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What's It Gonna Take To Get More Crjs?

Wow did this thread ever change direction.

To answer your question luvn737, I am not sure. WN isn't offering anything like that. In fact, they start at a much lower payscale than you are proposing.
USA 320,

You have the right to speak your mind like all in these forums. But---as of late you remind me of the Saturday night skit Debbie Downer. Blame doesn't save anyone. It may make you feel better--but not going to may U better. Unless you're hoping NBC is looking for a new act, you're diatribe wears--and I'm only checking these boards to see how to act politely around my U friends/neighbors and not say the wrong thing. I feel for U employees who have to listen to the chicken little campaign. Often, you provide useful updates--even to those who despise you. Just as often you annoy everyone with your downer opinions.

More updates and forward looking ideas please.

Yes, first year pay is lower. But the years after are much better than that--5 year pay is $110/hr ($98.55) for FOs. No slams intended. Just trying to keep information accurate.
foreright said:
They have continued the training for sept classes which would lead me to believe that there are more 170's on the way. I have heard that there are at least 5 in US colors ready to come up from Brazil.

USA320Pilot said:
The company told its unions that it had RJ financing arranged through the end of September

I have heard that those 5 planes are waiting to come also. (Even a MAA supervisor was saying this recently.)

If the financing has indeed been arranged through the end of September, like USA320Pilot says, doesn't that mean that MAA should still receive the ones scheduled for the September delivery? (or did we get them and I just lost track?)

Maybe I am just reading this wrong. :unsure: :huh:
Bluestreak said:
Thanks for the input guys. I spent my vacation getting a 737 type. I'm not ready to get out of aviation yet. I just want to switch to the winning team.

Unfortunately, just as in sports, they're are no "dynasties" in the airline industry. Just one continuaous cycle. If the trend continues SWA, who will be the highest paid in all crafts, will be in managements crosshairs.
Man, some of you should be spanked for going so far off topic,
BAD posters 😱ff:

BACK to the subject...

IT is obvious that IF Airways can arrange it that they would like to continue deliveries. But that would have to clear the primary creditors first, and of course have the approval of the BK Judge.

The case would have to be made that in doing so, more revenue would be brought in (than spent) when leasing each additional aircraft from GECAS. That is a tough case to argue, even if it is true. So new aircraft might have to wait until after BK no matter what.

One thing to note, from press releases Embraer sounds like they are at least talking with Airways over future plans, while Bombardier appears to not be doing so. If there is an opportunity for additional aircraft, chances are better that MDA would see resumed deliveries before PSA.

This would make sense as the CRJ mission profile can be handled by the substantial amount of CRJ/ERJ's already around. While the capabilites of and competitive advantage from the E-170's make for a better argument to bring additional E-Jets onto the property.

Probably not what you want to hear, but true. IMO the chances of in-BK aircraft are slim, but better for the E Series jets than the Canadairs. I know a downgrade to FO is tough, I took the same hit myself. But remember that up till now PSA has been sheltered from such, while ALG/PDT has not, and those at/from Mainline have had to deal with major downsizing. So it is just a symptom of the situation we all face...
Thanks Rico,

I can't complain about downgrade too much when I have friends at Piedmont with the same seniority as me that never made captain. What burns me is the fact that PSA has J4J captains with U hire dates later than my PSA hire date and they're flying here as captain. What's fair about someone with two years seniority at U being captain and I have 5 years at PSA and have to sit FO?

Hopefully the jets start coming again and all the problems go away.

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