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Who is in the lead for union representation for M&R @ the new American Airlines?

AMFA.....AMFA....AMFA When will people learn that these big industrial unions are about themselves. They throw you a couple bones, then tell you your a brother and commence to take your money. 2.5x your pay for what? To pad the International's pocket, to listen to"your out of order brother, and no way to vote out the upper echelon. What is there to think about ... wake up! Step away from your mothers skirts, think for yourself.

AMFA is the way to go!
When you own the boards then you can tell me what to do.

Are you trying to silence an opposing view?

Yep thats what unionism is about, now isnt it?

I have negotiated for mechanics and represented them, I dont discriminate, can you say the same?

And I have been in the class in craft, so try again.

And what's wrong?

Does the truth hurt about AMFA failing at NW and AS?


Again You lie, as a stock clerk you were never in the same class and craft, stores has their own class and craft.
Look at what the NMB considers M&R not what the IAM or IBT or TWU say.

As a shop rep/steward you may have represented in a union capasity some one from a/c maintenance being in the same local or same station that is allowed. But I would doubt that a mechanic would get a stock clerk to represent him if a a/c mechanic steward was available.

I am not discriminating either I just don't want your class and craft mixed with mine that it effects my wage earning potential.

You have not done any negotiations unless you are telling us that you are or were a part of the IAM's ATD Intl.
And if that is what you are saying then show us when you were part of the IAM Intl. once part of that I would assume that you would NOT still be a clerk you would be IAM intl still. so again caught in your own lie.

Shop stewards and local board memebers don't sit in on negotiations at that level. So you sir are NOT being truthful.

Being a stock clerk at another carrier does not give you the right to have any input as to my wishes to be seperated from your class and craft at AA. You don't have a clue what it means to belong to your own class and craft, you are a Industrial unionist, strength in numbers type. Those days are gone, long gone.

Just remember the IAM scabs crossed the AMFA Picket Line at NWA.

Funny at US every member on the NC are mechanics currently, I was the only non-mechanic on the NC.

So mechanics are negotiating for mechanics at US.

But keep spreading your lies and misinformation, try to oppress others with different views, it just shows your true colors.

Are you that obstuse?

Mechanic and related at US included Mechanics, Stores and Utility, I was utility and stores.

Go read the US CBA and educate yourself.

Do you negotiate for the IAM at US?

Nope, I have and the committee is appointed from the district and international level.

We had two General Chairman, two Grand Lodge reps, two grievance committee chairman, PIT IAM M&R President and myself.

Keep lying.

If you work for AA in MIA, how do you know what and how our negotiations were structured?

Prove your lies.
Funny at US every member on the NC are mechanics currently, I was the only non-mechanic on the NC.

So mechanics are negotiating for mechanics at US.

But keep spreading your lies and misinformation, try to oppress others with different views, it just shows your true colors.

Are you that obstuse?

Mechanic and related at US included Mechanics, Stores and Utility, I was utility and stores.

Go read the US CBA and educate yourself.

Do you negotiate for the IAM at US?

Nope, I have and the committee is appointed from the district and international level.

We had two General Chairman, two Grand Lodge reps, two grievance committee chairman, PIT IAM M&R President and myself.

Keep lying.

If you work for AA in MIA, how do you know what and how our negotiations were structured?

Prove your lies.


Like I said I was part of the IAM at Eastern Airlines.

Your USAir cba includes the stores and utilities in you bargaining group it is the same here at AA. M&R but what I said was that when a vote come to who will represent us here at AA NO stock clerk will have the right to vote per the NMB.

It will also be the same at USAir the NMB determines the class and craft not the UNION. If the mechanics at USAir wanted to switch to IBT/AMFA/TWU you would not have a vote. Do your home work.

I am not a memeber of any unions National or Intl. so I do no negotiations and unless you are either you don't. you may sit on a commitee at the negotiations but the lawyers and Intl officers of the Union sit with company NOT
stock clerks and mechanics.

Charlie Bryant and the rest of the IAM intl did the talking for us at EAL.

I walked a picket line and back then the IAM was strong but now they are scabs. They cross picket lines set up by amfa. Fellow employees at NWA. Way to go IAM....
Are you that stupid?

Up until the merger the class and craft at US Airways was Mechanics, Stores and Utility, I spent 20 years out there, I think I should know what i am talking about.

You werent there, you are not a US employee nor a member of the IAM, this isnt AA nor the TWU, we do things different.

I was a full member of the negotiating committee, I even gave you the breakdown of the committee.

So maybe you should learn to comprehend what people who are in the know tell you.

Our NC was:

Tony Giammarco-General Chairman (US Airways Mechanic)
Bill Freighberger-General Chairman (US Airways Mechanic)
Tom Regan- Grand Lodge Rep (US Airways Mechanic)
Bill Hoogenhout- CLT Grievance Chairman (US Airways Mechanic)
Tom Belmont-PHL Grievance Chairman (US Airways Mechanic)
Frank Schifano- PIT President and Grievance Chairman (US Airways Mechanic)
Myself- Stores and Utility
William O'Driscoll PDGC DL 142 former TWA Mechanic
Joe Aldofini- Grand Lodge Rep and former TWA Mechanic.

Maybe this time you will get it?
Are you that stupid?

Up until the merger the class and craft at US Airways was Mechanics, Stores and Utility, I spent 20 years out there, I think I should know what i am talking about.

