"to jump to the conclusion that DL was in error before knowing the facts"
The Delta person that made the decision to charge these fee's may very well have been following company policy but judging from the backlash, it was clearly an error. Company policy can not cover every situation and clearly (with 100% hindsight) the decision the collect these fee's was an error. The fact is that regardless of company policy or what the orders stated, Delta lost big time on this. If Delta leadership has any brains at all, they will use this as an example and train their frontline people to make better choices regarding customer service.
As far as outsourced maintenance, let's not bother with that. One of the main reasons that I left Delta Tech Ops was was I considered to be a continuing decline in the quality of maintenance. I just got sick and tired of the increasing pressure to pencil-whip, having to re-do work from the 3rd party shops and watching as the guys that did pencil-whip were rewarded with early outs while those that tried to do a proper job got punished for their efforts.
From reading your posts over the long term, I know that you are a Delta loyalist (and that is your right) that will disagree with anyone that has anything bad to say about ma Delta. I'm actually impressed that you expend so much energy defending a company that is as ethically damaged as they were financially damaged.
obviously your personal experience was bad and you see them through scratched lenses... that is not something that I expect will change and my only hope for you is that you find a way to make a living that is in line with your personal convictions and abilities. I am sure you are capable of doing good work.
While Bob Owens and some of the AA union club undoubtedly are thrilled to hear you say what you are saying about 3rd party maintenance, DL apparently has been able to operate without operational problems or being fined for the quality of its maintenance - at least at levels that draw national attention.
This forum is not appropriate for debating what constitutes good maintenance or whether it is less safe today than it was years ago but the whole world has changed... there are alot of us that don~t like alot of things... but that doesn't make them wrong or unacceptable. When there is evidence that the current way of doing maintenance is unsatisfactory - then I presume it will change.
As to the specfics of the baggage case, even the DOD can't come up with the same story:
Defense Department spokeswoman Cynthia Smith noted that airlines are in their right to charge for excess baggage, "even for service members." She said Delta had been allowing four free bags for first-class and business flights, and three free bags for active-duty military members flying coach.
"In this instance, they followed their policy and allowed three free bags for these travelers," she said, noting that the Pentagon does not "directly negotiate" with airlines over fees.
But Col. Thomas Collins, a spokesman for the Army, told Fox News Radio the baggage fees "seem to be unusual."
"Historically, the airlines have been gracious in waiving baggage fees for our troops deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan," he said.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/06/09/army-welcomes-delta-policy-shift-on-extra-baggage-fees/#ixzz1Oojlj8z0.
I doubt very seriously that the damage is major or long term. The government just like every other consumer where go where it can find the best deal.
For the rest of the military travelers who somehow thought they could be exempt from whatever charges they might incur, they might think twice about carrying a little extra cash or a credit card around - just like everyone else does.
Again my wishes for finding some sort of happiness in the means it takes to make a living.