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Bad station managers

Speaking of PIT. How are things going? Is the ops center being built yet? Glad to see some West flying back in PIT. Love your airport and the people. We can only pray, mgmt will bring back more Mainline flying soon! :up:

We've been told two different stories about the flights: Either they stay the same or more will be cut. An increase does not seem to be on the horizon.

As far as the OCC, word is that it's still a go, but the day that ground is actually broken for that project is a bit of a mystery. I've heard September, Sometime this fall and Not Sure.

Thank you for the compliment about PIT, WCT.
bad managers ultimately will be sent to PHL to try and fix the place. once the beating continues and morale has not improved, then they will be launched.
bad managers ultimately will be sent to PHL to try and fix the place. once the beating continues and morale has not improved, then they will be launched.

It's like a prison sentence...they send the rotten apples to PHL to serve their term or they get paroled and sent back to the funny farms. :up:
Jesus...not everything is East or West godammit 😉

That having being said...

I know a station where YV has fired it's managers three times in a row...they are on their fourth manager right now...I wonder if she has been fired yet 🙂

Segment you know where I'm talking about and no it ain't PSP or SBA but close enough.
I think something like that boils down to "reasonable expectation" Mesa obviously does not have a reasonable expectation for that station. You'd think they would figure it out if it was three in row.
Never thought I would be one to stick up for Mesa, :shock: but at least they will get rid of a bad manager. Can nobody really think of a US or HP station manager to has been launched?
Never thought I would be one to stick up for Mesa, :shock: but at least they will get rid of a bad manager. Can nobody really think of a US or HP station manager to has been launched?

*coughs* Fresno *coughs*

I just e-mailed the YV Station Manager...still has the job and is running things better although Mesa has cut staffing down by 3 employees...this is a recipe for disaster obviously but...JO want's his X-Mas Bonus I guess... 😛h34r:

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