Kind of ironic how progress occurs when things are on the line. Now produce a T.A. and solve some more of your problems.
I understand what you are saying but M&M is right, I too believe there was NO progress. They will twist and fudge any kind of update now going forward to look as if it is moving forward now that the AMP cards are flying, don't fooled guys.
Point 2; In the latest update under the "AMP stories" (you just gotta love that title, huh?" 6 bullet points they pointed out:
They answer all of them with "not true" with no explanation what so ever.
1- About honoring current T/A's. No the co. does not "have" to or can or will be forced to, however, they very easily can and should in the order of keep progress moving forward. For every one the co. wants to pull out of, the the new and improved union, AMP can and should pick another one to re-open. (that might put a suden stop to them trying that)
2- This one made me laugh out loud. Everyone knows that the asso. will not continue nego's once a filing has taken place. Yes they will stop, but, they will also resume with the new and improved union, AMP.
3- This is the same bullet point as #2. But I will add; If the co. decides to stall even more because of the change then it will be for the stall tactics not because they have too, period.
4- AMP can sue the co. and the union for whatever they want too or as they see needed. However let's look at it in a way the union and company does not want you guys to think about. The asso. after being removed, if they are truely working in the interest of the membership would set dates to meet with new AMP leaders, and the new and improved nego teams to share all details thus far within nego's. The company could very easily do the same. My prediction is, they (both sides) will not, because they (both sides) are only working in the interest of themselves, both co. and asso. not looking out for the membership, period.
5- This bullet point is absolutely true. However, by installing the phrase, "nobody can predict what the co. might do", is just another scare tactic to scare some members. The co. has to honor current agreement until the new and improved union, AMP gets the new contract done. Remember, it will not be AMP wanting to start from scratch, this would only be a move by the co. with the help from the asso/TWU/IAM to stall out nego's as long as possible to blame it all on AMP. Trust me, this all happened with us after we fired the reamsters.
6- Bullet point #6 is just another stall scare tactic by the asso.. Yes it will take time to get things in place and up and running, however, it will not as long as they are trying to indicate. The AMP constitution is pretty much done deal. The voting process will take place as AMP allows all officers to be "ELECTED" into their positions by the membership not assigned or appointed by the "buddy-buddy" system like the asso/TWU/IAM/industrial unions do. The asso wants everyone to think it will take forever for AMP to get up and running, Simply, as they always answer "NOT TRUE!!!"