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What the deal AMP

Oops, I did not mean to make you snap and use all your ammo at once...LMAO...sorry bro!
Ok. I'll TRY to rise to the challenge. Yes! I am perfectly fine to stay status quo for what ever period of time it takes for ALL fscs to attain a cost POSITIVE contract.
Your turn.
No you just want to keep your insurance you can take your insurance I want your holidays and holiday pay
FYI The Company and the Association haven’t even begun discussing Medical expenses yet. FYI.

Has anyone seen Gotti? I have a question for him as well.
For my bro AANOTOK to tickle his funny bone.

Once upon a time there lived an old miser man
By the name of Silas Stingy
He carried all his money in a little black box
Which was heavy as a rock, with a big padlock
All the little kids would shout when Silas was about
Money, money, money bags (money, money, money bags)
There goes mingy Stingy, there goes mingy Stingy
Money, money, money bags (money, money, money bags)
There goes mingy Stingy, there goes mingy Stingy

Silas didn't eat, which was just as well
He would starve himself for a penny
He wore old clothes and he never washed
'Cause soap cost a lot and the dirt kept him hot
All the little kids would shout when Silas was about
Money, money, money bags (money, money, money bags)
There goes mingy Stingy, there goes mingy Stingy
Money, money, money bags (money, money, money bags)
There goes mingy Stingy, there goes mingy Stingy

In the back of his head was a voice that said
"Someone will steal it all
You'll be lying in the gutter with an empty box
The thieves will be having a ball"
Money, money, money bags (money, money, money bags)
There goes mingy Stingy, there goes mingy Stingy
Money, money, money bags (money, money, money bags)
There goes mingy Stingy, there goes mingy Stingy

He bought a safe to put the box in
And a house to put the safe in
And a watchdog on a chain to make quite sure
And his face was very funny
When he counted up his money
And he realized he hadn't any more
Money, money, money bags (money, money, money bags)
There goes mingy Stingy, there goes mingy Stingy
Money, money, money bags (money, money, money bags)
There goes mingy Stingy, there goes mingy Stingy

Check it out Bro, you may can get some help! And this isn't a meme or video, it's an offer you should consider.

Employee Assistance Program


Our Employee Assistance Program is to provide the highest quality support, counseling, referral, follow-up and resources for employees, retirees and their family members with problems of Alcohol/Drug addiction, psychological issues, stress, depression and family or marriage conflicts. EAP also does Critical Incident Management when a tragic or stressful incident occurs. The EAP not only offers solutions but also focuses on prevention. We are dedicated to responding quickly to the needs of the individual, making confidentiality a top priority.

Work stresses affect our lives and personal challenges affect the way we function at work every day. It is important to encourage early detection of issues before they affect his/her job performance and provide a resource for troubled employees to reduce problems that can affect the workplace and home. We reduce traditional barriers for seeking help and are committed to provide a non-threatening environment that makes every effort to put the individual at ease.

We strive to improve an individual’s quality of life. Members and Loved one's wellbeing is our mission.

“Improving Life”

That is Our Promise – That is Our Vision!
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Check it out Bro, you may can get some help! And this isn't a meme or video, it's an offer you should consider.

Employee Assistance Program


Our Employee Assistance Program is to provide the highest quality support, counseling, referral, follow-up and resources for employees, retirees and their family members with problems of Alcohol/Drug addiction, psychological issues, stress, depression and family or marriage conflicts. EAP also does Critical Incident Management when a tragic or stressful incident occurs. The EAP not only offers solutions but also focuses on prevention. We are dedicated to responding quickly to the needs of the individual, making confidentiality a top priority.

Work stresses affect our lives and personal challenges affect the way we function at work every day. It is important to encourage early detection of issues before they affect his/her job performance and provide a resource for troubled employees to reduce problems that can affect the workplace and home. We reduce traditional barriers for seeking help and are committed to provide a non-threatening environment that makes every effort to put the individual at ease.

We strive to improve an individual’s quality of life. Members and Loved one's wellbeing is our mission.

“Improving Life”

That is Our Promise – That is Our Vision!

Yuck (Little Green puking man) Is this your comeback? I think you can do better?

Bbbbbboooooorrrriiiiinnnnnnggggggg!!!!!! Yawn.
Oh that’s right wait a minute. We’re the larger group so they have to do what we want right? “ROLL CALL”[/QUOTE]

Larger group? There is the exact same number of IAM/TWU members in the Association!
So you are going to tell me that if YOU were in our position, you would gladly vote yourself a pay cut?

So you are happy to vote yourself a pay raise at our expense?

