funguy2 said:
Tim Nelson:
Great example... Air Canada has had at least one BK Plan fall through because of their labor negotiations. Although, because of the differences in BK, ownership laws in Canada, plus the completely different competitive landscape, I have not payed very close attention to Air Canada's BK.
let me hit a little closer to home,
In an article by Micheline Maynard,
Dr. Bronner said,
" "...that without concessions, we'll pull the D.I.P. financing and they're gone."
The article also cites the following text:
"the airline has asked union members for further cuts in pay and benefits. If they do not comply, Mr. Bronner said in the interview, the airline would go out of business and be liquidated in bankruptcy court. "What's their alternative?" he asked rhetorically. "If they don't want to do this , we'll Chapter 7 it."
As you can see funguy, it doesn't matter what country...when you're talking big money investments or securities, contracts need to be in place to make such huge investments stable.
Many other examples exist but I mention two because Air Canada is current and the above one is closer to home.
There are innovative and reasonable methods for management and Labor to solve the equation that I believe will bring workers and management together but the methods assume that management really wants to run this airline....something that I haven't been sold on yet. It also assumes that the IAM is bright enough to relate to members while at the same time being innovative in negotiations as opposed to 'same ole'. Herein lies the riddle, practically all the IAM members I speak with want to keep the concession stand closed regardless, but you need them to sign on to have any chance of staying out of chapter 7 so what do you do? Two hints, strong arming will meet its reward in Chapter 7, and the second hint wil bridge the riddle but it requires all ears to be open.
At any rate, I'm not convinced that the IAM knows what it's doing or what members want since they are a long way from home. Difficult situation indeed.
Interesting discussion.