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Why Should Union Members Vote For Kerry

Decision 2004 said:
I say it is time for a Revolution.

Count me in!!!

It has really been a sickening year in politics digging into crap that happened thirty years ago on both sides.
Let's talk about religion and fracture our AMFA support even more.

Dissident, why talk about this on a labor page?

I think the majority would agree that what we have to choose from is nothing to pound our chests about. Seems like the working man is going to take it in the shorts again.
proAMFA said:
Let's talk about religion and fracture our AMFA support even more.

Dissident, why talk about this on a labor page?

I think the majority would agree that what we have to choose from is nothing to pound our chests about. Seems like the working man is going to take it in the shorts again.

Considering that the afl-cio has thrown their support behind kerry whole heartedly we should be discussing why he deserves our vote or why we should keep Bush. So lets list kerrys accomplishments and weigh the issues. If you wnat I will also start another thread about why union members should vote for Bush.
Personally, I believe people should vote their vote. If genuinely motivated to research the candidates and vote accordingly, it should be their vote, union member or not. Can parties attempt to persuade the vote through advertisements and leaflets, sure, why not. It is your task to vote for whom you feel will lead our country in the best direction for us all.

I think slick Willy taught union members an important lesson, never trust a smiling dog!

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