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What the deal AMP

With almost 90 million more than this time last year. More record numbers for our 3rd Q. Record numbers in all areas. Even with the increase in fuel prices the record profits keep rolling in thanks to this time around SWA has kept ticket prices upwards to offset for the fuel price. They did not do this the last time fuel prices went thru the roof.
I also seen the articles screaming about 2019 cost. This is because our contract will come, the Pilots might get an extension offer as well as the F/A's and he is predicting 2019 to be a little increase. Kelly is finally seeing how much the company nego cmte is costing them by stalling out the nego's into 2019. The longer they stall, the more it's gonna cost them. And that is really the only pressure they will feel as far as leverage goes.
Here's the record numbers for the 3Q:

Southwest Airlines
With almost 90 million more than this time last year. More record numbers for our 3rd Q. Record numbers in all areas. Even with the increase in fuel prices the record profits keep rolling in thanks to this time around SWA has kept ticket prices upwards to offset for the fuel price. They did not do this the last time fuel prices went thru the roof.
I also seen the articles screaming about 2019 cost. This is because our contract will come, the Pilots might get an extension offer as well as the F/A's and he is predicting 2019 to be a little increase. Kelly is finally seeing how much the company nego cmte is costing them by stalling out the nego's into 2019. The longer they stall, the more it's gonna cost them. And that is really the only pressure they will feel as far as leverage goes.
Here's the record numbers for the 3Q:

Southwest Airlines
Yeah stupid that's why our stock dropped today, keep thinking SWA prints money. That 90 million more is the bonus we voted down!!!! 🙂
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Yeah stupid that's why our stock dropped today, keep thinking SWA prints money. That 90 million more is the bonus we voted down!!!! 🙂

So you think that a stock drop or rise is a one-factor item?
So you think that a stock drop or rise is a one-factor item?
No I do not, every economy has it's cycle, and we should have taken our contract and moved on. The stock price dropping is several factors fuel cost rising, labor cost going up. Trump's trade war raising the cost of raw materials such as aluminum to build aircraft. The Fed raising interest rates, causing the cost of borrowing to finance purchases for a company to go up. People taking their profits from stock and putting it in other assets. When the economy slows from all these head winds, then it makes it harder to raise air fares to pay for the cost of doing business. However when you have simple minded people your or our union can fool, and keep telling you the company is screwing you, you believe it, and take forever to settle contracts.
No I do not, every economy has it's cycle, and we should have taken our contract and moved on. The stock price dropping is several factors fuel cost rising, labor cost going up. Trump's trade war raising the cost of raw materials such as aluminum to build aircraft. The Fed raising interest rates, causing the cost of borrowing to finance purchases for a company to go up. People taking their profits from stock and putting it in other assets. When the economy slows from all these head winds, then it makes it harder to raise air fares to pay for the cost of doing business. However when you have simple minded people your or our union can fool, and keep telling you the company is screwing you, you believe it, and take forever to settle contracts.

Simple minded people, that support the Industrial Unionism of today that attack the President for removing negative trade tariffs that favor foreign governments.
Would you rather have the Chinese controlling our trade? Are you against the president's attempts to fire up steel mills and create jobs? I would rather pay more knowing unemployment
is at the current low.

Why have the Chinese agreed so easily and the North Koreans backing off of a nuclear posture?

Perhaps you should run for a leadership post?
Simple minded people, that support the Industrial Unionism of today that attack the President for removing negative trade tariffs that favor foreign governments.
Would you rather have the Chinese controlling our trade? Are you against the president's attempts to fire up steel mills and create jobs? I would rather pay more knowing unemployment
is at the current low.

Why have the Chinese agreed so easily and the North Koreans backing off of a nuclear posture?

Perhaps you should run for a leadership post?
I am actually a Republican and vote republican, the fact is regardless if you create jobs, the tariffs raise the cost of doing business, you totally ignored my post. If you are a Republican that you claim industrial unions or independent unions, the guy representing the company only wants to pay you so much, and that will never change. Obviously I touched a nerve and set you off.
I am actually a Republican and vote republican, the fact is regardless if you create jobs, the tariffs raise the cost of doing business, you totally ignored my post. If you are a Republican that you claim industrial unions or independent unions, the guy representing the company only wants to pay you so much, and that will never change. Obviously I touched a nerve and set you off.

