Who are the good station managers?

Ren.... would bet on anything....backgammon, pitching quarters, dominoes, employee paychecks...or whether the sun would come up.

A gambling fool...
From this pilot's point of view, I think Loretta Bove (and her management team) does a great job at LGA. She is always visible and when she is on duty things work well. I have a feeling that the LGA agents may have a different opinion, as I think she is a no-nonsense manager.
I give alot of credit to Tony Grantham not only did he move to Philadelphia I see him at the airport 24 -7. He had several meetings with the Union and did straighten out the issue of agents issuing seats out of order. I understand the problem is arising again. He of all people is attemping to do the impossible and it is not from the far arm of the West. Tony and his right hand man Nelson are trying to do the Impossible. The equipment breaks on a daily basis and short of hiring burros he has done a FABULOUS job.I have seen Tony in the halls and since I first cast my eyes on him the job is taking a toll. I wish him the best as far as his managers in the Terminals I get some negative reports on how they manhandle the employees.Good Luck Tony you are a winner in my book!!!!!!!!!!
A lot of good ones over the years. Some gone and some still here:

Rick Pelc - the best in the biz...now at AirTran in ATL.
Glenn Stryker - last known location FLY-I
Traci Brown - JAX
Terri Pope - CLT
Patti Dreher - CLT
Terry Trainor - last known location NWA in SEA
Gail Morton - YYZ
Carol Wilson - CLT/Piedmont
Bruce Dudgeon - last know location MIA

Agree about Patti and Gail. Gail is the best. Seems like Patti - the CLT Director of Customer Service - does all the work - never understood what Terri does as a "Hub Director," but at least Terri is nice. Stefan Dory in YOW is good, too. So are Sol de la Macorra in MAD, Richard Bond in AMS, and Terri Thomas who oversees several Caribbean stations, namely SXM and St. Croix.
Tony Granthom doing a fabulous job?! He must be paying you to say that about him. Ever been in his meetings? He screams, yells and pounds on tables like a 6 year old having a tantum. Last I checked screaming is NOT leadership. His bipolar behavior IS a huge liability to USAirways.
Tony Granthom doing a fabulous job?! He must be paying you to say that about him. Ever been in his meetings? He screams, yells and pounds on tables like a 6 year old having a tantum. Last I checked screaming is NOT leadership. His bipolar behavior IS a huge liability to USAirways.

Tony, like myself, probably found that the only way to be heard and effect change at the old America West was to have a screaming tantrum. Screaming is the only thing that works in this company. Those screaming fits have turned around loser hubs and field stations into functional units. LAS before Tony was a traveler and employee nightmare. Connecting in LAS? Forget it. You may have connected but your bags wouldn't. Leave on time? What's that? Taxi into a gate? Hold on, someone needs to go in the breakroom to tell the crew that a flight is there. Let's not even talk about non-reving in LAS. Who changed things? Tony. Tonytantrums. Using the only thing that works. Sad but true.
Got a question about MYR(just before they closed).
(I'm not sure if those folks were management),
But where did the 20+ year folks go to ?

(A wild guess(mine) would have been CLT)


Tony, like myself, probably found that the only way to be heard and effect change at the old America West was to have a screaming tantrum. Screaming is the only thing that works in this company. Those screaming fits have turned around loser hubs and field stations into functional units. LAS before Tony was a traveler and employee nightmare. Connecting in LAS? Forget it. You may have connected but your bags wouldn't. Leave on time? What's that? Taxi into a gate? Hold on, someone needs to go in the breakroom to tell the crew that a flight is there. Let's not even talk about non-reving in LAS. Who changed things? Tony. Tonytantrums. Using the only thing that works. Sad but true.
PHL, PHL, PHL, same bat station, same bat channel -- it's been a cluster F* since USAir decided to make it a base/hub in 1988. What if Kramer from Seinfeld was the base manager? :eek:

Eye (running and ducking for cover)
Tony Granthom doing a fabulous job?! He must be paying you to say that about him. Ever been in his meetings? He screams, yells and pounds on tables like a 6 year old having a tantum. Last I checked screaming is NOT leadership. His bipolar behavior IS a huge liability to USAirways.
could have warned you had you only asked......

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