You werent there, you are not a US employee nor a member of the IAM, this isnt AA nor the TWU, we do things different.

I was a full member of the negotiating committee, I even gave you the breakdown of the committee.

So maybe you should learn to comprehend what people who are in the know tell you.

Our NC was:

Tony Giammarco-General Chairman (US Airways Mechanic)
Bill Freighberger-General Chairman (US Airways Mechanic)
Tom Regan- Grand Lodge Rep (US Airways Mechanic)
Bill Hoogenhout- CLT Grievance Chairman (US Airways Mechanic)
Tom Belmont-PHL Grievance Chairman (US Airways Mechanic)
Frank Schifano- PIT President and Grievance Chairman (US Airways Mechanic)
Myself- Stores and Utility
William O'Driscoll PDGC DL 142 former TWA Mechanic
Joe Aldofini- Grand Lodge Rep and former TWA Mechanic.

Maybe this time you will get it?

NMB determines the class and craft NOT THE UNION OR THE COMPANY...


You will have NO SAY when IAM mechanics vote in AMFA OR IBT.

AND THAT is fact....

YOU are a stock clerk and if you are good at your job then stick to that, because when it comes to the mechanics and what the NMB says you have NO CLUE..

bye bye
I know you know me, I just dont want my name all over the internet, lol.

Would you explain to the AA fellows how things at US were, they dont seem to grasp the concept.

amfa in mia,

I hope you fix planes better than you can comprehend.

Up until 2006 stores at US were part of the mechanic class and craft, that has been proven to the board by myself and others.

Is it too hard for you to understand?
I know you know me, I just dont want my name all over the internet, lol.

Would you explain to the AA fellows how things at US were, they dont seem to grasp the concept.

amfa in mia,

I hope you fix planes better than you can comprehend.

Up until 2006 stores at US were part of the mechanic class and craft, that has been proven to the board by myself and others.

Is it too hard for you to understand?

Each of you are speaking from your own experiences and beliefs. And it goes around in a cycle of name calling and accusations of lying, etc. What's the point...

I will state that 700 has a lot of knowledge regarding the IAM and was on the BK contract "negotiating committee". I personally feel his allegiance to the IAM socialist doctrine is misplaced but he has been consistent.

Whatever happens, some big changes are coming, and the challenge is not to lose sight of what should be everyone who is involved goal... stability in employment and raising everyone's standard of living.

One only has to look at the cluster**** that is USAPA to learn that dysfunctional workgroups play into the plans of management and are easily manipulated.

It would be time well spent if people would spend less time making personal insults and more time making rational statements supporting their beliefs. Maybe we could all learn from other's experiences without the personal vitriol and pettiness.... naaah.
700uw your list of the NC looks and reads like intl officers, they may have been mechanics but they are chairman
now or at that time correct. Y or N?

Like I said if you were part of the Intl at that time, you might of sat in but less than the intl level just a stock clerk you are full of it.

There is a guy who on the USAir site sayss your not even an employee yourself, and have not been for yrs.

And just so you know I do maintain the aircraft at AA very well, insuring that they are in a safe and airworthy condition before I send them on their flight along with all the other professional mechanics in the industry.

There is a guy who on the USAir site sayss your not even an employee yourself, and have not been for yrs.

That guy would be me. And he has not been a US employee for many years now.

But he was on the negotiating committee during the BK contract concessions and BK contract. Sorry dude.

And he may have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express at one time or another also.
I know you know me, I just dont want my name all over the internet, lol.

Would you explain to the AA fellows how things at US were, they dont seem to grasp the concept.

amfa in mia,

I hope you fix planes better than you can comprehend.

Up until 2006 stores at US were part of the mechanic class and craft, that has been proven to the board by myself and others.

Is it too hard for you to understand?
. NMB determines class and craft. I have been involved in several Amfa drives here at AA. We never collected cards from stock clerks because they were not in our class and craft as per the NMB. This goes back prior to 2006. So I don't know how you believe that stock clerks were in our class and craft prior to 2006 since the NMB calls the shots. Maybe USAir has a different class and craft than the NMB allows. Not likely. Again you are dribbling into the AMT issues that you have no part in. Have a nice day. Bye, bye.
Clueless, truly clueless.

The General Chairman are elected by the rank and file and are District Reps who enforce the contract.

The Grand Lodge Reps are from rank and file and work for the IAM Transportation Dept at reps.

The local grievance chairman are rank and file members who are head of the grievance committee at their local station, they are not district nor international officers.

The President and Grievance Chairman was the President of the Local Lodge in PIT and the Grievance Chairman for PIT.

Like I said, maybe if you actually took the time to read and comprehend you wouldnt make yourself look to ignorant.

And once again up until 2006, the Class and Craft per the NMB and the R# was Mechanic, Stock Clerk and Utility at US Airways, is that too hard to understand?
When you own the boards then you can tell me what to do.

Are you trying to silence an opposing view?

Yep thats what unionism is about, now isnt it?

I have negotiated for mechanics and represented them, I dont discriminate, can you say the same?

And I have been in the class in craft, so try again.

And what's wrong?

Does the truth hurt about AMFA failing at NW and AS?

So your going to go on this path huh? AMFA did not fail at NWA and AS.
If AA does go to the IAM, will I have to pay union dues? Proud member of bad standing with the iam/ SInce 1983 with CAL. It would be an interesting option to vie for. Save myself hundreds FOR car insurance!!!

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