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When's The Call Going To Come?

It really doesn't bother me, as long as I get the same travel benefits, which I do. I go to D.C. alot so flying there is going to be a lot easier than driving (usually just because of I-95 traffic). I'm positive it's MidAtlantic because the letter has their benefits attached with their header on the paper and everything. Right now MidAtlantic is primarily operating out of Gate D2 & sometimes D4 (I think.) I didn't hear of the them moving to F. I guess I'll find out soon though. I'm still happy to get the job because I've wanted to do this for a while.
If they call, I think they will, you will be a Mid Atlantic employee. The pay is less, you still get to fly, and your seniority will get better faster.

It's up to you whether you want the job.
Jonnyd, you better watch your back when you answer the call ..... those union boys in PA are going to get ugly before it's over. I wouldn't take the postion for nothing! :shock:
Stick-n-Rudder said:
Does this mean that PDT/ALG are being replaced with MDA personnel?
This is a good question, which many have been wondering for months. Does anyone have any info on this? Do they eventually plan to rehire PDT employees as MAA employees? (ground crew, that is)
For that matter, which pay scale is higher? I guess that will be the deciding factor. :unsure:
They're just going to use PDT ground crews when MAA parks at the 'F' term. Nobody is going to be hired/rehired.
Jonnyd said:
Rico is right in that I'm not wishing to do that as a career. It something I always wanted to do as a part-time job. This job is also convenient because I go to college in Philadelphia. My career goal is to work for an airline in the Marketing or Ops. department. I think I'm going to give them a call today to see what's going on.

Welcome to the crazy world of aviation and this board.

Wondering why in the world a bright young man like yourself is interested in a carreer in aviation? I ask because I have a son a few years your junior and I am pursuaded to guide him in other directions. You may have insight I lack, being in a college setting....but from my vantage point only the ethically challenged upper mgt do well in aviation.
I believe that Johnnyd is really Chip, trying to convey his philosophy that only the pilots’ position is a career one and that all rampers should be college guys looking for free flights to CUN, and all customer service positions should be given to mothers that need four hours a day away from the kids. 😀
gso crew,

It's obviously not what it appears to be, but it's probably not chipper. He can't contain his ego enough even in his other screen names.

More likely one of JG's tactics, seen it many times before, the writing styles are very obvious, when one of them attempts to write as the "common man." Laughable isn't it.

I agree it's designed to reinforce the current propaganda that these jobs were never meant to be anything other than temporary, fill-in jobs.

Pathetic, isn't it?

fatherabraham, I want to get into the world of aviation because I know it's something I will be interested forever. Every subject that you deal with in your work would all tie back to aviation, which is just a passion of mine. The only other industry that I'm really interested in is pharamceuticals, and right now the way things are it looks like a damn good business to get into.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to do this for a living. I'm not trying at all to say that these are just temporary, fill-in jobs. :up: Hell, I'd rather be out there on the ramp anyday than stuck in an office. I respect all the guy/gals out there. I know they're trying to make a living just like everyone else in this world.
From someone who never unloaded or loaded an airplane in the pouring rain, snow storm, ice or sweltering summer heat.
Actually, I have done it before. I worked at a real busy FBO for about 1 1/2 years. Rain, sleet, snow, heat, you name it. The elements are alright by me. The only difference was I didn't really have to load bags that much. I loved every bit of it though.

If I had a problem with the elements, I wouldn't be coming near this job. I know what I'm in for.

Are you doing this as flame bait? If your posts are serious, I think this is the best thread in the history of this board.

Attention all US Airways employees. There is an entire army of people that would kill to do your job for less. Being a rampy would be the best college job ever. Free travel, lots of time to study on the job. Oh yeah, that's what things are like at our GSP and CAE stations. Everytime I go to those stations I see a bunch of happy young folks eager to work hard, not complaning, and having fun. I also see lots of college text books laying around ops at the expressed stations.
Bluestreak said:

Are you doing this as flame bait? If your posts are serious, I think this is the best thread in the history of this board.

Attention all US Airways employees. There is an entire army of people that would kill to do your job for less. Being a rampy would be the best college job ever. Free travel, lots of time to study on the job. Oh yeah, that's what things are like at our GSP and CAE stations. Everytime I go to those stations I see a bunch of happy young folks eager to work hard, not complaning, and having fun. I also see lots of college text books laying around ops at the expressed stations.
What Bluestreak said. I think Jonnyd is for real.

Oh yeah, and I bet he would honor a picket line!
Maybe, I am missing something, but I have gone back and reread this thread a couple of times now, and I believe this guy is for real. Anyone, clue me in on what I have missed.

He's a college student, for crying out loud, probably still on the young side and not yet JADED.

These youngin's will be the oldies of tomorrow when we are all dead and gone. 🙁
No need to watch your back. Mid Atlantic employees will be IAM. The Express employees claiming over time they will work the EMB170 are wrong.

Unless bankruptcy comes again, then all agreements would be up for review.

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