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What's the matter with proving citizenship to vote?

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That was sarcasm... I know... Doesn't come across well on mb

It was also bait

I was just sure one of our conservative, rights defending members would catch it, and sspeak up.

Guessit reallyis all about whose ox is being gored
Voting is a right, upon reaching the age of majority, until a citizen does something to lose that right... As in commit a felony, for example.

Same goes for basic freedom... Get convicted, you lose certain rights.

The supreme court has also spoken to the Arizona law, and old Jim Crow laws and the like.

Mixing apples and figs.

Losing the right to vote because you commit a felony and a citizen being denied the right to vote thru no fault or doing of their own, or because you are old, or black, or cannot produce a certain paper, or pay some fee,,are not the same thing.

Yeah, just like I would rather have the occasional criminal get away, than that we E VER imprison or kill the wrong person, ( yup... Even Once...) I would rather have a few unqualified voters slip thru the cracks, than to EVER deny a legitimate voters' right to do so.

Especially if that denial is systemic, and intentional.

I answered your question...

You don't answer mine.

Is it ok to deny a citizen their legitimate right to vote?

How much $$ is ok, in order to be "allowed" to exercise that right?
I will concede that voting is not a specifically enumerated right in the constitution, and that nit took several amendments and nearly two centuries to get to somewhat universal suffrage.

Voting is presumed to be the foundation of the whole " by the people" thing.

There is no defense for a state making laws which systematically deny certain groups ofntheir legitimate right to vote. Such laws have been struck down, or had amendments passed to codify the principle.


Are you willing to deny citizens their right to vote, or accept state laws making them pay for the "privelege"?

Would it be equally ok to deny citizens their 2nd amendment rights, unless they are able to demonstrate citizenship, competency, and pay a fee?

How about the 1st, or 4th?

Which rights is it okmto abrogate?
Voting is "NOT" a right !

"As thousands of civil rights advocates celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) in Atlanta last weekend, most media coverage conveyed the Act’s importance in protecting minorities’ political rights. Yet many of those same stories helped perpetuate a dangerous illusion by asserting that a right to vote is guaranteed by the 15th Amendment.
The trouble is the Supreme Court doesn’t see it that way!"

"As a result, voting is not a right, but a privilege granted or withheld at the discretion of local and state governments!"

Continue reading and educate yourself !


I also believe they should base voting, on the amount of taxes you pay.............pay more taxes, get more than one vote, as it is the "Taxpayer" who's footin' the bill !
You do not have the slightest idea what a representative democracy even means.
The SCOTUS is about to rule on a central part (section 5) of the Voting Rights Act. Shelby County, Alabama, is challenging the formula under which only some states, mostly in the South, are targeted and must get permission from the Justice Department or a federal court in Washington for any attempt to change voting procedures.

Oh, and BTW not all felons are barred from voting.
I answered your question...

You don't answer mine.

Is it ok to deny a citizen their legitimate right to vote?

How much $$ is ok, in order to be "allowed" to exercise that right?
Define "legitimate".
No I don't agree that 'anyone' that is an American Citizen be denied to vote.
Now, the proof is in the puddin...
Some states may be a little more stringent with their requirements, while others are pretty lax.
There a 'some' (ie few) that fell under the radar by being born at home, etc...
What is a reasonable solution?
If I had to register by showing my SS card, then I'm screwed as that thing fell apart 30 years ago. But I do have my birth certificate, (along with a couple of DD214's).
😛 😛
I also believe they should base voting, on the amount of taxes you pay.............pay more taxes, get more than one vote, as it is the "Taxpayer" who's footin' the bill !

If you want to penalize people living in low tax states, you Just Ain't Right.
Especially ones with ID's !

Knew that would rile up the Howlers !

Ignorance usually does.

My question in general is are we willing to deprive US citizens from voting for what ever reason to prevent illegals from voting or are we willing to let illegals vote so that all US citizens can vote without any impedance. I do not know how many people fall into either category. I do not believe the numbers in either category amount to a very large percentage. Given that and the fact that in this country we tend to presume someone is innocent till proven guilty I do not believe sacrificing anyone's legitimate voting right is worth the price that it seems to cost to prevent a small percentage of illegals from voting.
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