I too am a Republican and it looked to me as if you were attacking the president's current trade policy. If I read you wrong I apologize, but your defense of the Teamsters makes no sense. I did not ignore you I have a problem with all of the jobs going overseas and I agree the company is only going to pay so much.
Yeah stupid that's why our stock dropped today, keep thinking SWA prints money. That 90 million more is the bonus we voted down!!!! 🙂
You need to,get over it the members voted no. I had to get over our members voting in the worst twu contracts offered. And in. 03 and 12 twu should of got snap back. You got big jets who also blame us no voters. You can’t keep settling for any company offers . Contract lately last 5 to 6 years and another 5 are plus years to get a new contract. like all company’s swa,seems not to worried about printing money to get there bouneses . That 90 million if I Romberg correct and right now I’m in the hospital on drugs I could be wrong and say that was not full,retro. Our story ass twu want even try to get us retro on the holidays we have missed since merger like the iam gets. That’s a more money lost then iam losing there insurance . But us twu AA are the step child’s . It’s ok to fight for the iam insurance but not important for AA twu to get what they lost in holidays. Since merger. . As a amt I would love to be in your position swa now knows it didn’t get its way of low balling y’all. And I much feel more better with AMFA as my union. . After 33 years I’m not leaving so I’m stuck with the association until our members in maitance wake up sign amp cards are amfa witch ever one. Industry unions in my opinion are not any good for the airline business. And us AA twu members have been in bk for 15 years . So we have paid our dues. But with the association the way it’s wrote both leaders have to vote for it to be brought back . What a pos way for our association to be ran.
You need to,get over it the members voted no. I had to get over our members voting in the worst twu contracts offered. And in. 03 and 12 twu should of got snap back. You got big jets who also blame us no voters. You can’t keep settling for any company offers . Contract lately last 5 to 6 years and another 5 are plus years to get a new contract. like all company’s swa,seems not to worried about printing money to get there bouneses . That 90 million if I Romberg correct and right now I’m in the hospital on drugs I could be wrong and say that was not full,retro. Our story ass twu want even try to get us retro on the holidays we have missed since merger like the iam gets. That’s a more money lost then iam losing there insurance . But us twu AA are the step child’s . It’s ok to fight for the iam insurance but not important for AA twu to get what they lost in holidays. Since merger. . As a amt I would love to be in your position swa now knows it didn’t get its way of low balling y’all. And I much feel more better with AMFA as my union. . After 33 years I’m not leaving so I’m stuck with the association until our members in maitance wake up sign amp cards are amfa witch ever one. Industry unions in my opinion are not any good for the airline business. And us AA twu members have been in bk for 15 years . So we have paid our dues. But with the association the way it’s wrote both leaders have to vote for it to be brought back . What a pos way for our association to be ran.
Conehead, what happened? Why you in the hospital?? You will laugh at your post when you get out and get off the meds, but I still got every point you made. Hope you get well soon and get back home. Prayers are with you and yours conehead...
Edit, BTW; I assume you are chatting with IGM yes voter. He will never get over it. He was one of those guys that had his shopping cart completely full of all his new toys he was going to by with his retro and bonus checks. Then reality sat in when 75% of the membership voted NO with 96.5% of the membership voting. Would have been 97% but one member forgot to press submit button. With those kind of numbers it is obvious why the company replaced their nego team after 6 years of NO results.
Conehead I can only hope with this new nego cmte coming in we will have some good news to report sometime early next year. We will see how serious the company is in Nov. Good luck.
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Conehead, what happened? Why you in the hospital?? You will laugh at your post when you get out and get off the meds, but I still got every point you made. Hope you get well soon and get back home. Prayers are with you and yours conehead...
