I can't say any clearer than I have, my position is that Every Single Person who is entitled to vote should have that opportunity, without onerous requirements and without having to pay for the privelege.
No one who is not entitled to vote, and by law that includes some citizens, should be.
The NAACP and ACLU, as champions and defenders of individual and civil rights and liberties, are working diligently to protect ALL citizens' right to vote, among other things. IMO, Anyone, regardless of political or ideological beliefs, who cares one whit about individual or civil rights and liberties would fully support their efforts.
Are you willing to deny Viviette, or others like her, her/their right to vote?
Are you willing to force people to pay to get an ID to vote?
Voter ID is fine, done right. Done right means without trampling Viviette, or anyone else's, right to vote. That includes not making anyone pay, anything, for the privelege.