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Who is in the lead for union representation for M&R @ the new American Airlines?

Do the AMT's at Southwest have a pension with AMFA? Are they offering to start one if you guys vote them in at AA? To answer your question NO AMFA does not provide a pension. What agreement they have with SWA could be a combination since at one time they did have the Teamsters. Ask a SWA mechanic that question?

The teamsters are promising the world to us here at Usairways, but when you ask them to put it in wriitng all we get is SILENCE! I myself will stay as far away as I can from the teamsters! They will promise the world,
Tell your guys to ask....

1. what local they will be assigned too?
2. The E-board of that local has how many members as part of the ATD?
3. WHY is it that they want us to pay 2.5x pay for dues?
4. Ask if you can VOTE OUT the locals president?
5. Why the business agent assigned to the airlines of that local are appointed?
6. Why didn't they open contract at UAL when that was a big thing selling thier bs at UAL?
7. Why is it that the mechanics at UPS have a seperate local and the rest of the carriers that the TEamsters
represent are lumped in with the butcher/baker/candlestick maker. WHY?
8. Why has it taken so long to intergrate two carriers with SAME UNION at UNITED/Continental?
9. Which of the two groups at UAL id going to get screwed because CAL has a pension and UAL doesn't
so which group is the IBT going to screw?

Then GO to the mechanicsforchange.com web site and read all about the Teamsters.

You can read here on this site that we here at AA HATE the TWU so it is our choice NOT to HAVE THEM

So MY Choice would be AMFA....

They will only represent the mechanics, Facilities, automotive, aircraft,


Simple its a class and craft union.
We AMT's at Usairways are hearing that the TWU is going to be out at AA, so who do you guys think will be the future union representatives for the mechanic and related group at the combined Usairways/American Airlines?

We are curently IAM, with alot of guys pushing teamsters. We do have a very solid pension fund that most are happy with.

You need to tell the guys who are pushing the IBT to check into the financial viability of the IBT' Pensions
I promise that they will want to take them over if you switch to them is that what you really want?
Central states pension and western Conference are the names of the IBT pension plans.

They say that they are independetly run but you must be a TEAMSTER to get in so how can it be independent?

The IAM screwed you guys over the yrs at USAir bit by bit you are getting some of it back but what should you of had if the IAM actually did fight for you? Think about that?

Start doing your own research see which you feel is better IAM/IBT/AMFA

If you want to have a class and craft union then Start telling your guys to sign AMFA cards....
Teamsters charges 2.5x all inclusive. That is more than AMFA and the TWU. Yet AMFA and the TWU can financially manage to have locals that represent Title 1 and Title 2. The Teamsters say it costs too much money to run a separate local. They collect more in dues and will not give us our own local. So what do the Teamsters do with all the dues they collect? One can just imagine. AMFA has locals already to go once we vote them in. They know the financial numbers to run locals and with AMFA they have the financial responsibility to do it. AMFA spends more money per member than the Teamsters. Why? Because AMFA represents a class of members. So most of the money goes to us and not other groups that have nothing to do with the ATD. This is plain and simple. A no brainer. If someone refutes this then they have a self serving agenda. A selfish one at that. The Teamsters are worse than the TWU. Non elected officers and worse is they charge more in dues and NO A/C Maintenance locals to boot. As far as the pension goes? I spoke to a Continental AMT one day on the employee bus and we had a nice talk. YES it is true that if you retire and work in the same field the Teamsters will not release your pension payments. If you retire and work in a field outside of Aviation but a field where Teamsters are represented they again will not release your pension payments. This is true and outright WRONG but they are getting away with it because they control the money. Sounds unreal but it is true. Stay as far away from the Teamsters as possible. WE are AMT's and we need a class and craft union that represents our field of work. No more industrial unions. They have done enough damage over the course of my career with American. Not to mention the other carriers.

SIGN A AMFA CARD without delay. It is the only one to sign. You have no options or choices of unions. AMFA is the real deal!!!
ok i am not trying to be smart, and i am not pro twu i want them out more than anything. i am just trying to figure out who i want to back, because i am really not to sure right now. to be honest i am leaning towards teamsters just because my parents were teamsters and they dont have one bad thing to say about teamsters. and after that i am probly leaning towards the iam. but i really dont know that much about amfa. and please dont think i am slamming amfa but what has amfa done in the industry? from what i seen they sacrifice overhaul for line, and no i am not from tulsa, they really screwed up northwest, and at swa they are working off a contract that teamsters got for them. so if someone can give me so positive info for amfa i would appreciate it, thanks.


Only Class and craft uinon that will represent only mechanics in airline industry.

Only union in which any member can sit in during negotiations.

Only union in which the TOP members of the national can be voted out.

