Why Don't The Angry People Leave?

...too many Chiefs and not enough Indians.
Quite possibly the most significant problem that US has. I wonder how much labor CASM could be cut by reducing Chief overhead.
I guess there are too many Chiefs that don't have a clue as to what's going on. Here's an example. Milwaukee, hey let's put RJ's in that market, the mainline jets are full so we can put weight restricted RJ's in that market. We can save money by having mainline express employee's work then. Hey guys it's Milwaukee in the winter, no one wants to go any place warm. Believe me everyone wants to go some where warm and forget about everything for a week or so. Management needs to figure out you can't( I hate to quote Mr. Wolf) you can't shrink an airline into profitability. Buddy this place is a joke!
USA320Pilot said:
For those who say the concession stand is closed, burn the place down to the ground, or full pay until the last day, why don't you show some courage and leave the company? I bet you do not have the courage to quit!

If US Airways is so miserable then leave. Why be miserable?


Go back and read your posts when your pension was terminated, you fit the bill of what you post about.

Why are you still here?

Why did you not quit?

Why did you not take your foreign flying job?
Can't leave...I don't work here...

Actually I'm waiting for edited ICT/UCT or whatever he's called it....The glass is almost empty..Mainline

Sorry..it's full ....

Right USA320Pilot edited
USA320Pilot said:
For those who say the concession stand is closed, burn the place down to the ground, or full pay until the last day, why don't you show some courage and leave the company? I bet you do not have the courage to quit!

If US Airways is so miserable then leave. Why be miserable?


I agree COMPLETELY. I was miserable for two years at a former job. Miserable, angry, unhappy with how things were run, and felt POWERLESS. Little did I know when I signed on with a Catholic healthcare organization that I felt I could be PROUD to work for, just how much my life would change. Not only do I feel better about myself, I treat those around me much better. If anyone feels miserable at his or her job there is nothing more depressing than staying there and feeling "stuck" for years.
USA320Pilot said:
For those who say the concession stand is closed, burn the place down to the ground, or full pay until the last day, why don't you show some courage and leave the company? I bet you do not have the courage to quit!

If US Airways is so miserable then leave. Why be miserable?



I agree with aero, your entire topic is invalid.

It's real easy to tell the others to leave if they don't like it. It's just as easy to tell an alcoholic to just stop drinking, or a gambler to just stop gambling, or a drug addict to just stop that silly nonsense because they are just killing themselves.

People have been here for years and very recent newcomers turn their lives upside down and we have you telling the old timers to leave if they don't like. No indignation, no moral outrage of wrongs being committed, just walk away and forget it ever happened, sure, right.

I can turn it around and tell YOU if you don’t like what you’re hearing from fellow co-workers, then just quit.
Well, if you're not leaving, why don't you fix what's broken? Yelling about everything being broken does little more than give you a sore throat.
mweiss said:
Well, if you're not leaving, why don't you fix what's broken? Yelling about everything being broken does little more than give you a sore throat.

Apparently you do not understand the corporate culture or lack of at US, employees have given the company the tools the company said it need to fix the airline, dave failed and failed miserably and he gets rewarded for it.

The employees have given hundreds of millions of dollars in cost saving ideas and efficiencies.

The IAM alone had to go to Bronner and Lakefield two months ago to get US to listen to $80 to $100 million in cost savings, which Siegel and Glass did not care to even listen too.

The employees for years have come up with better ways to do business and save tons of money, only to end up in File 13 (trash can).

The culture in this company is gone and needs total overhaul of management, if the idea does not go along with managements thinking it gets tossed.
As a long term lurker with few posts, I had to jump in and explain why it is an invalid arguement. The people still at US (I have never been), or at any company in any industry work for compensation that they or their unions have agreed to. Because they are still working, and have not quit, they have personally agreed to their current circumstance, good or bad, short or long term. To say when the company wants to lower that compensation "If you don't like what we are TRYING to impose in the FUTURE, you should quit right NOW!"??? That is illogical. And as a pilot (I am one myself) it is extremely offensive for you, still making more money than most of those you are urging to quit ever did or will, to even weigh in with your opinion. Like I say when a celebrity comes on TV asking for money for some cause "You give away all your money until we are equal, and THEN I will give dollar for dollar, until then have a nice cup of SHUT THE F$%^ UP!!". Try to influence your peers if you desire, but just like an Officer in the military (I am one of those also) should not complain to an Enlisted man about money and how his $25,000 bonus is not really $25,000 because it gets taxed, pilots making double, triple, or more should keep their opinions to themselves in these matters. To do anything else is just impolite!
Actually, I do understand. The question was more rhetorical than it looked.

The fact is, you're not in a position to fix it. Ultimately, then, your choices are to stay and live with it, or leave. It's not pretty or ideal, but it's real.

Yes we are in a position to change it, we stand up for our contracts and hold the company accountable.

You get out the stupid things this company does into the media, one thing they hate is bad press.

With all their faults, trade unions have done more for humanity than any other organization that ever existed. They have done more for decency, for honesty, for education, for the betterment of the race, for the developing of character in man, than the other association of men.
Clarence Darrow, The Railroad Trainman, 1909
USA320Pilot said:
For those who say the concession stand is closed, burn the place down to the ground, or full pay until the last day, why don't you show some courage and leave the company? I bet you do not have the courage to quit!

If US Airways is so miserable then leave. Why be miserable?


Your fallacy is obvious. (At least you are consistent.)

Your question presumes that people working at US Airways are unhappy with USAirways, the people they work with, or the flying they do, or the customers they take care of, or the pay they are currnetly earning.

You are woefully in error in all accounts.

You see most employees have been here for 20+years and love to fly, love to smile to the customers, love to pull together as a team with their fellow employees, love to operate efficiently and save the company tons of money. They are proud of their professionalism and expertise that has kept this airline on the “short listâ€￾ of our valued and loyal customers for so many years.

The object of hatred is none of these things. It is of a Johnny come lately who is mucking up the success and profiting unjustly while he destroys all that the employees have worked their entire careers to establish.

In PIT there was a gentleman (I use the term loosely) that had a Mgt stooge view of the world and ironically no one would fly with him. Because he was unwelcome he eventually had to leave and now everyone in PIT is happy again.

Siegel’s departure is a start. You too are welcome to depart if you like.


700UW said:
Yes we are in a position to change it, we stand up for our contracts and hold the company accountable.
And that changes the company culture how? It doesn't gain you more respect. It doesn't reduce CASM. It doesn't make US profitable.
mweiss said:
And that changes the company culture how? It doesn't gain you more respect. It doesn't reduce CASM. It doesn't make US profitable.
You make them work with you, you work together on making them do business smart (which US does not do), and you point out the inefficiencies and where they throw money away.
I've been hanging out of the flame wars in this forum but I've gotta agree with USA320Pilot and Heinrich.

I know so many people not just at USAirways--but friends and relatives that stay in jobs that make them miserable, angry, and resentful 24X7. I know people that have had nervous breakdowns, marriages fall apart, and serious medical issues as a result of carrying this stress and anger with them. At the end of the day, its just not worth it. No job is worth it.

Fact is there is more to life than work. And just about anyone can quit their job and walk away. In the long-term, these people are much happier for doing so. It is taking that step to recognize that if your job is killing you--you gotta go. But at the end of the day, its a free country--if you wish to stay in a bad situation you can. If you want to leave and build a new life--you can. But many fear that so they stay in these horrible work environments.

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