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What's the matter with proving citizenship to vote?

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They are helping others, nationwide, by attempting to ensure that voter ID laws do not contain provisions that restrict people who shoud be able to vote from doing so.

Care to provide one scintilla of evidence that the only requirement liberals want is a heartbeat? A quote from the spokesperson for all liberals saying so? Anything?


What most rational people want is for everyone, and only those, who has a right to vote, to be able to, without onerous and unnecessary paperwork and bureaucracy.

Again, you said the NAACP was helping the less fortunate "OBTAIN" legal ID's, please show a reference or example !
You want them "help" by driving people around gathering paperwork, digging up nonexistent records,mmaybe paying for documents that they do not need and shouldn't have to pay for in order to vote.

Paying to be able to vote is not supposed to be part of the deal

They are helping people everywhere maintain their voting rights, in their way, by opposing onerous, and sometimes impossible to satisfy, requirements imposed, mostly, by so-called conservatives. The very people who should hold sacred the right of allmeligible citizens to vote, without restriction, barriers, or having to pay for the privelege.

That is what I meant by saying they are helping.
In the first place, a real conservative would be a fervent defender of the individual's freedoms, and recognize that our government's role, constitutionally, is supposed to be to defend those individual rights, not to regulate individual behaviors. Especially not to regulate individual behavior based on the ideas of a radical religious faction.

In the second place, conservatism bears very little resemblance with anything to do with the 21st century GOP
In the first place, a real conservative would be a fervent defender of the individual's freedoms, and recognize that our government's role, constitutionally, is supposed to be to defend those individual rights, not to regulate individual behaviors.

So with that said, progressive liberals Bloomberg, Pelosi and a few others come to mind.....
Yup... But they don' claim to be conservative...

There are misguided progressives, too...
That article is from October of 2012. You are not helping your cause by cutting and pasting articles. That is especially true when they are from 6 months ago.

Obama's rating dropped by 17% in the last 30 days with young voters. You may want to focus on that.

They will not be swayed with what a president they were not old enough to vote for did, or what happened with some voter fraud investigation 6 months old.

The Democrats need to realize that the attention span of the majority of their voters is about 30 days.

Most republicans are not even aware of who (the young voting block) they are. If they are, they are not willing to be "primary'd" and take on the tea party, who is completely out of touch.
You want them "help" by driving people around gathering paperwork, digging up nonexistent records,mmaybe paying for documents that they do not need and shouldn't have to pay for in order to vote.

Paying to be able to vote is not supposed to be part of the deal

They are helping people everywhere maintain their voting rights, in their way, by opposing onerous, and sometimes impossible to satisfy, requirements imposed, mostly, by so-called conservatives. The very people who should hold sacred the right of allmeligible citizens to vote, without restriction, barriers, or having to pay for the privelege.

That is what I meant by saying they are helping.

So basically you lied when you said the NAACP was helping people obtain ID's !
Obama's falling ratings are due to events that happened longer than thirty days ago.....your DNC no information voters are realizing Obama is pissing with their digital devices that they love so much.

And the majority of Dem voters attention span is only as good as how far the freebies carry them.

I find it quite amusing you can speak for the Republican majority and the youth vote.....

And the Tea Party being out of touch....that must be why GOP spends so much trying to stop the Tea Party in elections against the old school ruling class.
Misspoke maybe

They are helping people exercise their right to vote

Not helping them jump thru hoops, or buy an id, so they can exercise that right... No

And they shouldn't
So basically you lied when you said the NAACP was helping people obtain ID's !

Is it possible their is more than one way to interpret a statement? Do you really believe that Romney likes to fire people? Might it be possible that there is more to his statement than what the simple words seem to indicate?
So, an 75 year old mexican man, who's been in the country for 10 years and has no proof of American citizenship, should be allowed to vote, by simply stating, "I have no way to obtain an ID.................correct?
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