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What Would You Do…

Well done, Skidsup.
Now if you could only get that management of yours to charge minimums there wouldn't be a problem of no non-rev pay, or of only being paid .6 hrs per day.
If operators stopped cutting each others throats (and under-paying their crews accordingly) we wouldn't need re-regulation.
It's all a "moot" point anyway. People or companies can only do to you what you ALLOW them to do to you. So if you feel that you should be paid for non-rev, ask for it. If they won't pay then you have a decision to make........stay or leave. If you stay you have agreed to ALLOW them to do that. The reasons you have for doing that are totally immaterial. They have a business to run and the same rule applies to them.
Ditto, Biggles and, Cyclic Monkey, if you really believe that would change the way those operators pay their crews, I've got a piece of waterfront in Arizona I'd like you to have a look at. B)
Geez, Downwash, I didn't realize that you had taken up listening to the top 10 on the C & W hit parade. You sold that bridge in Brooklyn did you, bought that property in Arizona and are now trying to pawn that off on some poor soul. Ya just gotta get a better real estate agent. 😀

On a serious note, I have absolutely no sympathy for the industry since de-regulation. You can work as hard as you want to establish a busines, using all the experience you have gained over the years and be shafted by just one guy. He's the one that can plunk down $50,000 in Calgary for a leased machine, contract out for his maintenance, get a grease gun and a box of KIM towels and come park his "butt' across the field from me and "chisel charter" all he wants and no government agency cares if he shafts me or anyone else because I got nothing to say about it. Once upon a time, me and a bunch of other operators would have been asked how we felt about that and he might have been told "No you can't park your butt there......apply to park your "butt' somewhere else and we'll do the procedure all over again". Good Lord....and people wonder why the rates can't or won't go up. Don't blame the majority of the owners for the state of wages either. If I run any business I'm getting the biggest wage in that company because I'm the s.o.b. that has to go down to the bank, sit in front of the manager's desk and ask for a loan or a line of credit. If some employee figures he ain't getting paid enough, then maybe he should come down to the bank with me and have the manager take out a mortgage on his house and property as security for that loan or line of credit. Until that happens, sorry folks, but I gotta compete with that guy, his leased machine and box of KIM towels. I gotta bid down there with him and your wages are going down there also or else neither of us will have an office door to open come Monday morning. There ain't nothing gonna change until that does.........except that aircraft that cost $750,000 five years ago will be double that in another five years.
Downwash: if I were You I would hold onto Arizona land because when the big quake hits "Lotus Land" it might become ocean front property.

😱 :elvis: :elvis: :blur:

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