Edit, BTW; I assume you are chatting with IGM yes voter. He will never get over it. He was one of those guys that had his shopping cart completely full of all his new toys he was going to by with his retro and bonus checks. Then reality sat in when 75% of the membership voted NO with 96.5% of the membership voting. Would have been 97% but one member forgot to press submit button. With those kind of numbers it is obvious why the company replaced their nego team after 6 years of NO results.
Conehead I can only hope with this new nego cmte coming in we will have some good news to report sometime early next year. We will see how serious the company is in Nov. Good luck.
I was walking got vertigo slipped and fell broke my left hip . Had surgery yesterday yes I’m on morphine and I’ll read them when I get home thanks for prayers. Yes it’s the Igm
I too am a Republican and it looked to me as if you were attacking the president's current trade policy. If I read you wrong I apologize, but your defense of the Teamsters makes no sense. I did not ignore you I have a problem with all of the jobs going overseas and I agree the company is only going to pay so much.
Sorry I misunderstood you. I just feel AMFA is limited in what they can achieve, and some people Swamt refuses to admit that.I wish we didn't need a union, but sometimes it is a necessity.
You need to,get over it the members voted no. I had to get over our members voting in the worst twu contracts offered. And in. 03 and 12 twu should of got snap back. You got big jets who also blame us no voters. You can’t keep settling for any company offers . Contract lately last 5 to 6 years and another 5 are plus years to get a new contract. like all company’s swa,seems not to worried about printing money to get there bouneses . That 90 million if I Romberg correct and right now I’m in the hospital on drugs I could be wrong and say that was not full,retro. Our story ass twu want even try to get us retro on the holidays we have missed since merger like the iam gets. That’s a more money lost then iam losing there insurance . But us twu AA are the step child’s . It’s ok to fight for the iam insurance but not important for AA twu to get what they lost in holidays. Since merger. . As a amt I would love to be in your position swa now knows it didn’t get its way of low balling y’all. And I much feel more better with AMFA as my union. . After 33 years I’m not leaving so I’m stuck with the association until our members in maitance wake up sign amp cards are amfa witch ever one. Industry unions in my opinion are not any good for the airline business. And us AA twu members have been in bk for 15 years . So we have paid our dues. But with the association the way it’s wrote both leaders have to vote for it to be brought back . What a pos way for our association to be ran.
I hope your hip feels better, you're right I just hate going forever, and yes I haven't walked in your guys shoes in a long time. But was at Midway , went bankrupt, started over with Morris Air, bought by SWA, zero seniority, but had a job. So it just gets old, but Good Lord has always gotten me through it, prayers for a good recovery, and your physical therapy goes well, and you get back to work soon.
Conehead, what happened? Why you in the hospital?? You will laugh at your post when you get out and get off the meds, but I still got every point you made. Hope you get well soon and get back home. Prayers are with you and yours conehead...
Edit, BTW; I assume you are chatting with IGM yes voter. He will never get over it. He was one of those guys that had his shopping cart completely full of all his new toys he was going to by with his retro and bonus checks. Then reality sat in when 75% of the membership voted NO with 96.5% of the membership voting. Would have been 97% but one member forgot to press submit button. With those kind of numbers it is obvious why the company replaced their nego team after 6 years of NO results.
Conehead I can only hope with this new nego cmte coming in we will have some good news to report sometime early next year. We will see how serious the company is in Nov. Good luck.
You don't even know me, I needed to get some repairs on my 20 year old house, I don't spend money foolishly or have $70,000 trucks like you see in Dallas, with you guys working overtime like people trying to support a drug habit, so F off !!!
I was walking got vertigo slipped and fell broke my left hip . Had surgery yesterday yes I’m on morphine and I’ll read them when I get home thanks for prayers. Yes it’s the Igm

That's what I thought.
How you doing now?
Is the hip replaced or rebuilt?
How long on rebuilding?
More prayers coming brother...
Sorry I misunderstood you. I just feel AMFA is limited in what they can achieve, and some people Swamt refuses to admit that.I wish we didn't need a union, but sometimes it is a necessity.

Why no Mafia ties?

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