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Who are you going to vote for and why?

Thank you for your suggestion... I firmly believe that people should be treated humanely and fairly while still being personally responsible for their own actions/decisions. I believe that people in the event of lost homes should be helped as a priority today regardless of the circumstance as mentioned. Priorities, take care of those in our country first.

Feel free to help people who have lost their homes. What I don't like is when people say that I and people like myself, productive taxpaying law-abiding citizens, should be punished because we weren't foolish enough to buy a house we couldn't afford. Why should we be punished?

I see you edited your post. Now it says: (emphasis added)

Thank you for your suggestion... I firmly believe that people should be treated humanely and fairly while still being personally responsible for their own actions/decisions. I believe that people in the event of lost homes should be helped as a priority today regardless of the circumstance as mentioned...(cant leave people stranded even if they made a bad choice)... Priorities, take care of those families who lost homes(regardless how it happened at this point) in our country first the rest will work it self out eventually..

Why? People who made bad choices must be made to learn their lesson. Otherwise we have socialism.

The rest will not "work it self out eventually". Eventually the nation goes bankrupt!
Feel free to help people who have lost their homes. What I don't like is when people say that I and people like myself, productive taxpaying law-abiding citizens, should be punished because we weren't foolish enough to buy a house we couldn't afford. Why should we be punished?

I see you edited your post. Now it says: (emphasis added)

Why? People who made bad choices must be made to learn their lesson. Otherwise we have socialism.

The rest will not "work it self out eventually". Eventually the nation goes bankrupt!

while I appreciate your comments incase you havent noticed, the economy is pretty much bankrupt.
I see you edited your post.
that was the last line of my comments in post #27, there was no additional edit, as it was an insert from a previous post not an addition.

have a great evening Sherlock!
Why? People who made bad choices must be made to learn their lesson. Otherwise we have socialism.
I pretty much would think someone losing their home has already learned a valuable lesson.

But learning a lesson and leaving people stranded goes against all human nature as you want to be able to help a family at the same time allowing them to be responsible for their own actions. If that means helping them secure a future mortgage again sometime in the future then by all means try to do that, because all people deserve a second chance in my opinion. maybe instead of having that foreclosure on their record preventing another purchase at least attempt to have the ability to seek another mortgage and limit it solely within their means the second time.. of course taking into considerations the circumstances involving the initial home loss and what that individual would ultimately be qualified for down the road.
I agree with 4merresrat and will vote for McCain/Palin. First of all, Obama is inexperienced and I have yet to see what he has accomplished. Whenever anyone asks him a question he cannot simply answer the question. He just beats around the bush. Second of all, he is racist! Third of all, I don't think he is patriotic enough. Fourth, he is going to raise taxes for many including capital gains taxes. I have various investments and I don't think that I should have to pay tons and tons of capital gains taxes on them. Also, $250,000 really is not that much money and families who make that should not be punished for working hard. That's what my family makes and I don't think we should have to pay extra. Fifth, I don't believe in Socialism. The great thing about living in the US is that we are a democracy. Sixth, anyone who thinks allowing the government to take care of our healthcare needs to really examine how inept our government is. Do you seriously think they are going to take care of you? Do you seriously think universal/government run healthcare is going to be a better situation for us all. I don't! The last thing I want is the government to be involved. Do you think it is hard getting into the doctor's office now? Sometimes I have to make appointments 2-3 months in advance. wait until it is socialized health care. It will be next to impossible. I have family from England who absolutely hates universal healthcare and they tell me it doesn't work. Seventh, while I don't like war and I don't think we should have started the war in Iraq, we cannot surrender at this point. That would be the worst thing to do and that's what Obama wants. He wants to pull troops out. I know, he said he wants to set a timeline to pull the troops out. I'm sure someone will tell me that he is setting a timeline to "win" the war. He has no interest in winning the war. He just wants to pull troops out. Eighth, he doesn't speak very eloquently and says "uh" too much. I think Hillary Clinton should be running not Obama and even though I don't agree with everything that McCain says, at least I know he has experience and he won't raise my taxes. Obama is naive, idealistic, lacks experience, and just isn't ready to be a leader of our nation. Oh, and I think it is wrong that the union has sent my hard-earned dues to the Obama campaign. They shouldn't be sending our dues to politicans. Feel free to disagree, tell me a million reasons as to why voting for McCain/Palin is a mistake, or whatever but I really don't care what you think.

Ditto and ditto--well said....Personally I loathe that man and his condescending manner who acts like he is the next savior. I believe IF he does get in he will be assassinated.

A racists/Jesus freak--no just a rational thinking person who sees reality and not smoke screens.

In an abomination world two mommies or two daddies would be celebrated, encouraged. The sane judges with any kind of morals would be executed, free markets would become extinct in the name of fairness. The world would be turned upside down and dumped of anything left that was good and holy.

