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Who are you going to vote for and why?

Where do you come up with this drivel? Since when does giving your hard-earned money to people who bet the farm on a real estate bubble help you?

Because if the homes are not forclosed on then they are not going to be sitting empty for who knows how long and I would be able to sell my home for a better price instead of having to compete with foreclosures. Do you have a better solution?
Thank you for your perspective, I would like to say I understand your reasoning a little more clearly regarding the Govenor, But I dont.. as it seems more like a personal opinion because you commented you could care less about experience which tells me its more of just personality "quirks" you find relevent as opposed to actual leadership qualities? if experience doesnt matter then its all just a popularity contest?

Experience does not equal quality leadership. I look at education, situational awareness, open mindedness and other such qualities. As I said, W was governor for 6 years and that 'experience' did not amount to a bucket of warm spit. If I was judging on 'personality' or popularity I would go for Palin because she is a hot MILF and has cute mannerisms. Intellectually, she is stunted due to her belief structure. She has no critical thinking skills, no intellectual curiosity and in my opinion, no credibility. These are not quirks. These are substantive qualities that make a good leader in my opinion.

This is not a rep/dem issue. As I said, were Palin not the VP, I would not have a problem with MCcain in office even though I do not agree with him on several key issues. Palin with McCain a scary concept as a POTUS.
Because if the homes are not forclosed on then they are not going to be sitting empty for who knows how long and I would be able to sell my home for a better price instead of having to compete with foreclosures. Do you have a better solution?

again correct! its simple, a neighborhood of foreclosures sitting on the market unoccupied for a significant amount of time, will eventually pull down the value of surrounding homes and the investment effecting everyone in the neighborhood. the only positive I could see is possible reassessing tax values to a lower amount but that pales to the actual loss sustained regarding investments of responsible home owners!
Experience does not equal quality leadership. I look at education, situational awareness, open mindedness and other such qualities. As I said, W was governor for 6 years and that 'experience' did not amount to a bucket of warm spit. If I was judging on 'personality' or popularity I would go for Palin because she is a hot MILF and has cute mannerisms. Intellectually, she is stunted due to her belief structure. She has no critical thinking skills, no intellectual curiosity and in my opinion, no credibility. These are not quirks. These are substantive qualities that make a good leader in my opinion.

This is not a rep/dem issue. As I said, were Palin not the VP, I would not have a problem with MCcain in office even though I do not agree with him on several key issues. Palin with McCain a scary concept as a POTUS.
but her belief structure is supported by a lot of people in this country regardless if I agree with that or not.
I do not necessarily feel she has no critical thinking skills as I look at the effectiveness of her term in office, meaning, did she accomplish goals, her approval rating, the ability to handle and execute decisions that effects the people in the state either positively to their benefit or other.. But I fully appreciate your opinion, it is a different view, in that regard..Thank you.
actually 4merresrat is right regaring total days.
he has spent a total of roughly a year on the job regarding and I believe it was 304 days total in session,
also you have to take into consideration a senator may actually work on days they do not vote, such as,
the trip to Afghanistan and to Iraq was made in his capacity as senator. you cannot look at it simply from year to year as opposed to the total number of days actually voting or representing his position which equals a year, the rest of the time was spent initially exploratory seeking another office, actual campaigning and of course meeting and greeting the supporters over the past 18 months.

Do you have a source for that exact kind of information? If true, I guess McCain was out even more as he was absent from voting more than Obama. That must also mean that we must deduct the days Palin has spent pursuing personal vendettas firing people while on the clock. (surely leaving many more days left out of her 1 1/2 years experience.)

It is really unbelievable that people are questioning the abilities of one of the most highly educated candidates in American history, one whom people LOVE to skim over his State legislative experience. (notice how they ALWAYS leave that out).

It reminds me of the same people who choose Bush a second time over Kerry. Wow..look what happened to the country, what a shock.

