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DL charges $2800 in bag fees to returning GIs

From one of the Boycott Delta Facebook groups, and from current AF soldier:

When military people travel, they are cut orders. Part of the orders says what entitlements the service member can claim reimbursement for when they file their travel voucher at the end of their trip. If the military members were going to have excess baggage, then the Army should have authorized excess baggage and the Soldiers should have been briefed on their entitlements for reimbursement.

Upon returning to the States, the Soldiers should have paid for the excess baggage on their Government Travel Card and then claimed it on their travel voucher where they would have fully reimbursed for the expense. If these Soldiers have to pay this out of pocket, it is the fault of the US Army not taking care of their people.


Chrystal, I fully explained that folks that don't have a GTC should receive a travel advance. If that didn't happen, that is the fault of the Army, not Delta Airlines. Delta is not responsible for taking care of Soldiers, the US Army holds that responsibility.
It's really nice thing.The information is very informative & I am benefited with it.I hope in future also you will share & inform me like this.Thanks for your cooperation.