Now you have my opinion.
I'm voting for Obama/BIDEN !!!


1. They are PRO Union !!

2. Sen. Obama VOWED to make a difference for a group of Americans Loooooooong overlooked,
The Native Americans !

3. Sen. Biden is a Huge supporter of Amtrak, who has Loooong been forced to Beg for
transportation funds(unlike Highways/seaports/airports) !

4. John McCain, though a good and decent man, supported the WORST President in US History, 90% of the time !

5. Sarah Palin is GROSSLY under qualified.

6. The Middle class will return faster under Democrats, than the GOP !

Simple answers to a pretty simple(thread) question.

YES, I've returned from exile. There are deep/dark, and distant places out in the cornfield, that I don't reccomend that anyone visit !!!

...I have been Fairly treated !
Dig thats very good perspective. I never would have thought that. Ive never had a house of my own (always rented apartment) i personally see where youre coming from with that perspective.
Dig thats very good perspective. I never would have thought that. Ive never had a house of my own (always rented apartment) i personally see where youre coming from with that perspective.

Feel free to help people who have lost their homes. What I don't like is when people say that I and people like myself, productive taxpaying law-abiding citizens, should be punished because we weren't foolish enough to buy a house we couldn't afford. Why should we be punished?

JS, if you are a home owner you are being punished already. My home lost about $20k in equity over the last year or so. I pay my mortgage on time and I even managed to loxk in 4.5% for a 15 yr fixed. There are 3 foreclosures in my neighborhood and I would not be surprised to see a few more show up over the next year when the remaining variable loans start to vary. I hate the idea of bailing those folks out along with the banks but if it helps me loose less in the long run, I do not see what other options we have.
This was sent to me via email. I just went to the Foxnews.com and it does show that this will be on Sunday night. It's under " Hannity's America"
> 9:00 PM.

Might be an interesting documentary. Worth a look.
JS, if you are a home owner you are being punished already. My home lost about $20k in equity over the last year or so. I pay my mortgage on time and I even managed to loxk in 4.5% for a 15 yr fixed. There are 3 foreclosures in my neighborhood and I would not be surprised to see a few more show up over the next year when the remaining variable loans start to vary. I hate the idea of bailing those folks out along with the banks but if it helps me loose less in the long run, I do not see what other options we have.
seriously something must happen with these foreclosures and start getting people back into homes.
letting homes sit and dropping property values lower and lower will only pull down all the others in that
same area. it is like this, a home is 195 thousand, but in the neighborhood 5 homes are foreclosed and the price has been dropped 80 thousand just to get someone in that will also effect the responsible home owner and ultimately how their property may be valued especially if they are trying to sell. a buyer could simply state this home across the street is 115 thousand why are you asking for 195 for the same type home?
this situation could eventually effect everyone in some way.
JS, if you are a home owner you are being punished already. My home lost about $20k in equity over the last year or so. I pay my mortgage on time and I even managed to loxk in 4.5% for a 15 yr fixed. There are 3 foreclosures in my neighborhood and I would not be surprised to see a few more show up over the next year when the remaining variable loans start to vary. I hate the idea of bailing those folks out along with the banks but if it helps me loose less in the long run, I do not see what other options we have.

Actually, I'm not a home owner. I used to be, until my greedy wife filed for divorce, hired a crooked lawyer, lied through her teeth in court, and won almost everything she wanted.

Regarding drop in property values, I've been through the same thing though for a different reason. My house used to have $65,000 of equity (that's a third of the home's value). My r-tard ex got mad at the thought of having to share half of that with me in divorce court (never mind that I was paying for 100% of the house myself), so she let the house go to crap so that no one would want to buy it if they wanted to live there. We ended up selling to an investor who mowed the lawn and pulled the weeds and made tens of thounds of dollars selling to someone who did want to live there. I hope my ex-wife is happy that we ended up splitting the proceeds from the sale of the house of a measly $9,100 (a $27,500 loss for each of us!). Worse yet, all of it went to attorney's fees, and there's still $19,000 left to pay.

Moral of the story is that if your equity dropped from a third of its value to zero but you still live in your house, you are doing better than me. Even though I've lost big time, I'm not going around with my hand out, or trying to get a free house, or anything like that. I'll survive by working and looking forward to tomorrow rather than wringing my hands and worrying.

Now imagine if we had some government program that "guaranteed" no one would lose equity. Who would bother moving the lawn or pulling weeds if there's no downside to ignoring your property like my stupid ex-wife?
Sorry for your situation but that was not my point. My point was that if we don't bail out the folks who screwed up, the rest of us who did not screw up take a bath along with them. Seems either way we turn, there will be quite a few innocent people sucked up in the back draft of this mess.