The rest of what goes on at each of the industrial unions and amfa is just up to each persons interpertation,

Can we get rid of J. Little = NO (twu)
Can we get rid of J. Hoffa = NO (ibt)
Can we get rid of IAM Pres. = NO

Will all of these industrial union represent ramp, stores, or any other employee groups within the airlines. = YES

Any further info you should LOOK UP Yourself its YOUR career as well as it is mine.

The electrician, plummers, carpenters, painters, all have thier own class and craft union why shouldn't WE.

Why be lumped in with the butcher/baker/candlestick maker that the industrial unions will represent.
Any and all work in honorable, not putting any job down just looking out for my class and craft members
and if you are one of those you should be doing the same..
Cards still being signed in TAESL, mainly from the guys that were forced over from the hanger. The AMT's with the FREE teamster shirts, realize that the dues will be higher for the same representaion that we are currently getting. We are on the same page.....the end is near for the TWU ! Good luck and get involved.
My Dad has been with Teamsters for 25 years and retired with there pension. He gets $900 month from them. He did receive a letter in the mail not to long go stating that the teamster pension fund is in the red and in the upcoming years they will cut his pension. im just asking all the AMT's at AA and US that before we vote any Union in to do your own research. I have at least 20 years to go before I retire and I want the best for myself and all of us...Please do not let people in your work group brainwash you with Teamster Amfa and Iam propaganda. just do your own research and pick for yourself and not what people ask you to vote for.
My Dad has been with Teamsters for 25 years and retired with there pension. He gets $900 month from them. He did receive a letter in the mail not to long go stating that the teamster pension fund is in the red and in the upcoming years they will cut his pension. im just asking all the AMT's at AA and US that before we vote any Union in to do your own research. I have at least 20 years to go before I retire and I want the best for myself and all of us...Please do not let people in your work group brainwash you with Teamster Amfa and Iam propaganda. just do your own research and pick for yourself and not what people ask you to vote for.


The airlines are all doing away with pensions its just the way it is. They are also doing away with the overhaul bases as well again just the way it is.

You tell me what UNION in OUR industry is going to LOOK out for you and I? NOT stores or the ramp just us?

IBT/IAM/TWU NOT one of these....

We at AA tried this AMP thing to attempt to bring the Tulsa boys on line but they just did not get it.
The F/A started their own union and it worked for the The pilots here at AA did the same thing.
But we the mechanics of AA can't seem to all get on the same page and look out for our class and craft.

Most here have been drinking the TWU coolaide so long just don't get it.

Give us ALL here on this site the Name of a Union who will work to better OUR cl;ass and craft
NOT let rampers/stores/others effect OUR wage earning Potential? Give us a name of a UNion who does not represent rampers, stores clerks, others at any other carrier. NONE there isn't any other than AMFA.

If there was I would LQQK at them as an option as well.

But until then

AMFA at AA and USAir
We AMT's at Usairways are hearing that the TWU is going to be out at AA, so who do you guys think will be the future union representatives for the mechanic and related group at the combined Usairways/American Airlines?

We are curently IAM, with alot of guys pushing teamsters. We do have a very solid pension fund that most are happy with.