Obama had AS MUCH experience to be President as Lincoln...and quite a bit more than many other Presidents.

To compare this accomplished man to a bumbling idiot like Sarah Palin is very telling. For people to even be comfortable with this AIR HEAD Palin as a possible leader of the United States is nothing less than twillight bizarre., if not frightening. God help this country.
after watching bush steal 2 elections a unneccessary war whereas nearly 4200 troops are needlessly dying, allowing OSAMA Bin Laden get off the hook, watching us the middle class people get tossed into the dumps, watch as our wages have flown out the door, and watch as the world becomes disengaged with the usa due to bush's foreign policies, and gitmobay i cant think of any reason why we need another 4 more yrs of nothing but the same FAILED policies that certainly mccain would bring and God forbid if somethin happen, then having a totally unexperience vp become the pres. hmmm lookie i can see russia from my state home. gee i wonder if i can see ireland from the white house. yea thats good enough to vote out the republicans

1. Nobody stole anything. The Demorats lost.................period ,end of report !

2. Clinton had Bin Laden in an American's soldiers crosshairs long before 9/11 and wouldn't let him pull the trigger !

3. Do your history homework ! :blink:
1. Nobody stole anything. The Demorats lost.................period ,end of report !

2. Clinton had Bin Laden in an American's soldiers crosshairs long before 9/11 and wouldn't let him pull the trigger !

3. Do your history homework ! :blink:
last time i checked, Bush has bin laden cornered in Toro Boro area and what did he do---thats right, allowed idiots to tell bin laden "get out of here before the american soldiers get you" and that was December 2002. Clinton at least had the balls to fire cruise missiles at bin laden caves upon intelligence reports that he may have been there. I dont care that he cheated on his wife, he was one of the best presidents we had he handed bush a surplus and of course bush squandered it to the point we are borrowing chinese money to buy mid east oil
i know my history pretty well but thank you anyway
Because if the homes are not forclosed on then they are not going to be sitting empty for who knows how long and I would be able to sell my home for a better price instead of having to compete with foreclosures. Do you have a better solution?

Your phrase that I bolded is where your logic falls apart. You won't be able to sell your home at the same price that it used to be worth when fewer people have the need to buy it (since they get to stay in their overpriced home and only pay what they can afford) and everyone with a job is paying higher taxes to support the deadbeats occupying non-foreclosed homes.

If the market won't support inflated home values, then prices must come down. Essentially what you're arguing for is price controls, and price controls don't work.
Well I've been registered GOP since I was old enough to do so in '88 ( although I wasn't lock-step GOP in my voting...I'd vote for a conservative Dem over a liberal Rep ). The last 2 elections I've held my nose and voted Bush: He differed enough from other issues his opponent ran on for me to vote for him despite some some major rifts in other issues. ( for the record, I'm a socially conservative..albeit nearly secular...populist/nationalist ) For the 1st time, I'll be voting for a 3rd party candidate, most likely Barr. Both major candidates get a solid "F" grade on issues most important to me ( mostly immigration...the true trojan horse ) and the aforementioned "other issues" I've previously rationalized to less importance are now major sticking points: My "tipping point" finally having been reached. It is appalling to see the renewed and exponentially expanding gusto in which the neocons are assaulting labor ( both union and non ) and middle class. I no longer like the direction the GOP is going....and they're not going to change as long as we hold our nose and vote just because the other candidate is a little worse. Makes no difference to the leadership: A vote is a vote. Fark that!!! They've lost me......

