AMP Drive Update:
The AMP Steering Committee would like to announce the kickoff of the Resign Campaign and thank all of you for helping collect cards thus far in removing the TWU from representing our Craft & Class at AA. The AMP Drive has reached the one year mark from when we started the drive. As you all know Authorization Cards are good for one year from when they are signed and the AMP Steering Committee has decided to continue this drive thru the first of next year. With this in mind we have ordered 10,000 more AMP Authorization Cards and ask that you please resign as soon as possible.
It has been an interesting and rewarding year in which we have met many new friends and due to everyone’s hard work cards are still being signed; but not at the pace we need to finish by the end of July. With that said a lot has been accomplished and with your help the AMP Steering Committee is presently made up of people from across the system. We have been holding weekly conference calls and sometimes several calls weekly to get where we are today.
From the beginning the AMP Steering Committee put the structure, foundation and roots of AMP in place which consist of legal consultation, AMP Constitution, AMP web site (
WWW.AMPNATIONAL.ORG), e-mail/contact data base, AMP legal filing with the government and AMP Informational Meetings across the system. Several mailings targeting 3,300 previous card signers, who have not yet signed this time. The reality is if half of these previous card signers filled out an AMP Authorization Card today we would have enough cards to file for an election between the TWU and AMP with the NMB.
Some of you might be asking why continue this drive thru the first of the year. The answer is because only on a few occasions has a card drive been completed in one year. We are very close to the required number of cards to reach our goal of filing with the NMB. We need approximately 1200 cards to reach that point and the fact that we do not have a contract makes a compelling case to finish the drive.
If you have helped to this point that is great! The AMP Steering Committee is asking for your continued help in organizing the last remaining months until we get a vote. If you are standing on the sideline we ask that you step forward and help for the next six or seven months. We have all invested a lot of time and effort to get rid of the TWU so let’s not watch all our efforts past and present go to waste. Everyone needs to get involved! If we can get all those who have helped in the past together with those who have been pushing the current drive we are certain to finish the job.
The TWU is aware of our approaching one year deadline and Jim Little has recently stated “something big is going to happen in August”. Ironically AMP Authorization Cards start to expire at the end of July and the beginning of August. If last week’s aircraft order is any indication the next TWU sell out is right around the corner. Regardless of what happens we need to keep the pressure on and fire the TWU once and for all.
Please contact and AMP Organizer to assist in getting the cards out in your shops and docks and have them resigned. This will again heighten the awareness of AMP and continue to show the company and TWU that AMP is not leaving! Again the AMP Steering Committee would like to thank all of you who have helped in the past and we ask for your continued support.
Please spread the word and forward this to all the AA title I & II contacts.
AMP Constitution From here you may print, save to your files, and/or share with others, the entire AMP Constitution.
AMP website is
AMP Facebook is
Thanks for your SUPPORT