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PineyBob said:
Interesting Hawk,

I have a letter from a senior executive at US who has a remarkably similar writing style to yours. I don't totally disagree with your assessment. But with all due respect I think you and some of your associates have blinders on in regards to certain performance related issues involving Sr. Managers..............................................................
............................................ The "Bunker Mentality" exhibited by CCY is one of the reasons a great many of your customers and employees just flat don't trust you.
Very good analysis from a non employee. As I have stated in some of my posts...
Donna/Al/Hawk and others don't have the ability to "get it".
ClueByFour said:
Marketing. Sucks. Planning. Sucks. Revenue management. Really sucks. Audit. Sucks. IT. Sucks large rocks thru a small straw (and spits me out $2 fares, to boot :up: ).
Thanks Steve. Thanks Rakesh.
HP Manager:

I agree whole heatedly with UseYourHead, Hawk, Usfliboi, and Art at ISP’s comments. Their points are well taken and accurate.

The vast majority of US Airways employees are looking forward to working with the America West employees to build the first “airline to provide customers full-service offerings and a consumer-friendly pricing structure of a low-cost low-fare carrier.â€￾


HP Manager said:
:up: As a preface to my future comments on this site, I am a Station Manager for America West in a Midwest City.
It is a little disenhearting to see so much negativity in regard to the merger. I understand the furstration and no doubt it is a bit frightening for all of us. Even I don't know if I will get to be a part of this new company, but I certainly hope to be. That said, I am more concerned about the Station Employees of both parties than I am of myself. As a Station Manager, I realize that people like me are a dime a dozen and that it is the frontline that makes things happen. I am blessed with incredible Employees and I am sure that the USAir folks in my location are talented as well. For everyone, I hope that the blending of the work force ends up to be as fair and equitible as it can possibly be under the circumstances. Of course, the exact procedures in that regard will be striclty up to the Union who ends up leading the respective work groups. I know that many challenges lie ahead for all of us, but I hope that this proves to be the most successful merger that has ever occured in our industry. Good Luck to one and all, and lets give it our best shot!!

I hope managers like you are the ones the merged airline keeps. Given Parker's track record, I think you should feel secure. 99% of the USairways front-line employees are chomping at the bit to get to work for an upper management team that KNOWS how to run an airline and WANTS to run (not sell) that airline. The seniority integration will be contentious. At USAirways we've been through it before and managed to keep our hurt/frustration/anger over these issues OUT of the operation of the airline. No group of employees have ever managed to get pounded over so many years and STILL keep the operation functional and customers mostly happy. (The on-time and baggage debacles are clearly management issues. With proper management, US has gone from last in on-time to 2nd place in the month of May. All it took was a plan and the wherewithal to implement it.)

fr8tmastr said:
I think that if this thing goes through the majority of the U employees will be singing in the terminals, and dancing in the jetways just to be rid of CCY. As long as management stops making such efforts to destroy peoples lives, the employees will be happy making a successful merger that much easier.

I am not quite sure how to celebrate the closing of CCY. I would love to be out on the sidewalk at 2345 Crystal Drive, in uniform, popping at cork on a champagne bottle as they close the place down on the last day. Of course, the alcohol and uniform are a no-no. So, should I bring the champagne and leave the uniform home, or wear my uniform and hire a brass marching band?
nycbusdriver said:
I am not quite sure how to celebrate the closing of CCY. I would love to be out on the sidewalk at 2345 Crystal Drive, in uniform, popping at cork on a champagne bottle as they close the place down on the last day. Of course, the alcohol and uniform are a no-no. So, should I bring the champagne and leave the uniform home, or wear my uniform and hire a brass marching band?
While there are some good people at CCY, a good number have been compensated very well for creating a ton of MISERABLE situations in the lives of our employees. Clearly they have ruined peoples lives while thinking they are doing a great job. Instead of champagne, maybe a line of hundreds of employees with horse whips helping them to their cars.
nycbusdriver said:
I hope managers like you are the ones the merged airline keeps. Given Parker's track record, I think you should feel secure. 99% of the USairways front-line employees are chomping at the bit to get to work for an upper management team that KNOWS how to run an airline and WANTS to run (not sell) that airline. The seniority integration will be contentious. At USAirways we've been through it before and managed to keep our hurt/frustration/anger over these issues OUT of the operation of the airline. No group of employees have ever managed to get pounded over so many years and STILL keep the operation functional and customers mostly happy. (The on-time and baggage debacles are clearly management issues. With proper management, US has gone from last in on-time to 2nd place in the month of May. All it took was a plan and the wherewithal to implement it.)
I am not quite sure how to celebrate the closing of CCY. I would love to be out on the sidewalk at 2345 Crystal Drive, in uniform, popping at cork on a champagne bottle as they close the place down on the last day. Of course, the alcohol and uniform are a no-no. So, should I bring the champagne and leave the uniform home, or wear my uniform and hire a brass marching band?

