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Let's Make This Work

Its very encouraging to see so many positive comments about the merger! Thanks for everyones feedback
PineyBob said:
HP Manager,

As one of the Founders of FFOCUS (Frequent Flyers Organized & Committed to US Airways Success), I like to reassure you that many of the FF'ers are VERY excited about the new US Airways. Also I'd like reassure you that much of what you read here is the result of several things and not always a true picture of the mind set of the majority of US employees.

You have to remember that the front liners of US have been just crushed financially by the current management team. Not to say that much of it didn't need to happen in order for US to be alive today. Just suffice it to say that those who remain are a bit "Shell Shocked".

Many come here to vent their frustrations. I can honestly tell you that at no time since BK #1 have any of the front liners EVER took out their frustrations on me personally and I average 130 segments per year.

Their beat up afraid that the current management team will follow them to the new US Airways and instead of being a positive force for growth and prosperity will remain more of the same old management by fear and intimidation.

In my personal opinion the odds of a successful merger rise in direct proportion to the decline in the number of US managers retained. I would venture a guess that most front liners feel exactly the same way.

HP Manager and FFocus Members:

First thank you FFocus guys, for your loyalty. I don't know that I would have remained loyal to a company, after the past year's performance.

I am a front line manager in one of the US Focus cities. The FFocus guys are right when they say there are some very good employees here on the "old US" side of this merger. The Management group at the top have put them through hell in the past couple of years and some of the negativity you hear here was created right at the TOP.

Just as valuable as the gates, the slots and the planes; are your employees and the TOP management in CCY has made them feel like liabilities. After doing that, they provided no help in dealing with bad morale. Any corporation should consider it a major failure when you treat employees like liabilities.

That's why when you hear that there will be a party the day AFTER they board up
2345 Crystal Drive; there's a reason for it.

I can tell you that just about everyone I deal with on the front lines is very positive about the merger and wish it would come about sooner.

Looking forward to working with HP Manager and taking care of FFocus guys.
Unfortunatly, it seems as if things are moving very slowly. I can't wait until this bidding situation comes to a close. I doub't that there will be anything better put on the table, and it sounds like many of us are "chomping at the bit" to get this thing rolling. I know I am! Regardless of my prospects for being a part of this, I would really like to be able to begin building relationships between the folks. Both parties have some trepidation about which union, what the seniority plan will be, pay, etc. Before this type of fun begins, I would like for both groups in my location at least to know each other a little. It would be a small step toward our ability to work together when the aforementioned issues start to cause ill will, and that will no doubt happen at first. Would like to just have an informal get together (cake, drinks, etc) but understand that might not be appropriate as of yet, especially with the Station Leader position being up in the air at the moment. Hope everyone enjoys their week!

HP Manager
HP Manager said:
Unfortunatly, it seems as if things are moving very slowly. I can't wait until this bidding situation comes to a close. I doub't that there will be anything better put on the table, and it sounds like many of us are "chomping at the bit" to get this thing rolling. I know I am! Regardless of my prospects for being a part of this, I would really like to be able to begin building relationships between the folks. Both parties have some trepidation about which union, what the seniority plan will be, pay, etc. Before this type of fun begins, I would like for both groups in my location at least to know each other a little. It would be a small step toward our ability to work together when the aforementioned issues start to cause ill will, and that will no doubt happen at first. Would like to just have an informal get together (cake, drinks, etc) but understand that might not be appropriate as of yet, especially with the Station Leader position being up in the air at the moment. Hope everyone enjoys their week!
HP Manager

HP manager
Thank you for the kind words. Our merger does NOT have to be difficult. Let's work TOGETHER. We know we are larger AND more senior but we have no problem with fences. We ARE NOT out to conquer the world, but we have ALL sacrificed and you seem to understand reality. I look forward to our relationship TOGETHER!!!
How popular will the fences be when most of the aircraft to be parked are coming from US? Or is it another case of "I've got mine, pull up the ladder"?
X-U said:
How popular will the fences be when most of the aircraft to be parked are coming from US? Or is it another case of "I've got mine, pull up the ladder"?

Not sure what eliminating some birds has to do with anything. Just a bunch of tail numbers. True, we will cut some unprofitable flying but as far as parking anything, I would say that all America West airplanes are going to be "parked" considering our name is going away and all of our airplanes will proudly fly under the USAirways banner. Of course, I speak from a Station perspective so we are always just glad to have something show up at the gate 🙂

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