I rest my case.
Bin, I never said such a thing as you state. An old poster use to do the same thing to me years ago, and you are doing the same, trying to put words into my mouth (post) not gonna let that happen again.
I simply said in order for you guys to get a contract the majority will have to be pleased over the NON-majority. This simply means that by the company leaning towards the TWU side of the membership it will draw enough yes votes to get a contract, if they do not, then the TWU membership will not vote for a contract until they do.
And this is exactly why the mechanics need to get out of this fleet union, so they will be heard and taken care of. Until then, fleet will get more taken care of over mechanics period. It's a simple numbers game gentlemen. And until the membership realizes this they will have to deal with the consequences in the long run. You guys were the ones that drove this pathetic ass. creation from 2 totally different unions. Now you will get to deal with it, carry in Bin...
I rest my case.
Bin, I never said such a thing as you state. An old poster use to do the same thing to me years ago, and you are doing the same, trying to put words into my mouth (post) not gonna let that happen again.
I simply said in order for you guys to get a contract the majority will have to be pleased over the NON-majority. This simply means that by the company leaning towards the TWU side of the membership it will draw enough yes votes to get a contract, if they do not, then the TWU membership will not vote for a contract until they do.
And this is exactly why the mechanics need to get out of this fleet union, so they will be heard and taken care of. Until then, fleet will get more taken care of over mechanics period. It's a simple numbers game gentlemen. And until the membership realizes this they will have to deal with the consequences in the long run. You guys were the ones that drove this pathetic ass. creation from 2 totally different unions. Now you will get to deal with it, carry in Bin...
I call crap on your statement. You preached AMFA,for years on here, until that became a dead horse. Then it's AMP will solve American Airlines mechanics problems. The big picture is Parker, and not the TWU. We have one of the best Unions for mechanics according to you with the most successful Airline, and we can't get an acceptable agreement that can pass a vote in over 6 years. And from the last company email might be solved in 2019, so will we go 7+? Only time will tell.
I call crap on your statement. You preached AMFA,for years on here, until that became a dead horse. Then it's AMP will solve American Airlines mechanics problems. The big picture is Parker, and not the TWU. We have one of the best Unions for mechanics according to you with the most successful Airline, and we can't get an acceptable agreement that can pass a vote in over 6 years. And from the last company email might be solved in 2019, so will we go 7+? Only time will tell.

So you are saying what a great job the Teamsters are doing? (Dead Horse).

At American, the mechanics have gone decades without equal compensation amongst their peers.
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I call crap on your statement. You preached AMFA,for years on here, until that became a dead horse. Then it's AMP will solve American Airlines mechanics problems. The big picture is Parker, and not the TWU. We have one of the best Unions for mechanics according to you with the most successful Airline, and we can't get an acceptable agreement that can pass a vote in over 6 years. And from the last company email might be solved in 2019, so will we go 7+? Only time will tell.

And I will call crap on your statement. Tell the complete truth. The big picture is this abortion called the association that we did not get to vote on is the problem. From here forward everytime we go into neg it is going to drag on for years because of the two unions have different ways of thinking and the MEMBERSHIP is the ones who are going to pay the price. If we were lied to under the AMFA or AMP we would be able to have them removed from office. Someone like yourself (industrial union loyalist) that can't think for themselves needs an industrial union to tell you what you need. You must be a pathetic crew chief that RATS his crew out. The bottom line is at SWA you wanted a vote because you thought it would go your way but it didn't and now you are whining like a 2 year old. The negotiating team at SWA did the right thing. You would have been whining even more in a year or 2 if that TA would have passed. Of course that could have been your plan all along to try and get your beloved ibt back on the property.
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And I will call crap on your statement. Tell the complete truth. The big picture is this abortion called the association that we did not get to vote on is the problem. From here forward everytime we go into neg it is going to drag on for years because of the two unions have different ways of thinking and the MEMBERSHIP is the ones who are going to pay the price. If we were lied to under the AMFA or AMP we would be able to have them removed from office. Someone like yourself (industrial union loyalist) that can't think for themselves needs an industrial union to tell you what you need. You must be a pathetic crew chief that RATS his crew out. The bottom line is at SWA you wanted a vote because you thought it would go your way but it didn't and now you are whining like a 2 year old. The negotiating team at SWA did the right thing. You would have been whining even more in a year or 2 if that TA would have passed. Of course that could have been your plan all along to try and get your beloved ibt back on the property.
Give me a break , it was a fair offer in my eyes, you guys couldn't find your way out of a wet sack. You guys,talk card drive , you can't even get a card drive for one union. Your enemy isn't your union it's the fact your company went bankrupt.Why is it every major airline that AMFA was,at they have been removed, that had money problems. AMFA is no better than an Industrial union, they won't release voting details they just say it,failed. They do surveys won't release the results of that to the membership. You're just mad the IAM had a superior contract, and you do not. Now SWA stock has dropped 5% today on our cost going up. AMFA convinced guys to vote no, because there is more money on the table. AMFA doesn't write the checks. So where is all the new money coming from? The last card we have is maybe ETOPS, but If the company gets it without us, then we have nothing.
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