Who Is This?


Aug 20, 2002
When pay rates are compared to industry average compensation, it is clear that in the vast majority of cases that wages fall well below this average, regardless of work group and years of service. While some work groups approach the average at the top step of the scale, they remain between 10% and 30% below average throughout the scale. We recognize as well that these top scale employees are well below industry leading pay, and that they are due wage increases as well.
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Who Is This?, Industry Compensation = Topic
Buck said:
When pay rates are compared to industry average compensation, it is clear that in the vast majority of cases that wages fall well below this average, regardless of work group and years of service. While some work groups approach the average at the top step of the scale, they remain between 10% and 30% below average throughout the scale. We recognize as well that these top scale employees are well below industry leading pay, and that they are due wage increases as well.
American Eagle mechanics.
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Yes you are correct, but it does sound like the AA mechanics. Since you have read this document, how much would an AMT make at DOS+24?
will fix for food said:
BTW, what was the American mechanics top-out in January 2001. I'm just looking for the base pay + license.
Somewhere around $25.30 just base and license. I know it was $26.01 with second shift and everthing.
Buck said:
When pay rates are compared to industry average compensation, it is clear that in the vast majority of cases that wages fall well below this average, regardless of work group and years of service. While some work groups approach the average at the top step of the scale, they remain between 10% and 30% below average throughout the scale. We recognize as well that these top scale employees are well below industry leading pay, and that they are due wage increases as well.
So what is your point Buck?
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My point is that Regional Airlines such as Eagle, have always been compensated somewhat lower the the majors, at least for the mechanic craft and class. I believe that it is a sore issue with those Eagle mechanics. Now if the TWU is able to gain the parameters of the proposal, then they will be making comparable wages of their corporate major. As their wages increase, the wages of Americans mechanics decrease. Yet both are members of the TWU.
Buck said:
Now if the TWU is able to gain the parameters of the proposal, then they will be making comparable wages of their corporate major. As their wages increase, the wages of Americans mechanics decrease. Yet both are members of the TWU.
Oops, wrong again Buck.

IF, and that is a biiiiiiig IF, the TWU were to get the Eagle pay scale through as proposed, the pay difference would remain relatively the same.

Your top out rate prior to your last contract ratification was $25.30 as AMFAMAN pointed out. Our current top out rate is $23.30/hour. That would make our top out rate roughly 92% of yours (on your old contract).

Now for the present. Since you were interested in our DOS + 24 mos numbers we'll go with those.

Our rate on DOS + 24 mos (4/28/05) would be $28.96. If I am reading your pay scale correctly your rate on 5/01/05 would be $31.01/hour. The math on that is.....93%. Yep, we would be at 93% of your top out. Almost exactly the same split.

But yes, I will concede that we would be 1% closer to you in pay. The TWU is selling you out in favor of Eagle. :lol:
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Oops, wrong again Buck

But yes, I will concede that we would be 1% closer to you in pay. The TWU is selling you out in favor of Eagle.

How can I be wrong if I am right?
Buck said:
Oops, wrong again Buck

But yes, I will concede that we would be 1% closer to you in pay. The TWU is selling you out in favor of Eagle.

How can I be wrong if I am right?
If you are crying over 1% I truly feel sorry for you.