle investigations and, if necessary, trial and appeal of unfair labor practice charges.
For Unionized Employers we:
counsel on collective bargaining and contract administration strategies
represent clients in grievance and arbitration cases, strikes, injunctions, and other litigation and NLRB decertification proceedings.

Dave has lost ALL confidence, trust and creditbility, the only way we know when Dave is telling the truth is when his lips are not moving and his mouth is shut.

His management team and himself are wasting millions of dollars by fighting the IAM on the airbus work when a Federal Judge has even told them twice it is IAM work, he says he wants to stop the infighting, well if he is a man of his words, 200 mechanics would be in the process of being returned to work and the airbus be worked by our own people instead of sending US Airways revenue and our tax dollars to Singapore. US Airways claims it is losing $43,000 a day per airplane that is parked, now there are three with seven more to go. So Dave is only setting this company up for failure.

He spoke in his road shows, give me this and I will turn the company around, over 20,000 employees are on the street, the rest of us are working for way less money and benefits and the savings of $1.1 Billion from employees and $1 Billion from vendors and he still can't make this company work. His plan is flawed, Schofield proved you can't shrink to profitiblity, the airline analysts agreed and Dave can't even seem to fathom that.

This company will never heal the distrust from violations that Dave and his managment team placed upon its workers.

The time for Dave is to resign and replace him with Greg Brenenman.
I too must count myself among the ranks of those having to say I was wrong. I don't always agree with Pitbull, but she was dead on about our current management. I still maintain that Bronner is calling the shots, and I am beginning to believe that that whole marriage was arranged before Dave even stepped foot in CCY... that Bronner wanted to buy the company at a fire sale and since bankruptcy was inevitable, plant Dave in the company, drive down labor costs, "turn the company around" and get the hell out. It's an interesting conspiracy theory, anyway. I don't know why this airline can't seem to get decent management. The problems that plague this airline and have for a couple of decades still exist, by and large, except now labor costs are down. But as Clinton would say, "It's the routes, Stupid." Our costs are high largely because we have short routes. Dave's solution is RJs, and that's part of the answer, but not all. We need longer routes for our large aircraft, a westward hub, convert PHL to a rolling hub, and get our a/c out of the freaking desert. Treat employees fairly so they will work WITH you. Bring back the service that our customers deserve.

Dave has been a sad disappointment. Pitbull, you were right on this.
My gawd cavalier you sure are popular!! Or so you claim.

Ridiculous. Remove Dave now? One question: who do you think has more credibility with the Wall Street guys -- Dave&Dave or a bunch of disgruntled airline employees? Because other people's money is your only hope now.

Why are you people focused on overthrowing management when WN is knocking on your PHL door?

Please survive.

If dave, jerry, and company were replaced maybe we would have a motivated
work force instead of those poor digruntled employees you mention.

Remember...the best of the best business owners use other peoples money...
it s called by many names.....private placement , common and preferred
stock. line of credit. convertible offerings etc.....you don t have a point.

As far as leadership...except for navigating the court system and playing
war games Alfred E. Newman has about as much credibility. Take that to
the bank.
Whatkind ofwhat?

The analyst are very aware that where there is Labor unrest, there is no profitable outlook.

The analyst believe Dave when he says he can't make money. Labor too believes that Dave can't make money. So we are all in agreement here.
whatkindoffreshhell said:
My gawd cavalier you sure are popular!! Or so you claim.

Ridiculous. Remove Dave now? One question: who do you think has more credibility with the Wall Street guys -- Dave&Dave or a bunch of disgruntled airline employees? Because other people's money is your only hope now.

Why are you people focused on overthrowing management when WN is knocking on your PHL door?

Please survive.
This management team wants me on their side, they asked me. I am not popular, in fact stupid because I failed to believe Pitbull back then!

>who do you think has more credibility with the Wall Street guys -- Dave&Dave or a bunch of disgruntled airline employees? Because other people's money is your only hope now.

When the BIG Dave sees little Dave has lost his grip and the employees are not interested in what he says or not doing anything for him other than the minimum to hold their jobs, and all the while the company is losing more revenue daily because of Dave's extreme arrogance, well, I don't think the kind of money involved will be thrown away just to keep little Dave around. If you believe as you say "a bunch of disgruntled airlines employees" mean nothing to the bottom line, then you're of the same mind as Dave. Dave believes he is right no matter what, and I believe he is wrong not matter what, along with MOST of the employees who make it all work. So YES, I believe a bunch of disgruntled airlines employees matters BIG TIME!
Dave is not the answer any more. He is the problem.