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What's the matter with proving citizenship to vote?

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Voting is a privilege not a right.
I drive a car, I get a drivers license. I have to pay for both.
If I drive my car without insurance, it gets impounded.
Driving a car without insurance removes my privilege to drive it.
How much does an ID cost?
$10-$20 ?
If you can't pay that for the 'privilege' to vote, then stay home.
B) xUT

I'm not saying you are wrong, but VOTING is the ONLY Right a citizen has over the legal alien. Otherwise Ms. Dipchit from the article would have become a citizen after 5 years rather than leeching off this country for over 3 decades. This means she has some whacked out reason to become a citizen this late in life. She enjoyed all your rights, except that of voting. I am cynical about many things, especially when one was not a citizen for so long, and suddenly decides to become a naturalized citizen when she is ready to retire.

My guess is that she wants to move back to the UK, and because a Visa expires a year that you're out of the country, she wouldn't be able to, nor want to, seek another Visa. After all who knows if the UK is the way it was. Especially in Londonstan!
What all the left side stooges fail to notice is the Immi bill and Obamascare are designed to register newly imported undocumented democrats who will support and vote DNC to ensure their party rule, and not a damned thing for the betterment of the country as usual, only control......Once again, they exploit a minority group for party control aka Baracky.......and Pedro.
If showing ID is so important when voting we should do away with absentee voting.  
As long as an ID is shown when requesting or receiving an absentee ballot, the potential for fraud goes down. But that's not the problem.

Where absentee ballots promote fraud is how they're delivered.

General mail, by seemingly apolitical postal workers on the government payroll, no signature required, and in many counties, automatically sent out as part of the early voting scam.

The harsher reality is that absentee ballots don't really matter. They aren't normally tallied unless the ballot box totals are close enough to require it to declare a winner.
xUT said:
Voting is a privilege not a right.
B) xUT
Googled this for your edification: http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2012/09/voting-right-or-privilege/262511/
The author is Garrett Epps, a former reporter for The Washington Post, is a novelist and legal scholar. He teaches courses in constitutional law and creative writing for law students at the University of Baltimore and lives in Washington, D.C. His new book is American Epic: Reading the U.S. Constitution.
Superb and succinct article on voting being considered a 'privilege', not a 'right' despite being specifically mentioned in the constitution as the 'right to vote' five times.
eolesen said:
As long as an ID is shown when requesting or receiving an absentee ballot, the potential for fraud goes down. But that's not the problem.

Where absentee ballots promote fraud is how they're delivered.

General mail, by seemingly apolitical postal workers on the government payroll, no signature required, and in many counties, automatically sent out as part of the early voting scam.

The harsher reality is that absentee ballots don't really matter. They aren't normally tallied unless the ballot box totals are close enough to require it to declare a winner.
Well if they really don't matter and you can't prevent fraud with 100% certainty they should do away with it.
Let me rephrase. They don't matter until you get into a situation like Florida in 2000, where you have a race so close that a manual recount has to be done.

Getting back to the actual topic.. common sense is finally prevailing amongst the judiciary. AZ's attempts to enforce their 2004 voter ID ballot proposals have now been cleared and upheld by the courts, and barring a Supreme Court challenge, it looks like it will be easier for states who want to ensure the integrity over their balloting will be able to do so.

AZ has been able to enforce voter ID when voting, but hadn't been able to modify the Federal form for motor-voter registration. The Feds blocked it, the courts have now been decided that it's permissible.
Since there have only been 10 case of voter ID fraud proven from 2000-2010 I'm not sure how this waste of tax payer money can help do anything. Of course if the real intent was something other than to prevent non-existent voter ID fraud then they will have succeeded.
Again, instead of the NAACP and AARP spending money fighting voter ID, why not spend it helping those "LEGAL" citizens who have a problem obtaing an ID,  obtain said ID?
Ms Tree said:
Since there have only been 10 case of voter ID fraud proven from 2000-2010 I'm not sure how this waste of tax payer money can help do anything. Of course if the real intent was something other than to prevent non-existent voter ID fraud then they will have succeeded.
Only those who have eyes but refuse to see, and ears but refuse to hear, ignore the massive vote fraud that was perpetrated across America in the pivotal 2012 election
As examples, there were:
  • 59 voting divisions in the city of Philadelphia where Mitt Romney did not receive a single vote.
  • Reports of voting machines repeatedly switching votes from Romney to Obama.
  • Counties with voter registration rates of more than 100%.
  • Reports of people unable to vote because records allegedly (and erroneously) showed they had already voted.
  • Reports of Obama voters being bussed in from outside the state.
  • An Obama campaign worker recorded on tape helping someone to register to vote in more than one state.
  • Tens of thousands of military overseas ballots being lost or delivered late.
For more, see “22 signs of Democrat Voter Fraud in 2012 Election.https://fellowshipofminds.wordpress...gns-of-democrat-voter-fraud-in-2012-election/
We on FOTM have been posting about evidence that the Democrats committed massive vote fraud in the 2012 presidential election. (See the post links colored neon green on FOTM’s “2012 Election” page.)
But our posts were on separate instances and types of vote fraud. Thankfully, Michael of The American Dream collated the many separate accounts of vote fraud into a list of 22, with embedded links to the sources:
#1 According to the Election Protection Coalition, voters across the United States reported more than 70,000 voting problems by 5 PM Eastern time on election day.
#2 There were 59 voting divisions in the city of Philadelphia where Mitt Romney did not receive a single vote.  In those voting divisions, the combined vote total was 19,605 for Barack Obama and 0 for Mitt Romney.
#3 The overall voter turnout rate in Philadelphia was only about 60 percent. But in the areas of Philadelphia where Republican poll watchers were illegally removed, the voter turnout rate was over 90% and Obama received over 99% of the vote. Officials in Philadelphia have already ruled out an investigation.
#4 According to WND, one poll watcher in Pennsylvania actually claims that he witnessed voting machine software repeatedly switch votes from Mitt Romney to Barack Obama:

It was in Upper Macungie Township, near Allentown, Pa., where an auditor, Robert Ashcroft, was dispatched by Republicans to monitor the vote on Election Day. He said the software he observed would “change the selection back to default – to Obama.” He said that happened in about 5 percent to 10 percent of the votes. He said the changes appeared to have been made by a software program. Ashcroft said the format for computer programming has a default status, and in this case it appeared to be designating a vote for Obama each time it went to default.
#5 Somehow Mitt Romney won 55 out of the 67 counties in the state of Pennsylvania and still managed to lose the entire state by a wide margin because of the absurd vote totals that Obama ran up in the urban areas.
#6 Barack Obama received more than 98 percent of the vote in 10 out of the 50 wards in the city of Chicago.
#7 Prior to the election, voters in the states of Nevada, North Carolina, Texas and Ohiohttp://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/02/claims-increasing-switched-votes-in-ohio/ all reported that voting machines were switching their votes for Romney over to Obama.
#8 There were more than 50 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio where Mitt Romney received 2 votes or less.
#9 There were more than 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio where Barack Obama received more than 99 times the votes that Mitt Romney did.
#10 Barack Obama also received more than 99% of the vote in a number of very important precincts down in Broward County, Florida.
#11 Wood County, Ohio (which Obama won) has a voting age population of 98,213, but somehow 106,258 voters were registered to vote on election day.
#12 Ten counties in the swing state of Colorado have a voter registration rate of more than 100%.
#13 Barack Obama did not win in a single state that absolutely requires a photo I.D. in order to vote.
#14 In Ohio, two election judges were caught allowing unregistered voters to cast ballots.
#15 Many Ohio voters that showed up at the polls on election day were surprised when they were informed that they had already voted.
#16 In fact, there were reports all over the nation of people being unable to vote because records showed that they had already voted.
#17 According to U.S. Representative Allen West, there were numerous “voting irregularities” in St. Lucie County, Florida on election day…

“The thing that spurred our curiosity in our race was the fact that at 1 o’clock in the morning on Election Night, all of a sudden there was a 4,000-vote swing that took me from being ahead to put the lead into my opponent’s hands.”

#18 In Wisconsin, there were allegations that Obama voters were actually being bussed in from out of state

The Democrats stationed a self described “BIG Chicago pro bono attorney” as one of their two observers at this small polling place. He remained at the polling place from 7:00 a.m. until well after 8😛.m. …..A high priced CHICAGO attorney, sitting in a Sheboygan WISCONSIN polling place, observing wards comprised of 1500 voters? …. WHY???
Why would someone from Chicago be observing in Sheboygan Wisconsin? And WHY at such a small polling place? Finally, isn’t it interesting that this would occur at the VERY polling place in which all of the above described events ALSO occurred? AGAIN WHY WOULD A CHICAGO ATTORNEY BE OBSERVING AN ELECTION POLLING PLACE WITH FEWER THAN 1500 VOTERS IN IT, IN SHEBOYGAN WISCONSIN? Of all the places where there has been suspected voting irregularities, and OUTRIGHT FRAUD throughout the ENTIRE United States, WHY HERE? WHY SHEBOYGAN? WHY THIS SMALL WARD?
This lawyer spent the day running in and out making, and taking calls, which coincidentally then coincided with influxes of groups of individuals by the van and bus loads, coming in to register, AND VOTE, using what appeared to be copied Allient energy bills. These individuals often did not have photo I.D.’s, could not remember their own addresses without looking at the paper, and became easily tripped, confused and annoyed when questioned.
Many of these same individuals, just so happened to be dressed in/wearing CHICAGO BEARS apparel, and whom openly discussed “catching busses back to Chicago” with each other, with poll workers, via their cell phones in the lobby area just outside the polling place, as well as in the parking lot, both before and AFTER registering and voting.
One woman was dressed head to toe in CHICAGO BEARS apparel including perfectly manicured BEARS fake fingernails! She complained because registering was taking too long and she had to hurry up to catch her bus back to Chicago.
We have photos of these people in vehicles with plates from different states, photos of them leaving the polls, and other irregularities.

#19 Prior to election day, an Obama for America staffer was caught on video trying to help someone register to vote in more than one state.
#20 It is being alleged that unions in Nevada have been registering illegal immigrants and pressuring them to vote.
#21 According to townhall.com, there was a systematic effort by the Obama campaign to suppress the military vote because they knew that most military votes would go against Obama…

Aiding Obama’s win was a devious suppression of the conservative vote. The conservative-leaning military vote has decreased drastically since 2010 due to the so-called Military Voter Protection Act that was enacted into law the year before. It has made it so difficult for overseas military personnel to obtain absentee ballots that in Virginia and Ohio there has been a 70% decrease in requests for ballots since 2008. In Virginia, almost 30,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots than in 2008. In Ohio, more than 20,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots. This is significant considering Obama won in both states by a little over 100,000 votes.

#22 According to the Naval Enlisted Reserve Association, it appears that thousands of military votes from this election will never be counted at all.
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