On 2/7/2003 11:54:44 AM ONTHESTREET wrote:
On 2/7/2003 10
30 AM DakotaHC8 wrote:
I prefer to think that any supposed new regional jets placed here at the wholly owneds will have been paid for with the decades of safe + profitable operations we have provided, and will provide...
But I know that doesnt matter in an AirwaysPilotCentric Universe. I expected backlash from a few Airways pilots on here with a overactive sense of entitlement. But why so little outcry has emerged when the company instead pays to hire outside companies to fly hundreds of RJ's is puzzeling. But it probably has to do with the misguided notion that if Mesa buys + flies an RJ, that it somehow doesnt cost US Airways just as much (please).
Chances are that the majority of said aircraft in this motion are meant to be flown at MidAtlantic/Mainline Express. Thus they WILL be your planes, and WILL be flown by by your pilots, duh...
Just because your union negotiated a B-scale trying to save the pension, there is no reason to blame the wholly owneds. trust me, we have no control over anything going on here
Alright crowd, I was not bashing anyone, especially the W/O's (Used to be one) Just pointing out that the company is not being truthful with ANY group.
You are probably right, All the BK statement says is that the jets will be going to USAir regional affiliates. So using the companies track record, that probably means Freedom and Republic.
As to entitlement. Give me a break, When I hired on with the W/O I never expected to fly a jet. If we got them fine but it was not part of the deal! When I hired on with ML, I also never expected to be forced to give up my job so the W/O's could fly jets.
But just to get this straight, What you are saying is that it is alright for the company to screw the guys that have been here for 30+ years so you can trade in your Dash 8 for a jet?
Most of us were playing in the sandbox (or not even born yet) when these guys took their first checkride with this company, and you actually have the gonads to think that they have a false sense of entitlement in this issue?
But dont worry, I'm sure Dave has a nice pink slip for you guys too after he puts enough of the jets at freedom and Republic.
have a nice day.
Give me a break!! The RJs are a much needed infusion to Airways group! They are not just making a whimsical choice here.ONTHESTREET is exactly where we will be if the RJs are not in the picture. No matter how much we debate this it is am inevitable requirement in today's aviation industry!! I for one think DS is doing a great job of salvaging what was going the way of the Titanic.
On 2/7/2003 11:54:44 AM ONTHESTREET wrote:
On 2/7/2003 10

I prefer to think that any supposed new regional jets placed here at the wholly owneds will have been paid for with the decades of safe + profitable operations we have provided, and will provide...
But I know that doesnt matter in an AirwaysPilotCentric Universe. I expected backlash from a few Airways pilots on here with a overactive sense of entitlement. But why so little outcry has emerged when the company instead pays to hire outside companies to fly hundreds of RJ's is puzzeling. But it probably has to do with the misguided notion that if Mesa buys + flies an RJ, that it somehow doesnt cost US Airways just as much (please).
Chances are that the majority of said aircraft in this motion are meant to be flown at MidAtlantic/Mainline Express. Thus they WILL be your planes, and WILL be flown by by your pilots, duh...
Just because your union negotiated a B-scale trying to save the pension, there is no reason to blame the wholly owneds. trust me, we have no control over anything going on here
Alright crowd, I was not bashing anyone, especially the W/O's (Used to be one) Just pointing out that the company is not being truthful with ANY group.
You are probably right, All the BK statement says is that the jets will be going to USAir regional affiliates. So using the companies track record, that probably means Freedom and Republic.
As to entitlement. Give me a break, When I hired on with the W/O I never expected to fly a jet. If we got them fine but it was not part of the deal! When I hired on with ML, I also never expected to be forced to give up my job so the W/O's could fly jets.
But just to get this straight, What you are saying is that it is alright for the company to screw the guys that have been here for 30+ years so you can trade in your Dash 8 for a jet?
Most of us were playing in the sandbox (or not even born yet) when these guys took their first checkride with this company, and you actually have the gonads to think that they have a false sense of entitlement in this issue?
But dont worry, I'm sure Dave has a nice pink slip for you guys too after he puts enough of the jets at freedom and Republic.
have a nice day.
Give me a break!! The RJs are a much needed infusion to Airways group! They are not just making a whimsical choice here.ONTHESTREET is exactly where we will be if the RJs are not in the picture. No matter how much we debate this it is am inevitable requirement in today's aviation industry!! I for one think DS is doing a great job of salvaging what was going the way of the Titanic.