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Why no contract from the Association?

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Great post sir. You bring up one of the major reasons I prefer the 401K option over any pension. YOU (WE) control how much can go into the accounts. Pensions (at least the IAMPF) are restricted to a maximum of 40 hours X's what ever is nego per hour and no more, and no make up. At least with the 401K's we can work several thousand hours of overtime each year (or not, if we want) and all of that extra worked hours and money goes right into the 401K accounts which means thousands upon thousands more dollars going in including the companies added % match to the added overtime monies worked in overtime. I don't need any overtime, but I love the fact that I can work any overtime during the catch up program and really slam my retirement account for about 10-20 years and really pad my retirement account. Cannot do any of this with the pensions. And rest assured, I can say it is more than likely the pension will go thru at least 1 or 2 more reductions in benefits paid rather it is to the retirees or the workers still working, they will get hacked more and more until finally they are just gone or hardly any help at all. Example: The pensions and retirement funds and accounts for our police and firefighters here in Dallas were on the verge of exploding and going down the tubes. The temporary fix was just passed to push it off on to the tax payers of Dallas County. It will get into trouble yet again once this Band-Aid wears off.

Thank you, so many great posts by everyone, and its probably a good idea, we keep bringing out our pov, and reiterate all the great posts here. Bob Owens I believe is 100 percent correct on his post, on this Association. The Iampf is desperate, and their desperation is costing their members, Twu, and labor.
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Thank you, so many great posts by everyone, and its probably a good idea, we keep bringing out our pov, and reiterate all the great posts here. Bob Owens I believe is 100 percent correct on his post, on this Association. The Iampf is desperate, and their desperation is costing their members, Twu, and labor.
In the meantime the association is deflecting the real purpose of the creation of the association. They try to keep our mindset on getting an ILC with more money, vacation, overtime pay, holidays and so on. While in the background they are actually trying to sugarcoat the IAMPF into the agreement. In other words they are stealing our retirement. The devil is in the writing. No one wants to read about the devil. This time we better read it all or the devil will get our retirement. The association hopes we fall for the diversionary tactics so the IAMPF, afl-cio and both Internationals of the TWU and IAM get theirs.
The association hopes we fall for the diversionary tactics so the IAMPF, afl-cio and both Internationals of the TWU and IAM get theirs.

That is it in a nutshell.
This contract could have and should have been done long ago, you only need to look at how quickly the Pilots were completed, there is nothing that could have been more complicated than merging essentially 3 different pilot groups.
The delay is strategic on the IAM's part with complicity on the part of some TWU international individuals in order to get the membership to a point of literally voting on anything that gives them a little more at this point than they already got.
Sadly, there are a number of members that will vote for a JCBA without any attention being paid to being included into the IAMPF as well.
They should be instead be asking "what could we get for a company contribution/match if we did not include a IAMPF option?"

We should have 7 day a week negotiation.
We instead are getting a couple of days a month, literally.
Both unions should be ashamed of their representation, but their only interest is staying on the property.
Leaked memo:
Lombardo retired because he did not want to have anything to do with the IAM pension. IAM thru the AFL-CIO put tremendous pressure on him. What does that say about the new guy Samuelson?
Can you say hmmm I can be bought.
This came from the inside circle of the TWU upper Echelon.
Leaked memo:
Lombardo retired because he did not want to have anything to do with the IAM pension. IAM thru the AFL-CIO put tremendous pressure on him. What does that say about the new guy Samuelson?
Can you say hmmm I can be bought.
This came from the inside circle of the TWU upper Echelon.
Well if there is any truth to that then the next guy standing in the way of the IAMPF being shoved up our back side would be Peterson. They probably are trying to stress him out into a nervous breakdown or heart attack so he can leave.
Peterson can not be trusted. If you look at his background all he cared about was himself. He didn't get elected at first time then tried to join management but they would not have him. Isn't is wife a past manager/director ? His track record is his past.
Almost 18 months of negotiations with no send in sight
14% cut right off the top.
Company match pretending nada.
Share gain
Trying to give pushback to fleet
No p.v.'s
No flex vacation
Get to pay twice the cost of benefits then out first class iam buddies
No vote on the association (though we were promised one)
The dumbing down of a once proud maintenance organization.

As a second class employees did I miss any benefits of this "mergers

We did get a raise. Now sit down and we will tell what we are going to do.
Almost 18 months of negotiations with no send in sight
14% cut right off the top.
Company match pretending nada.
Share gain
Trying to give pushback to fleet
No p.v.'s
No flex vacation
Get to pay twice the cost of benefits then out first class iam buddies
No vote on the association (though we were promised one)
The dumbing down of a once proud maintenance organization.

As a second class employees did I miss any benefits of this "mergers

We did get a raise. Now sit down and we will tell what we are going to do.
I'm looking at my paycheck now we get paid bi-weekly its $87.55 for the best medical I'm single. You have to times that by 26 and divide by 12 to get monthly cost. Only one dental option $1.46 every 2 weeks
I'm looking at my paycheck now we get paid bi-weekly its $87.55 for the best medical I'm single. You have to times that by 26 and divide by 12 to get monthly cost. Only one dental option $1.46 every 2 weeks
I also got paid for Memorial day
Almost 18 months of negotiations with no send in sight
14% cut right off the top.
Company match pretending nada.
Share gain
Trying to give pushback to fleet
No p.v.'s
No flex vacation
Get to pay twice the cost of benefits then out first class iam buddies
No vote on the association (though we were promised one)
The dumbing down of a once proud maintenance organization.

As a second class employees did I miss any benefits of this "mergers

We did get a raise. Now sit down and we will tell what we are going to do.
And no one seems to be pissed.
No serious talk about a card drive.
Card drives to replace union representation is initiated by pissed off union members. How much more pissed off do we need to be? Obviously things are good. We got our screwdrivers, $9.00 an hour raise, our work leaving the country, a profit sharing check, losing tow moves, etc, etc, etc....
They just T/A'd SIDA badge article.
Leaked memo:
Lombardo retired because he did not want to have anything to do with the IAM pension. IAM thru the AFL-CIO put tremendous pressure on him. What does that say about the new guy Samuelson?
Can you say hmmm I can be bought.
This came from the inside circle of the TWU upper Echelon.
Post the memo, because this look like a leaked rumor instead.
Post the memo, because this look like a leaked rumor instead.
The IAMPF is no rumor. They just want to find a way to slide it in the JCBA without too much fanfare. The association is banking on the guys being focused on the pay, vacation, holidays and overtime improvements. The guys aren't even talking Industry Leading Contract anymore. I doubt most know what a Industry leading contract is suppose to look like. Just by throwing in the IAMPF is a downgrade from our current 401K match. Our current 401K is not even Industry leading. Our profit sharing is not Industry leading.
Wow looks like this thread officially fell off the deep end and into the abyss. Totally Koo Koo for Cocoa Puffs.
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