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Siegel Should "step Aside"

PineyBob said:
With the notable exception of Gordon Bethune, I see NO ONE on the horizon who would or could do better. Remember UA went outside because all that was available was a set of failed retreads. By the time Gordo is available it will be to late.

I'm not totally enamored with Dave Siegel either. But who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters? Dave Siegel is the "Cream of the Crap" in many ways and that is a tough pill fo anyone to swallow especially when he's in your pocket
Bob, Gordon is no better than Dave or any other airline ceo. He has his goods and bads. He was handed a mess and yet handed lower cost than was dave. Gordon is not the miracle worker these guys make him out to be. I assure you if he did come in it would be the same . The difference here is as with EVERY OTHER CEO we have had , the unions are tired of the cuts and now want another . I do agree however its too late for any one new .
Again.. I cast my vote for Piney Bob....

He'd be a whole lot better than Big Al C..........who's been waiting in the wings, patiently wondering why it isn't his company yet.

Go Piney Bob..your our best bet yet...................

Gordon's got one major factor in his favor over Dave: RESPECT. He made a very big deal about keeping his word with CO employees. Every time. He made a big deal about aligning the employees' goals with the company's goals. And, let's face it, he simply has a way of convincing people to follow him, whether right or wrong. Fortunately for all of them he appeared to be right.

Dave seems to have the opposite problem. He seems to be unable to convince most US Airways employees to follow him, whether right or wrong. We may never find out if he was right after all.
sorry fliboy, I don't smoke so try another insult, glad to see you are keeping your streak of being untruthful going.

And you don't vote on my leadership or my contract, I suggest you get your own house in order instead of trying to attack others.

And if my side of the fence is standing up to ensure labor is treated with justice, dignity and respect I will glady stay on that side anyday.

Instead of YOUR side of the fence where you will sacrifice everyone else and yourself because you are drinking dave and jerry's koolaide special.

It is better to die with dignity then live in fear as a coward.
This koolaid is pretty good and you need to get use to getting as good as you give. Ill sacrifice what needs to be what need s to be in order for the good of the majority. You dont understand that do u ? Yup hope my record is still "untruthful" in your eyes so keep it that way. Dont wanna dissappoint u or make you blow a gasket.
OldGuyinPA said:
Again.. I cast my vote for Piney Bob....

He'd be a whole lot better than Big Al C..........who's been waiting in the wings, patiently wondering why it isn't his company yet.

Go Piney Bob..your our best bet yet...................
Big Al C....now there is a nominee. He's old time PSA, old time marine, old time thinker, devoid of ideas, has a bad case of the short man disease not to mention he classless and clueless. If this guy is ever named head of this company you may as well pull the sheet over the head of the patient...this company would be as good as dead. (Even worse than it is now if you can imagine that) He's not qualified to be the local dog catcher and couldn't nab a cat in a room full of them with them all in cages.
In case you're wondering I'm no fan of Big Al C and the bright light that was his career with this company seems to be losing its shine. I would've thought that Dave would've dumped him by now but Big Al can schmooze with the best of them.

And trust that Al C. is on these boards 😉
I'm sure Big Al is on these boards lurking and stewing over who is criticizing him and his gestapo tactics and to him I say listen and learn Al. You have to have an open mind though and that is something he's never had nor will he ever aquire. The customer service people that he oversees are a talented bunch and could do wonders for this company but with his divisive nature and iron fist managment style where he pits people against each other thinking that will build teamwork he's taken the group to a new low. I'd love to be CEO for one hour just so I could call him in my office and give him the kick in the pantaloons on his way out the door that he deserves.

