USA320Pilot said:USAir_begins_with_u:
Also noteworthy, the S.1113(e) cuts are not negotiable and do not require membership ratification. In fact, these cuts will be imposed and could have been less, accept for union leadership failure, which could make union leaders personally liable for DFR lawsuits.
USA320Pilot said:USAir_begins_with_u:
It’s not about honor, it’s about getting the best deal for the members.
Let’s look at the facts:
On September 10 US Airways proposed the pilots take a 16.5% pay cut and on September 20 a 19.5% pay cut.
In the company’s AFA opener the company proposed a 15% pay cut.
Today both unions face a 23% pay cut.
PITbull said:Anger should be PLACED directly where it belongs...THIS INEPT MANAGMENT.
USA320Pilot said:Let;s look at the facts:
"The union is in no position to defend its contract."
Why do you need PIC time? Got a United interview coming up?Bluestreak said:I have been out on vacation for a few weeks and just found out I'm going to be downgraded to FO unless we take delivery of more CRJs. This totally stinks. I'm going to take a 50% pay cut and also be missing out on a ton of PIC time. When do you think we will be able to start taking delivery of more CRJs? If the 1113 passes, will that be enough, or will U have to secure DIP financing before GECAS saves me from living in poverty again?
Thanks for any info.
You have posted that management is not the savior and I say neither is your political buddies. They will not come to the rescue and have said so on TV. The judge will look out for the money people and the employees will be collateral damage. It will be no different then it was for all the mill workers because the airline workers are not an exceptional breed and exempt from corporate America's treachery. Yes, I know you are on the inside and I’m not, but do you really believe everything some politician tells you…not.PITbull said:Greeter,
I was told the same thing. These political leaders know what this is about and keenly are aware what this managment is about.
I have reason to believe not to fear the judge in this instance....reasonability, justice and truth will prevail.