Well, let me say this about that And I will retreat to the Cooler.
As is well known, I have always been a proponent of unionism.
I have walked the picket line at both the Eastern and NWA strikes. ( as well as others)
I was always an advocate of AMFA as the Philosophy fit mine.
However, I never understood the denigration of other class & crafts to achieve the goal of having an independent union for the M&R.
Yes, I have heard of the ‘your riding my coat tales’ and I am smarter than you because I have a ‘righty tightly’ A&P ticket.
How did that work out?
Now ‘your unions’ have kicked you in the ass, and I don’t blame Weasels and Albert for pointing out the arrogance.
“IF” the AA M&R voted in AMFA, you wouldn’t be here sucking teet for the TWU/IAM==A$$ociation.
Now, for me, back to the cooler.
😎 Shooting [/ QUOTE]
I cannot disagree with a lot you say but it is a fact that the TWU and AA were working together in the effort to keep AMFA out. If you have been paying attention you know the TWU is dominated by Fleet and also you know that although we are in the same union Fleet (And Stores) has more benefits than we do. As we speak there are no AMTs on the international ATD staff. Only Fleet Service. There is a huge difference between a FSC and an AMT job and the responsibility that the AMT has with their job is extremely large. This responsibility and the constant scrutiny by the FAA warrants higher pay and at least the same benefits as a Fleet Service Clerk. To date we are second class citizens in this union although we pay higher dues than any FSC or Stores employee. We call this taxation without representation. That is why we tried and hopefully will try again to get away from them. That being said we AMTs are also our own enemy by the constant fighting between O/H and Line and station vs station. But the biggest question that remains is: If the TWU was watching out for AMTs and representing them well would the AMTs want to leave? No they wouldn't. The TWU International knows they are not representing us but not only do they fight like hell to keep us from leaving, but they continue to kick us in the nuts and push inferior benefits on us. Why does a FSC and Stores get a full day's sick time paid while we get half pay? Why does a FSC and Stores get longevity pay but AMTs do not? I do not look down on other work groups but I certainly will always believe I deserve the same benefits they do. As far as Weasels and the others a comment here and there is always ok but they try to take over any maintenance thread and bate everyone. They are not qualified to do our job and they have no idea what that job entails so they certainly have no business judging us or critiquing us as they do. I challenge you to identify any AMT who takes over FSC threads as they do ours. Putting them on ignore is the only option and I wish all would do that and stop replying to them and allow them to continue to belittle our jobs and to justify inferior treatment. If it is arrogance to point out being treated like second class citizens in our union then I am guilty as charged. I don't blame all FSC but I do blame the International and the FSC who run the ATD.
Now I'll go back to my cooler.