I don't believe USAirways next CEO needs to have airline experience. He/She needs to have a service industry background and understand that "the customer is always right". The new CEO must bring a background of trust with them and look at the employees as ambassadors for the company and treat them as such. I remember "Herb" saying in an interview that "he doesn't look to see how little he can pay his employees, but at how much he can pay them and remain profitable". That statement in todays economic environment certainly would be subject to scrutiny, but its that ATTITUDE TOWARDS EMPLOYEES thats needed at USAirways. But it's not only managements attitude that needs to change. The unions will have to rid themselves of this confrontational approach. That will be hard to do.
The other thing that must happen is for management to provide the employees with a direction or goal for the company and what they want it to become. Who is USAirways? What do you see as the goal or image for this company? How do you get there? Are the employees empowered to provide for the customers? Do the employees have the latitude to make decisions which are in the interest of the customers? Do the employees put the customer first? Are all employees accountable for their actions and decisions? Are employees given recognition for a job well done?
Without positive answers to the above questions, USAirways and it's employees are just a bunch of "bees swarming around the hive" with no place to go, no one to lead them there and they are starting to sting each other!
Okay then, allow me to play devils advocate again. Let's say you could get Bethune interested in coming to USAirways. I think he's overrated and arrogant, also think he took a lot of credit for the hard work of CO employees who truly did turn the carrier around. But that's just my 2 cents.

Anyhoo, many of you here have a problem with executive compensation. Understandable, given past history with Wolf and Gangwal, and with the cuts you've all taken. How do you convince Bethune (or anyone for that matter) to come to USAirways and work for free? That seems to be the only way many of you here will be happy with a new CEO. Explain to me how you plan to compensate a new CEO in a way that makes them want to take on the challenge, without it becoming an issue down the road....
7.5 Victim wrote:
Okay then, allow me to play devils advocate again. Let's say you could get Bethune interested in coming to USAirways. I think he's overrated and arrogant, also think he took a lot of credit for the hard work of CO employees who truly did turn the carrier around. But that's just my 2 cents.

To a certain extent you're right. The employees of CO did work hard to turn that airline around but someome had to give them the direction. I was involved in an attempt to organize the CO ramp employees by the IAM. I was amazed at the attitude of a lot of their employees. They truly believed in their company,their product,and the people leading their company. Unfirtunately I don't think we can say the same.

Anyhoo, many of you here have a problem with executive compensation. Understandable, given past history with Wolf and Gangwal, and with the cuts you've all taken. How do you convince Bethune (or anyone for that matter) to come to USAirways and work for free? That seems to be the only way many of you here will be happy with a new CEO. Explain to me how you plan to compensate a new CEO in a way that makes them want to take on the challenge, without it becoming an issue down the road....

It's not so much about being against executive compensation as it is getting what you're paying for. I think the return for our dollar for this current management team is terrible. They don't have to work for free,but they need to earn what they make.
On the one hand, I understand and agree that dave has served his purpose.

On the other, I think that purpose was plotted some time ago - dave does the dirty work, unions call for his head, RSA says ok, but it's going to cost you, and dave pulls the ripcord on that parachute.

In other words, can you say 'expectations management'?
PineyBob said:
Jeezus, were you born in a cave? Gordon Bethune saved a boneyard called CO and turned it into the best performing legacy carrier in the business from a profit and growth standpoint.

Does he have a clue on how to lead? YEP!

Is he a loudmouth blowhard? YEP

Does he get results? YEP!


BOB Your in correct here. Gordon bethune does know how to get results He isnt at all what you say he is. If Dave had the cost structure that cal has after a few bk s he would have the same result. My family works for cal. I know!!! He was handed a mess however had the tools to work with and was able to bring it to gether however, the ground work had already been done. There is only so much a human being is capable of doing and without the ground worked laid, there not gonna be able to do it. He was fortunate enough to have the cost in line and even able to sqeeze more out of its employees. You need to look in depth at who cal is , who makes up that company, and what was handed to bethune. Did he do a good job with what he was handed YUP. Hewould not be able to save US now.

Can the IAM do any wrong by you? what about Buffenbarger's salary? He is basically the CEO of the IAM, and I don't see him stepping up to lead by example.

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