(Off Topic - I know)
WorldTraveler, on 11 June 2011 - 06:39 AM, said:
no, Bob, we're fighting the war in the Middle East and Afghanistan because there are people who wanted to destroy the US 11 years ago and who still want to do it today.
Some of these lines would be laughable if 6000+ of our miltary people hadn't already died for the lies, not counting the 3000 in the WTC.
We have to back up quite a few years to understand what's going on in Afghanistan. Evidently, the Ruskies went in there and found immense mineral wealth and decided they'd try to take it by force. They gave up and even though he was fighting the Russians with arms supplied by the good ol' USA, bin Dickhead didn't officially surface until he decided he and his merry band didn't like us because we had the same thoughts as th Ruskies.
Remember the Murrah bulding in Oklahoma City? 170 lives wasn't enough to scare the American people into giving up their freedom but, in September of 2001, 3000+ plus 4 errant aircraft did the trick - presto, we have the Patriot Act, the identical law which the SOBs tried to get passed after McVeigh supposedly blew up the Murrah building, which is anything but patriotic. Back to the story.
After supposedly chasing the bin Pampers all over Afghanistan, he settled in Pakistan (home of crappy knives) in a compound probably built with the foreign aid the USA gave the Packits.
For the shortest period of time, NASA released a news article re: a space survey conducted from the ISS that showed immense mineral wealth in Afghanistan. That's why the Russians were there, and exactly why we're there now - paving the way for US mining interests.
Once binny was settled in, GWB turned his attention to Iraq, the dictator of which "Threatened My Daddy", with more lies about "Weapons of Mass Destruction". The major beneficiaries to that war were the US based oil companies and their "Revenue Sharing Agreements" with the Iraqi government we're now propping up and paying for. Now, our "attention" returns to binny boy.
Very much like to Panamanian dictator Noriega was our friend until he threatened to out the drug importation scheme by our own government, bin Laden became a liability and, probably being an item on the agenda when the "Lightworker" was read into office, it was decided to take him out for a temporary ratings pop, not much different than releasing a day-and-a-half of usage from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve - same logic, same effect.
The Afghanis are pissed off because we want to take from them what is rightfully theirs as cheaply as possible. (sound like anyone else we know?)
Saving the country from a group of people that want to destroy the USA, indeed. Someone's been listening to far too much of the Faux Noise Network and the Commie Noise Network. The Fascist (big business controlling government) Republicans (note: I didn't say conservatives) are this country's worst enemy.
On a lighter note, there was a joke circulating last week re: Bin Laden -
"5 years locked in the same house with three wives? He probably called the SEALs himself."