Here's the deal: The McCain/Palin team scares the living shite out of me: He's an irrational hot-headed reactionary ( his "maverick" bit notwithstanding ) that's going to get us into a conflict we can't win ( spread as thin as we already are ) and Palin is just ( IMO ) an inexperienced theocratic religious nutjob. McCain's advisors are the absolute embodiment of a "Who's Who" of plutocratic pricks. Of course the GOP always tended more to that side ( I never liked it before, but figured other issues were more important ) but...well...my tipping point is reached. The whole neo-con movement needs to be torpedoed once and for all...and it'll happen with not getting McSame elected. I do like both their stances on the 2nd amendment ( a big issue with me ) but gun owners rights successfully sustained 8 years of Klinton [sic] assault on same through precedents and local pressure. I've carefully considered this: And am especially encouraged to read about and talk to so many others that feel the same..."it aint just me" as they say. My "tipping point". My actions may result in an Obama presidency, but whereas I think Obama/Biden is not for me ( considering their previous voting records, despite their nouveau populist rhetoric....Clinton minus the sleaze ), I truly have have an absolute dislike/fear of McCain/Palin presidency. Lifelong GOP-er.....How'd that happen?????
Do you have a source for that exact kind of information? If true, I guess McCain was out even more as he was absent from voting more than Obama. That must also mean that we must deduct the days Palin has spent pursuing personal vendettas firing people while on the clock. (surely leaving many more days left out of her 1 1/2 years experience.)

It is really unbelievable that people are questioning the abilities of one of the most highly educated candidates in American history, one whom people LOVE to skim over his State legislative experience. (notice how they ALWAYS leave that out).

It reminds me of the same people who choose Bush a second time over Kerry. Wow..look what happened to the country, what a shock.

Obama had AS MUCH experience to be President as Lincoln...and quite a bit more than many other Presidents.

To compare this accomplished man to a bumbling idiot like Sarah Palin is very telling. For people to even be comfortable with this AIR HEAD Palin as a possible leader of the United States is nothing less than twillight bizarre., if not frightening. God help this country.

He was sworn into office in January, 2005(so that is 3 years and 10 months) however if you consider the number of work days in the Senate, combination of trips it averages to be a year as Senator, the rest of the time he has been campaigning...I believe McCain has served roughly 2000 days as Senator(actual work days).

I do not necessarily believe people are questioning his abilities rather than his attempt to implement policies that are absolutely relevant and important but may not necessarily help the economy at this time.

your comparison that one choice of candidate is "highly educated" while another a "bumbling idiot" is just a personal opinion.
If the market won't support inflated home values, then prices must come down. Essentially what you're arguing for is price controls, and price controls don't work.

and the result of that would be responsible home owners losing a lot of their investment. the idea is to keep prices attainable without reaching a level where *everyone* loses.
All hail........http://www.tsgnet.com/pres.php?id=380002&altf=QJOFZ&altl=CPC

The price of freedon is RISK. Free markets and free societies are fraught with risk. When you try to reduce risk by writing laws you get what we have now.

more order and less law doesnt work in the real world..I do not necessarily feel protecting a tax payers financial investment should be subject to risk..as one should want to protect that investment or *attempt* to try.
OK...we tried RACE baiting. NOW, let's try a Christian Jihad.

"Before McCain spoke, a Christian pastor offered a prayer that seemed to ask for divine intervention on his behalf. "There are millions of people around this world praying to their God -- whether it's Hindu, Buddha, Allah (I GUESS OBAMA DOESN'T HAVE CHRISTIAN WORSHIPERS. OR IS THIS ANOTHER THEM AND US PLAY)-- that [McCain's] opponent wins for a variety of reasons," Pastor Arnold Conrad said. "And, Lord, I pray that you would guard your own reputation, because they're going to think that their god is bigger than you, if that happens."
The McCain campaign said it did not condone the prayer."

It was the Blacks, then the Radicals, now the "OTHER" Religions...soon it will be the Jews, and then Gays before election day. I guess we can be on the look out for Anti Abortion bombings to start up again.

This with a woman running for VP who has HIDDEN her son's exact birthday because it will indicate that he was conceived OUT OF WEDLOCK. Like Mother like daughter. Along with McCain's morals of a cheating,lying, self absorbed socio- path. Such good MORAL values. Really sickening.

This woman and McCain are really something else.

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