You could just wear a US Airways Tshirt.
I mirror those who have posted before. These boards are not only a source of info, but it is also a place to vent. Don't let the occassional fit of anger overshadow the good that could come from this merger. One of the problems with US is that there has never been a solid marketing stradegy. No matter how good we might be, marketing has never gotten the word out. No doubt, we have an image problem, but i can remember how horrible the flying public felt about CAL back in the late 80's. With the right marketing and a customer oriented CEO, that image problem will go. Americans have short memories. Money talks and people will fly anyone if the price is right.

Thanks for coming on here and starting a positive dialogue.
Hawk said:
HP Manager- The vast majority of the front line employees are very excited about the Merger. Don't believe the negativity hype on this board as it doesn't represent the majority sentiment.

The same naysayers also blame CCY for destroying the company. I strongly disagree with this comment.  Management and the front line employees worked together to keep our company afloat during the rough times that are affecting each airline.  We have the best employees in the industry. I am in a position that allows me to see this each and every day and I will tell you that your company will have a great group.

Art@ISP- There are many talented members of management that will be an asset to HP. You will be surprised at who stays and goes.  🙄

Hopefully, it won't be you...there are very few at U with any talent in the senior exec ranks as evidenced by the PHL meltdown at Christmas time, and the staggering losses in the first quarter of $282 million, and 2 BK in two years under their belts. April month was lousy as well.

With all the cost savings extracted from labor, the only thing you genuses could think of is a merger as a restructuring plan, and that success to behold is only if fuel stays at no more than $52 a barrel for the next 2 years...
PITbull said:
Hopefully, it won't be you...ther are very few at U with any talent in the senior exec ranks. Maybe just 1.

That goes against logic....any one individual with that kind of smarts would not still be here! Take care. Mark.
Walmartgreeter said:
That goes against logic....any one individual with that kind of smarts would not still be here! Take care. Mark.

I disagree. Some people with REAL talent might stick around for various reasons:

--Kids in school who don't want to move away from friends.

--A spouse with an excellent, fulfilling career in the D.C. area. (Thus ameliorating the immediate need for the paycheck.)

--A rush when one meets a real challenge head-on and sees it through (no matter what the compensation.)

Watch out a Spy/Mole lurks on the board..

Shall I point him out??

PineyBob said:
You know I've been called a lot of things on this board but "Sheeple"!!! With all due respect do you really think given the facts that you can legitimately call ANY FFOCUS member "Sheeple"

Why yes I can and , so I will. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH :up: :up: :up:

but thats just my opinion.
golden1 said:
Watch out a Spy/Mole lurks on the board..

Shall I point him out??

If you had a few more years on here, you would know that they are known as Trolls. 😛h34r:
PineyBob said:
I'm serious here, not trying to pick on you but can someone explain the concept of loyalty as it applies to an employer? I just don't get it.

It's the one-way type of loyalty to which I was referring. Some employees (and even managers) at USAirways do have a sense of loyalty to this sow. It's NEVER returned in the direction of the employee.
nycbusdriver said:
It's the one-way type of loyalty to which I was referring. Some employees (and even managers) at USAirways do have a sense of loyalty to this sow. It's NEVER returned in the direction of the employee.

We're at the point where it's transmorgryfied from loyalty to enabling, like giving a drunk a handout. <_<

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