So you have never heard of this problem and am blowing smoke? I have been on both ends of the stick so to speak and likewise have not fudged any books, doesn't mean it isn't happening. It is and you know it. Try to take the I out out what am saying and look around to what others are doing. I KNOW pilots whom have been told that they MUST have the numbers in the contract and that is all there is to it. So are they not experienced, some are and some weren't, does it make a difference to not record time in a logbook because you can't longline as fast as the next guy?
Bidding so many holes per hour on is ok too, as long as you can do the numbers, what if the winds are higher than normal or hotter than anticipated and can't do the numbers and you get skidded never to return the that customer. Small industry to be bballed in and because of a guarentee made by someone in an office. It happened and will happen again, maybe to you. Drill companies are taking advantage of the skilled drivers and the lame management of these companies and are able to pick and choose who they want and heaven help a new guy who has a bad tour, ie wind and weather against him. Holes per hour is just more ammo for them to be able to say "No this guy is OUT". You can argue that they may get rid of the pilot anyway as they can tell when production is off but if the pilot is working hard and being diplomatic have never seen them skid a pilot but as mentioned, holes per hour is their way out and to a spagetti backboned manager works like a charm.
What about the company that issued a memo to the point of whoever over bill the most will get bonuses, the pilot who won almost doubled his flight time with billed time, and we're not talking unused mins here or contact hours. That ok?
As with 90% of what goes on in this business everyone is not a bad guy but it only takes a few bad apples(in this case companies as well) to ruin the bunch.