In case you don't know, I am a Southwest Airlines AMT. We are AMFA now and we were the teamsters prior to AMFA. I assure you we are WAY better off now than when we had the teamsters. First and foremost the teamsters were caught do "behind closed door deals" with the company at SWA as well as at CAL prior to merger with UAL. You do not want the teamsters to be in control of your pensions, matter fact you don't want ANY union in charge of your pensions.
If you want control of your union, have input and say-so, where the membership dictates how the union is ran and operated, sit in on nego's, have a say so in how much money your local officers can spend and on what, then you want AMFA.
If you want "back door deals" done, rob the membership of higher dues, future agreements to concessions, and have bakers, truckers, and other industry officers running your union, then you might want the teamsters/ibt or the TWU. However, you need to see what the TWU is currently doing to the AA mechanics, it's pathetic. I really don't have any input about the IAM, however, it's just another industrial union. I would highly recomend you guys go AMFA. But pls do follow the suggestions of some of the posters and do your own research of all the unions you are looking at, it will pay off in the long run. Trust me, you do not want the teamsters, we fired them from SWA in a record 2 week card drive. We should have done it years and years ago. The teamsters tried to do a card drive once we bought AirTran, but that card drive was quickly abandoned when the teamsters were told to go pack sand by some big teamsters supporters. The teamsters will promice you anything and everything just to get you to vote for them, then once they are voted in, they will never deliver on their promices, just ask the UAL guys. Ask the Frontier mechanics what happened to them. Ask the AirTran mechanics how well they got represented in the integration nego's. After doing all your own homework on the unions I am sure you will be leaning towards AMFA. Good luck in your research brother, and remember, ALWAYS ASK THE TEAMSTERS TO PROVIDE THE PROMICES THEY MAKE IN WRITING. They won't brother because they know they cannot deliver plain and simple. Everything AMFA tells you is already in writing, just read the constitution, it's all there.
In case you don't know, I am a Southwest Airlines AMT. We are AMFA now and we were the teamsters prior to AMFA. I assure you we are WAY better off now than when we had the teamsters. First and foremost the teamsters were caught do "behind closed door deals" with the company at SWA as well as at CAL prior to merger with UAL. You do not want the teamsters to be in control of your pensions, matter fact you don't want ANY union in charge of your pensions.
If you want control of your union, have input and say-so, where the membership dictates how the union is ran and operated, sit in on nego's, have a say so in how much money your local officers can spend and on what, then you want AMFA.
If you want "back door deals" done, rob the membership of higher dues, future agreements to concessions, and have bakers, truckers, and other industry officers running your union, then you might want the teamsters/ibt or the TWU. However, you need to see what the TWU is currently doing to the AA mechanics, it's pathetic. I really don't have any input about the IAM, however, it's just another industrial union. I would highly recomend you guys go AMFA. But pls do follow the suggestions of some of the posters and do your own research of all the unions you are looking at, it will pay off in the long run. Trust me, you do not want the teamsters, we fired them from SWA in a record 2 week card drive. We should have done it years and years ago. The teamsters tried to do a card drive once we bought AirTran, but that card drive was quickly abandoned when the teamsters were told to go pack sand by some big teamsters supporters. The teamsters will promice you anything and everything just to get you to vote for them, then once they are voted in, they will never deliver on their promices, just ask the UAL guys. Ask the Frontier mechanics what happened to them. Ask the AirTran mechanics how well they got represented in the integration nego's. After doing all your own homework on the unions I am sure you will be leaning towards AMFA. Good luck in your research brother, and remember, ALWAYS ASK THE TEAMSTERS TO PROVIDE THE PROMICES THEY MAKE IN WRITING. They won't brother because they know they cannot deliver plain and simple. Everything AMFA tells you is already in writing, just read the constitution, it's all there.

I was wrong when I stated I have no info about the IAM. The IAM was the union that "agreed" to closing maint and outsourcing at UAL 2-3 months prior to AMFA getting in. It is clearly dated in the contract "PRIOR" to AMFA being certified union representation at UAL. Then the teamsters came in, promiced the guys the world, the teamsters garrenteed to re-open the contract at UAL. Have they done that? Nope, they cannot. The company will have to agree to re-nego. The teamsters promiced to get the UAL mechs industry leading pay durring re-opening of the contract. Did they do that? Nope. They promiced to get them a pension fund. Did they do that, Nope. They also promiced to bring back in house all the outsourcing that the IAM agreed to, and to re-open the maint stations that the IAM agreed with the company to close. Did they do that? Nope.
Keep demanding that they put all their promices and garrentees in writing. They won't, because they know they are lying thru their teeth.
And AMFA was powerless when Alaska outsourced their heavy maintenance and laid off AMFA represented mechanics.

Glass houses.
And AMFA was powerless when Alaska outsourced their heavy maintenance and laid off AMFA represented mechanics.

Glass houses.


Your NOT a Mechanic or even work at AA nor have you been represented by amfa.

You are a stock clerk who LOVES the IAM.

Stop bad mouthing AMFA, support your own class and craft, be a proud IAM supporter that you are and
Preach how good the IAM is. But we want to be seperate from your class and craft here at AA and soon to be USAir and American.

If you want a say as to MY class and craft get an A&P lic. and then transfer into aircraft Maint.

Other wise Just GO AWAY.
When you own the boards then you can tell me what to do.

Are you trying to silence an opposing view?

Yep thats what unionism is about, now isnt it?

I have negotiated for mechanics and represented them, I dont discriminate, can you say the same?

And I have been in the class in craft, so try again.

And what's wrong?

Does the truth hurt about AMFA failing at NW and AS?
When you own the boards then you can tell me what to do.

Are you trying to silence an opposing view?

Yep thats what unionism is about, now isnt it?

I have negotiated for mechanics and represented them, I dont discriminate, can you say the same?

And I have been in the class in craft, so try again.

And what's wrong?

Does the truth hurt about AMFA failing at NW and AS?

I will take issue with your assertion. The reason AMTs "especially at AA" are the lowest paid in the industry (pay & Benefits) is because of people that think like you. People like you would keep giving away AMT pay and benefits to preserve the international's dues payer headcount. Never mind our quality of live being diminished every time you catch-all union collectivists touch our contract!

A stores clerk would never fight for a better contract for AMTs - with the passion an AMT would have - that had a dog in the fight.

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