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Ok, you got what you wished for


Aug 30, 2006
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With the democrats now getting what they want, power, they are free to push for everything immoral making all of their depraved constituents happy. But this will not make God happy. The USA is already on the decline while other nations are doing the opposite. Spitting in your masters face and expecting positive results is what was accomplished yesterday. Many who never voted turned out to vote. I heard a older women at my small voting place telling everyone proudly that she never voted. My mom who is in her mid 70’s voted because her new boy friend is a flaming liberal ex union official whose grandson was running for office, and won.

I am convinced voting the democrats in will further the moral decay which is exactly what this country doesn’t need. God will never bless a nation of depraved lost people who believe he is out of style outdated and no longer necessary and only for emotional cripples. You watched the elections results now watch the results the lost bring down upon this nation. The only thing that will slow God’s judgment is if some Christians are democrats, some are of course but for the most part their God resides as a invisible force on planet earth. This earth bound God gives his believers easy access to himself and gives his blessing of same sex marriage, gay rights, abortion on demand, and everything else that God clearly explained is wrong and what the consequences bring. The GOP sure won’t save the world, that’s a fact but at least they acknowledge God and make an attempt to follows his instructions where the democrats proudly ignore the Lord while making depravity the law of the land. You people voted for scorched earth policy and you don’t even realize it. They have eyes but don’t see……
With the democrats now getting what they want, power, they are free to push for everything immoral making all of their depraved constituents happy.

I know, isn’t it great? There will be sex on every corner, drugs will flow freely, schools will shut down, we will burn christians at the stake. Hell, if we have enough time, we will build a new coliseum and have lions eat you guys. It’s going to be like a cross between a Hedonism resort and Mardi Gras all rolled into one. Man I can’t wait.
I'm thinking of chartering a 777 and orgy hoping. I'm hoping we can at least hit every state once before the world implodes. I sy we hit MSY last, if we go their first, the rest might be a let down. Well maybe with the exception of South Beach in MIA. I heard they have some relly good Sh%t down there. hee hee hee
I know, isn’t it great? There will be sex on every corner, drugs will flow freely, schools will shut down, we will burn christians at the stake. Hell, if we have enough time, we will build a new coliseum and have lions eat you guys. It’s going to be like a cross between a Hedonism resort and Mardi Gras all rolled into one. Man I can’t wait.
Building that new coliseum will certainly help the economy by creating a lot of new jobs!
They just broke ground here in DFW for the new Cowboys stadium. I am guessing that we could modify the plans with out too much trouble.

I know I can’t be the only one who would pay a few bucks to watch 700IAM to be eaten by a lion and have a few cold beers.

I really think we are on to something here.
I know I can’t be the only one who would pay a few bucks to watch 700IAM to be eaten by a lion and have a few cold beers.

I really think we are on to something here.

Oh no! I am counting the minutes until we get a lecture on Daniel and the Lion's Den... or at the very least Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego.
With the democrats now getting what they want, power, they are free to push for everything immoral making all of their depraved constituents happy.

Yeah!! Thankfully corruption, bribery, and :shock: gay :shock: GOP congressman are ok in your book but the party that is talking about doing something about it (the first two at least...it really is too bad that we didn't create a special place for gays in the constitution 🙄 is evil to you. What an idiot. Sorry I won't be in your version of Heaven but I'm sure that mine will be less hot, have no pitchforks, and no little red devil thingies.

But this will not make God happy. The USA is already on the decline while other nations are doing the opposite.

How do you draw the conclusion that we are declining in the face of the world (which is true...in education, science, political clout, economics, etc) yet you don't seem to tie that to those that have been in power in this country for the last 6 years...the major period of decline?? You are so funny in how you interpret reality. Oh yeah...that is b/c you don't live in it.

Spitting in your masters face and expecting positive results is what was accomplished yesterday. Many who never voted turned out to vote. I heard a older women at my small voting place telling everyone proudly that she never voted. My mom who is in her mid 70’s voted because her new boy friend is a flaming liberal ex union official whose grandson was running for office, and won.

Those evil liberals!! :shock: :shock: They turned out to vote?!?! You've got to be kidding me. What HORROR. I honestly don't know why US citizens think that they have the right to vote. Thankfully 700...er God will strike them down since God is against voting too, apparently.
How do you draw the conclusion that we are declining in the face of the world (which is true...in education, science, political clout, economics, etc) yet you don't seem to tie that to those that have been in power in this country for the last 6 years...the major period of decline??

I would add another to your list of declines: our health (i.e. morbid obesity).
I would add another to your list of declines: our health (i.e. morbid obesity).

Just more for the lions to eat. Unfortunatly the lions will not get alot of exercise chasing them around. OH well.

Man the shovels..... full speed ahead. I want my coliseum built quickly......
I know, isn’t it great? There will be sex on every corner, drugs will flow freely, schools will shut down, we will burn christians at the stake. Hell, if we have enough time, we will build a new coliseum and have lions eat you guys. It’s going to be like a cross between a Hedonism resort and Mardi Gras all rolled into one. Man I can’t wait.
Put some Prestone in the dish on the porch for the poor

little Kitty... 😉